Chapter Two

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Third-person pov:

Grayson was shocked as Oliver was hugging him so tightly. For a toddler, his grip is stronger. As much as he doesn't like physical touch, he couldn't push him away. He was never good with words but he never even try to comfort someone. He doesn't know how to do that. He never even hold his brothers when they were little.

Grayson slowly raised his hands and wrapped them around the smaller boy so gently, not touching him like he will break if he hold him tightly. Grayson let him hug him for a few minutes and tried to pull away after some time. Oliver sniffled shaking his head as his big brown eyes are staring at him with only hope: "Big brother"

Grayson let out a sharp breath and said coldly: "I'm not leaving you. We just have to sign a few papers to take you with us"

Oliver shook his head once again as his dirty hands held his coat tightly in his tiny fists don't want his big brother to leave him. Rio was nice and he even showed him the picture of Grayson telling him that he is his big brother who is coming to get him but he doesn't wanna leave his brother and stay here.

Grayson tried once again: "c'mon Kai, I'm not leaving. Why I'm here when I wanna just leave you?"

Oliver couldn't help but flinch at the loudness in his voice. Grayson was just tired and frustrated due to his last night's work and he never deals with kids so he doesn't know how to talk to them. He is trying to keep his voice low and soft but it only comes out rough and cold.

Oliver slowly pulled his tiny hands back from his coat and said looking down and moving back slowly as new tears brimmed in his eyes once again: "I sorry. Kai no bad boy. No, punish, please. Kai do all work"

Grayson's heart clenched at his statement as he is just maybe 2 or 3 years old and what about all work? That bitch was making him do all the chores, his baby brother. He took a shaky breath when he saw his shaky form, hugging himself again back to the corner. He said running his hand down his face frustrated at himself: "Kai, Listen I apologise for the way I just talked. My voice is like that, I'm not mad at you, I promise"

He internally cringed at what he said. Oliver slowly looked up at him as his big brown eyes stare at him in confusion: "no punish"

Grayson sighed: "never, we will never hurt you"

Oliver slowly nods his head unsure about the new thing that he isn't getting punished for being a bad boy. Grayson looked down at his coat and said tear-stained and it's now dirty then looked back at the baby brother who is wearing just an old torn shirt. He removed his coat and said simply: "stand up"

Oliver tried to get up trying to suppress the pain in his sides and body. Grayson saw his struggling as he is holding the wall with his other hand covering his side. Oliver said as he again fall on the floor and again try to stand up: "Kai sorry. Kai trying big brother"

Tears rolled down his big brown eyes as he couldn't stand up when Grayson hold his arm and make him stand up as he hissed in pain. Grayson asked holding the coat to him: "Are you hurt Kai?"

Oliver slowly nods his head not knowing if he will help him with his boo-boo or gonna hurt him more till he pass out like his Miss do to him. Grayson hummed and pulled his phone from his pocket and send a text to his left-hand man: "I want the best doctor at my penthouse before I come back. No one should find out about my arrival. I don't want the paparazzi to bother my brother"

He slides his phone back into his pocket and said simply: "your hand"

Oliver slowly raised his hand to the hand hole of the coat and did the same with another hand. Grayson couldn't help a bit smirk at how small and cute he is looking in his coat. He is all drowning as his coat is past his legs. He button up and Oliver raised his hands to his face and sniffled his sleeves then a small smile tugged on his lips: "Smell like you big brother"

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