Chapter Fourteen

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Third-person pov:

Oliver is sitting next to Grayson in his booster seat waiting for his breakfast. Well, Grayson always cut up his food for him in small bites pieces so he doesn't have any problem eating. Grayson put the plate in front of him and one of the maids placed his sippy cup filled with a fresh juice and another cup with water.

Grayson grabbed the small fork, he brought for Oliver. Grayson brought a whole cutlery set with a cute panda design on it for Oliver. Oliver loved it so much mostly the design on the Cutlery set. Dimitri came downstairs with a bored look on his face and grumbled sitting next to Oliver: "Why am I here early in the morning? Its weekends "

Grayson rolled his eyes and Lucius said coming downstairs: "Good morning, Oli"

Oliver said showing his toothy smile with his mouth filled with waffles: "mo-ing"

Grayson wants to keep his straight face because he had to discuss some things with his brothers but Oliver's chubby cheeks filled with waffles and cute big doe brown eyes staring at them just make him go all soft and melt like a puddle. Grayson smiled a bit and Dimirte said half asleep with his head on his head while his eyes are almost closet: "Morning Bunny"

Oliver asked with big brown eyes staring at him: "what bunny?"

Grayson said gently looking at him: "I will show you later, bub. How about you finish your food first? And you don't talk with your mouthful, it's not good"

Oliver blinked once then twice and said after swallowing his food: "Sorry big brother. Kai a good boy"

Grayson internally cursed himself for making him feel bad and said: "Bub, you're the best boy okay? We love you so much. And I'm just telling you, I'm not upset with you, I promise"

Oliver nod slowly processing the words inside his tiny head and mumbled: "Kai eat?"

Grayson said quickly: "of course love, we will never stop you from eating food"

Oliver nod slowly now his mood isn't as good as it was before. Not because of Grayson, he just doesn't want to do anything in excitement to make his big brother upset with me. And he hears Alexander saying something about Grayson's anger. His anger is scary.

Oliver thought: "If Alexander is scared of Grayson when he is so big then Kai is so small. If Grayson hits him, he will get hurt so bad"

Oliver shivered at the thought and started looking down stuffing his mouth with waffles while sipping water from time to time. Slowly Landon also join them and wished him good morning with a smiling face. Oliver smiled back and said stretching his arms: "full"

Grayson saw his plate just had now four small bite pieces left in his plate. Grayson said smiling at him: "I'm so proud of Bub. You finished almost all your food"

Oliver looked at him with wide eyes and grinned asking: "big brother happy?"

Grayson kissed his forehead and grabbed a napkin from the table: "of course, you almost finished a whole waffle yourself. It's a good achievement. When You couldn't even finish the half fourth part of it"

Oliver hummed happily and proudly in himself when all his brothers clapped for him making him blush from all the attention. They all cooed at his adorableness. Micah walked inside the house looking tired and with a scowl on his face. He throw his bag on the couch and went to the nearest washroom and washed his face and hands then fixed his tired look and run his hand a few times through his messy hair.

Micah took a deep breath but it didn't work out so he leaned down on the sink with his hands holding it tightly as his knuckles turn white because of the tight grip. Micah took a few shaky breaths and said to himself: "c'mon Micah. Don't fuck up and ruin everyone's day just because you had a nightmare. It's fine, he can't just you anymore. He isn't coming back. Just try to show normal for Oliver. He will be upset to see you upset"

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