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"This is not going perfectly,"

Lily was thankful that the Viscount stayed quiet while she was rambling. She took a short breath in and held it for a couple of seconds to calm down, while Enola and Tewkesbury had something that looked strangely like a staring contest.

Lily furrowed her brows and stared at the two. Where they really serious right now? Having a staring contest? "Oh, goodness," Lily mumbled to herself. Eventually, she'd had enough of staring back and forth at the two, wondering who will blink first, and snapped her fingers in front of their faces to snap them out of their weird and honestly, quite silly game.

Tewkesbury stared for another second, making Lily roll her eyes at his unknown stubbornness, then he eventually spoke up. "You two remind me of my uncle," Tewkesbury said. "I've left him at the station,"

Lily thought back to the time when she was at the train station and remembered two neatly-dressed women and a man that wore a suit walking around the train station, possibly looking for something, but in this case, someone. Enola furrowed her brows in confusion, and Lily guessed she might not have seen the man when she first arrived, but Lily, however, remembered the two women and the older man clearly. He might've even helped calm down Otto at the train station.

"He's bossy too," Tewkesbury continued while he adjusted his blazer. "Left them all: my mother, my grandmother," He said as he stood up from his spot and went over to the dusty bag that he was hiding in that was still on the ground. He picked up the bag which caused more dust to erupt from it, somehow, and he placed it on the self above Enola and Lily. The two girls had to scooch over to the side to avoid being covered in dust. "But I'm fine," The boy said as he looked down at the two girls in front of him, although he didn't sound fine. He sounded like he was trying to convince himself that he was fine, but Lily could see right through him. "I'm free," he stated as he continued to convince himself even more. Lily tried her hardest to cover her giggles with a small cough.

"Good," Enola said to him sarcastically as she raised his eyebrows at him in concern. Lily smiled slightly. "Get out of the carriage then," Enola told him as she glanced over at the compartment door.

Tewkesbury's lips formed a tight line at Enola's stubbornness. He nodded slowly to himself as he tried to figure out what to say to Enola but fought it off. He stared outside the clear door as he bounced on the balls of his feet. "A man in a brown bowler hat?" He asked unsurely. Lily nodded carefully as she stared at him while he was breathing quite heavily.

Tewkesbury opened the door slightly and peeked his head out to see if anyone was coming. He glanced back at Enola, then at Lily. She was awfully quiet right now. Was she still upset? He asked himself, still looking at her while Enola and she looked uneasy. "It'll be fine," He said to them, although it sounded a lot like he was still trying to convince himself.

Tewkesbury repeated a couple more "It'll be fine's" and he walked out the compartment door, sharing one last look with Lily. The blonde girl would be lying if she felt that something was off and wrong. It was like a feeling inside of her, like her mind flashing a bright red light in her eyes saying, "something's wrong! Something's wrong! Something's wrong!" But Lily shoved that thought deep inside of her and ignored it.

Enola let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding in and visibly relaxed. The two girls sat quietly for a while, which was odd for both of them. But, eventually, Lily spoke up, "Enola?" She asked her friend as she turned to look at her.

"Yes?" The brunette asked, looking at Lily.

"Do you think we did a bad thing as to send him out of this compartment?" Lily asked unsurely as she started playing with a ring on her finger that Enola gifted her.

It took Enola a second to answer as if she was rethinking everything she told Tewkesbury, but eventually, she looked back up at Lily and shook her head. "No. We have to go our separate ways. We shouldn't have even spoken to him," Enola said sternly. Lily knew her best friend well enough to know that she felt a little uneasy herself, but Lily also knew that Enola was right. They would've been in a lot of danger and trouble if the man in the brown bowler hat had found the two girls talking with the Viscount, even if they were raging at him to leave their compartment.

"But, technically, he was in this compartment first," Lily said with a smirk. Enola rolled her eyes at her friend's unusual joke. Lily was about to say another odd joke that she'd heard from somewhere but was interrupted by a loud bang that came somewhere from behind her. Lily jumped from the loud noise that startled her and shrieked, while Enola stared at the source of the loud noise with wide eyes. Lily put a hand over her chest to calm down her heart's pace and turned around to see what Enola was looking at.

To say that Lily wasn't expecting him back here was an understatement. Did he really not get a clue from her huge rampage about not trying to die just yet because of him? Curse this beautiful boy...

"He's coming!" Tewkesbury said hurriedly as he rushed inside the compartment. Lily's eyebrows furrowed with slight annoyance, as did Enola's.

"Of course," Lily said sarcastically with a sigh as she rubbed her forehead.

"He's checking every carriage!" The boy said frantically as he paced around the carriage, making Lily.

"quite pacing. You're making my head hurt." Lily said to the boy who abruptly stopped pacing to face her. Tewkesbury stared at Lily for half a moment and then continued to pace again. She groaned loudly as she slid down her seat. "That's quite wonderful, Tewkesbury," Lily said sarcastically as she still held her head in her hands.

"You have to help me," The boy begged. Lily was shocked he wasn't on his knees right about now. The thought make her snort quietly. Lily saw Enola stand up and grab her jacket, then she grabbed Lily's wrist. "He didn't see me," Tewkesbury said to both the girls and him.

"Of course he did," Enola said, also annoyed by the boy's actions to specifically come back to this carriage where they both are in and Lily immediately took back her worries for kicking him out of their carriage. "Therefore, we say good day to you, Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether," Enola said, lifting Lily up with a grunt as she turned to face the taller boy.

Since Lily was slightly tired from crying almost all night and getting up at an awful hour, too early in the morning for her, she was slightly grumpy. So, when Enola and she were right outside the carriage before Lily could close the glass door, she made sure to glare at him tiredly. He only smirked at her. "You really do remind me of my uncle. You have that same stare," He told her.

Lily rolled her eyes. "I take that to great offence," she said to him, partially joking. She shut the compartment door as Enola continued to lead her through the hall. Lily kept her eyes on the ground, forcing herself to stay awake, but looked up when she felt Enola tense beside her and saw her getting shoved to the side.

"Oh, come on!" Lily grumbled as she saw the exact man with the brown bowler hat walk past the two girls as he peeked into each compartment. Enola looked back at the man, then at Lily. The brunette friend had a look of worry on her face, then slowly, Lily copied her expression. That man was going to do something awful to Tewkesbury.

Enola took a deep breath in and turned to continue walking away, holding onto Lily a little tighter than before. Lily had to refrain herself from walking back and helping the boy as she curled her fingers into a fist and dug her nails into the palm of her hand. She winced slightly. The two girls heard a compartment door open and the man speaking to Tewkesbury. Lily's eyes widened. She had to do something. She couldn't just let the boy get hurt, or worse, die.

Enola continued to pull Lily along with her, but they both stopped abruptly when they heard someone struggling, and then a yell. "This is not going perfectly," Lily grumbled as she turned back towards the compartment.



Lily has deep anger issues (like me) and I am living for her slander towards everyone. (Literally me when I'm mad)

Anyways Lily basically checks off all boxes on my list of girls I'd date and eventually marry so I'll just take her rn before her and Tewkes get too attached. Perfect? Great!

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