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Jumping Out of a Train

This time, Lily was the one to drag Enola completely the opposite way. It wasn't in the two girls' nature to leave people like that. Lily knew what this man with the brown hat was capable of, and was sure that Tewkesbury wouldn't be able to defend himself.

When the two girls were back at the same compartment they were in before, they both leaned down to see what was happening in the compartment, only to be met with a sight of Tewkesbury hanging onto an open door for dear life, and the one and the only man with the brown bowler hat threatening to let go of him and let him fall. Once Tewkesbury fell- Well, that was for God to judge after.

Lily's eyes widened in shock, as did Enola's. At first, Lily wasn't sure what to do since she was so shocked she couldn't move, but fortunately, Enola took charge and opened the door to the compartment quickly. The two girls moved into the carriage quietly and carefully and looked around the place to see what they could do.

Lily saw the man's cane lying on the cushion next to her. She quickly grabbed the cane and marched over to the man. She wasn't really sure what she could do with it but decided that she should do something fast because she was sure that if the man didn't drop Tewkesbury now, he probably would do it a second after. Lily lifted her arms back and smacked the man on the back of the head.

He quickly let go of Tewkesbury, who thankfully had a grip on the door so he wouldn't fall. Lily threw the cane to Enola and rushed to grab Tewkesbury by his jacket. She barely reached him, but when she did, she saw how close the train was getting to the rock tunnel and quickly grabbed him and tugged him towards her.

With a swift movement, Tewkesbury was back on the floor, and the door was broken off of its hinges. Lily couldn't move nor speak as she found herself in super close proximity to the boy she'd just saved.

He was quite tall since he towered over her and he stared at her while he was breathing deeply. Lily had to look up slightly to see him and saw a thin layer of sweat dripping down his forehead. The blonde's eyes widened as she took a step back once she noticed how close the two were. "Let's go, we don't have much time," Lily said as she grabbed the sleeve of Tewkesbury's jacket and Enola's wrist.

Lily let Enola drag her instead since she was better in these types of situations. The three of them ran down the hall and inside a door while Tewkesbury was panicking. "Who is that? He was trying to kill me!" He fretted, annoying Lily even more as she started to wonder to herself if saving him was worth it after all.

"Yeah, and we aren't ready to die at all. We weren't going to before we met you!" Lily snapped back at him as she continued to walk fast behind Enola. Lily smirked once she heard the boy 'huff' loudly somewhere behind her.

"Where are we going?" Tewkesbury asked again.

"I don't know yet, let me think!" Enola said loudly over the engines of the train.

Lily caught up to Enola so they were running side by side so they could quickly share some escape plans with each other. Lily peeked her head through a random compartment that was open. She didn't bother to look at the people in there, only looking at the landscape. She might've had an idea...

"Terribly sorry," Tewkesbury apologized to the people in the carriage as Lily stepped back and continued to run. She despised Enola's plan that made her wear a fancy dress. They were terribly uncomfortable to run in.

"Door!" Lily yelled out, stating the obvious as she pointed at a black door. Enola rushed and reached the black door first and pried it open. She was about to step out, but Lily seized her by the back of her collared shirt and pushed her back as Enola gasped.

Lily scanned her surroundings, trying her hardest to think of the best way to get off this train without losing certain body parts. Enola helped her look around. "Is this truly the best way to come?" Tewkesbury asked from beside Lily.

"Can you think of a better way?" Enola and Lily snarked back, not bothering to glance back at him. Lily breathed out quickly as she took a huge step forward, over the crack the train had where two wagons were connected to each other, and landed on the other side. Enola slowly followed Lily's lead, then finally Tewkesbury shuddered quickly as he looked down.

"Don't look down," Lily said with a reassuring tone. Lily knew that if she continued to yell at everyone at a time like this, it would only make everyone even angrier and scared, and they didn't need any more of those emotions. She looked up at Tewkesbury and offered him a wobbly smile. Tewkesbury looked at Lily with adoration. He was amazed at how she looked and sounded so calm during a situation like this.

As the boy start shuffling to the side slightly, Lily started moving carefully and grabbed onto a random pole that was on the side of the wagon. She took a deep breath in and released it as she turned the corner carefully, as she prayed her dress wouldn't cause her to slip.

Slowly, Enola followed Lily's footsteps, and once she saw the side perspective of the train, her eyes widened as an idea popped into her head. All Enola had to do was point to the grassy slope beside the rocky bridge and Lily quickly understood. They were going to have to jump.

Lily looked back at Tewkesbury and yelled over the loud engines. "Do you trust me?!" She asked him.

"You, yes! Her, no!" Tewkesbury yelled back to her.

Lily had to admit that her heart slightly fluttered as he said that he trusted her, and had to stop herself from laughing at Enola for not being trusted by him because of the situation they were in.

"If we time it correctly, we can leave him stranded!" Enola informed Tewkesbury as she looked back at him as well.

"Time what correctly?" He asked, confused by the whole situation. Lily knew that she couldn't be in charge of timing since she didn't trust herself completely with that job, and after all, it was Enola's idea, she knew better. Lily and Enola ignored Tewkesbury's concerned question and looked back at the rocky bridge that was getting closer and closer to them.

Enola quickly grabbed both Tewkesbury's hand and Lily's, getting ready to jump. Lily looked back at Tewkesbury, this time with a strict look on her face. "Listen, Tewkesbury, we have two choices!"

"And which one involves me not dying?!" He asked frantically. Lily groaned in annoyance at his pettiness and was about to yell at him, completely abandoning the fact that just a second ago, she was calm towards the boy, but was cut off short when the black door swung open, revealing the same man that was hunting now, not only Tewkesbury but Enola and Lily as well.

Lily couldn't help but shriek at the sight of the man grinning evilly at them. They were running out of time, and Lily had to act fast. She looked back to make sure everyone was holding each other, and then she yelled out, "this one!" As all three of them jumped off of the train and down towards the grass as the man in the brown bowler hat narrowly missed snatching Tewkesbury.



Guys I giggled impossibly loud when Tewkes said that he trusts Lily and not Enola.

Now that I read that another way it seems so evil but oh well🤷‍♀️😘

Idk what else to say tbh thanks for reading tho I love u all🩵

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