Chapter Eleven

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Third-person pov:

Oliver is in a big garden filled with different flowers, trees, and soft grass. Oliver's happy eyes were looking around the field as he slowly walked towards the garden. He looked back at the four men walking behind him internally thinking about how tall everyone is around him. Tyler smiled putting Grey down on the grass: "Here, cupcake"

Oliver's eyes brightened and he rushes towards Grey then kneeled in front of him. He holds both of his toys in one hand after a lot of difficulties then he smiled widely at Grey who is rubbing himself on his shoes. He slowly pats his head happily rubbing his soft furs.

Tyler smiled and asked bouncing on his feet a little making Ash smirk at him: "cupcake, do you wanna play tag?"

Oliver knitted his eyebrows together and mumbled: "No know?"

Tyler grinned trying to explain to him: "we will teach you. See we will run and one of us will run to catch the others. If you touch someone then you will run and the person you just touched will run behind us to catch us"

Oliver thought about it for a few seconds then shrugged making Tyler pout because he didn't understand. Ash leans down to Tyler's ear making him feel his hot breath against his bare neck and his whole world spin around. He would accept that he had a crush on Ash or he gonna make fun of him and it will hurt him more.

Ash whispered in his right ear making his breath hitch in his throat as his soft lips brush against his neck: "don't fucking pout"

Tyler took a sharp breath and Alexander and Zayden smirked looking at each other. Zayden rolled his eyes and looked back at him as he heard something different in his voice like possessiveness but before he can process it. Ash said emotionlessly pushing him away slowly not to hurt him: "You look like a kid. Well basically, you're a kid"

Tyler pouted more subconsciously and started looking down as Grey rubbed his face in Tyler's shoes making him smile a little bit looking down at him. Alexander said with a clenched jaw glaring at Ash: "Ash"

Ash rolled his eyes and Oliver said gaining some courage: "no yell at Ty Ty"

Ash looked at the smaller boy with a smirk and asked playfully kneeling in front of him: "or what Sugar plum?"

Oliver scrunched his nose at the nickname but he liked it anyway then clenched his tiny fist as his nails made half moons on his palm. Oliver bit his bottom lip thinking what to say. He can't hurt him, because he is so small and Ash is three or four times bigger than him.

Grayson's words rang in his head: "If anyone ever messes with you then just say you will tell me. Tell them you're Grayson Alessio Dominguez's brother and they wouldn't mess with you ever"

Oliver nod to himself and said looking up at him in the eyes now: "Kai tells Big Brother, Grayson Alessio Domiuez"

Ash's eyes widened a little bit at his statement-making others chuckled except Tyler who had a small smile on his face. Oliver looked at his expression then Ash smirked patting his cheek: "such a brave and smart boy"

Oliver smiled a little bit at the praise and Zayden smirked at Ash: "Of course, even though he is cute and innocent, he is still a Dominguez"

Oliver happily picked up his toys and stood up again on his feet as Ash said in such a soft and gentle caress Oliver's chubby cheek: "Okay so basically, tag us a game where one person had to catch others who play in this game. You just had to touch anyone from the others who are running when it was your turn. When you touch someone then it's their turn and you will run away like others"

Oliver thinks for a bit when Ash smiles a little bit: "you can ask me anything if you have any doubts. No one will be upset if you play it wrong"

Oliver asked holding his pinky finger up "promise?"

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