Chapter Three

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Third-person pov:

Oliver stirred in his sleep and rolled around on the bed as a small smile tugged on his face at the soft bed under him and the warmth from the blanket. He yawned and rubbed his eyes pouting but shot up immediately with a scared face thinking about Miss. He panicked when he saw himself in an unknown room.

The whole room is dark black colour as the bed sheet is also grey along with the walls. He frowned but then he remembered meeting Grayson. He pouted when he didn't see him around. He whispered as Miss taught him not to raise his voice: "Big Brother"

He peeled the blanket off himself and saw the coat was gone. He pouted: "Oh Kai like big shirt"

He crawled towards the edge of the bed and looked down. He huffed: "Kai short legs"

He grabbed the bed edge of the bed and try to jump off the bed but shook his head at the Idea. He slowly tries to climb off the bed but his legs couldn't reach the ground and tears filled his eyes when he hears a loud voice: "Kai?"

He looked behind him still hanging from the bed and pouted as tears rolled down his cheek: "Kai sorry Big Brother"

Grayson rushed towards him and picked him up by his armpits and sat him on the bed. Oliver crossed his legs and start looking down at the tears rolling down his cheeks. Grayson asked carefully: "you should have called me or waited for me, Bub. You could have gotten hurt like this"

Kai sniffled and mumbled: "Kai say, big brother"

Grayson kneeled in front of him and said grabbing his jaw: "Bub, look at me when we talk. I have to see those pretty eyes huh?"

Oliver slowly looked up at him with big doe eyes shining with pure innocence and fear. Grayson said gently caressing his cheek with the pad of his thumb: "Now, if I leave you somewhere then you wouldn't go anywhere from that place and wait for me to get you alright? We don't want you to get hurt or someone to hurt you now do we?"

Oliver slowly nods his head after he processes his words. Grayson said gently this time: "good boy"

Oliver blushed a little and smiled wiping his eyes while asking: "Kai good boy?"

Grayson nods his head standing up to his full height making Oliver crane his neck to look up at him: "of course, you're bub"

Oliver gave him a big smile at the praise and Grayson smirked to himself while muttering under his breath: "reading about kids really helps"

Oliver is starting at his tattoos as he isn't wearing any shirt just sweatpants. Grayson dried his hair with the towel and said grabbing a bag from the couch: "c'mon we have to bathe you then one of my friends will check you as you're hurt then we will go home"

Oliver looked around the big room and pouted: "it no home?"

Grayson chuckled simply walking towards him: "no bub, it's my other house. We're going home, where our other brothers live right"

Oliver asked with wide eyes: "more people"

Grayson nodded and Oliver said crawling back to the end of the bed snuggling into the headboard: "Kai no like people. They hurt Kai just like Miss. There was a bad Uncle, he burns my hand with his burning stick"

Grayson's eyes turn darker at what his baby brother told him and asked: "burning stick?"

Oliver nods his head with a pout and tears: "Yes, he so mean. He blows that stick"

Grayson understands from whatever he said that he is talking about Cigarettes but who the fuck is he who hurt a 3-year-old kid like this. He read Kai's file and find out about his fear of meeting new people and also his DPD (Dependent Personality Disorder). He said gently: "they would never hurt you now"

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