Chapter Eight

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Third-person pov:

Dominguez family just had their dinner and now they're ready to sleep. Oliver is sitting in between Micah and Grayson. Lucius is in the kitchen putting Ice cream for everyone in the bowls as Dimitri is playing with a Rubik's cube. Oliver is fascinated by the way Dimitri is doing it so skillfully.

Oliver looked at Dimitri and then tugged on Grayson's finger making him look at him with a soft look. Grayson asked softly: "yes, bub"

Oliver pointed towards Dimitri and Grayson explained calmly to him: "it's called a Rubik cube. You have matched all the colors together"

Oliver blinked his eyes a few times with a confused face while thinking what Dimitri is doing? He keeps moving these pieces doing nothing. Grayson smiled gently: "how about you asked Rocco? He would hurt you"

Oliver stiffened at the thought and shake his head then leaned back on Grayson's bicep making him sigh. Grayson wants to wait and watch what will Oliver do next. If he didn't ask for the cube in a few minutes then he will ask Dimitri to show him.

On the other hand, Dimitri is busy focusing on solving his Rubik's cube to notice Oliver. Landon got up and walked upstairs making Oliver look at him for a few seconds until he went away from his eyes. Oliver pouted and then turned his attention to the movie playing in front of him thinking maybe Landon didn't want to sit with him.

Lucius came back with a tray that had six Ice cream bowls. Oliver is too lost to look at the cube in Dimitri's hand that he didn't notice his presence which makes him flinch a little bit as Lucius said a little too loud to Oliver's liking: "Ice cream"

Micah rubbed his arm gently making him relax a bit and Lucius said gently: "I apologize, Oli"

Oliver tries to peek at the tray to see what's in the bowls but it's too high to see. He shrugged when Lucius smirked: "I don't know which flavor you gonna like so, I had one scoop of choco chips and one scoop of Mango"

Oliver looked at him with a confused face which looked too adorable thinking about what language he was talking in. Grayson said gently closing his laptop: "it's called Ice cream. It came in different flavors, and you can try them if you like"

Oliver furrowed his eyebrows when Lucius grabbed a small bowl and hold it with a spoon to Oliver while saying: "here try it"

Oliver immediately turn towards Grayson for permission when Grayson said caressing his cheek: "Kai bub, you don't need permission to have something from our brothers. But don't take anything from others without asking your brothers"

Oliver blinked a few times then nod his head while saying: "Okay Big Brother"

Dimitri cooed with a huge grin: "he is so adorable. I just wanna wrap him in bubble wrap and hide inside my pocket"

Oliver filmed the loudness and then said with tears: "scary"

Grayson said picking Jim to his lap: "he is just joking. He wouldn't do this. He just means you're cute"

Dimitri nodded and Grayson said to him: "Rocco, let her play with the cube for a while"

Dimitri said moving the pieces: "just a few minutes, I'm gonna complete it"

Grayson rolled his eyes and Oliver grabbed the bowl from Lucius' hand while saying: "tank you"

Oliver looked up at Grayson who grabbed the bowl and spoon then said gently: "open "

Oliver opened his mouth then Grayson fed him the ice cream just a little bit. Oliver felt the cold stuff melt on his tongue going down his throat. All of them looking for his reaction when he scrunched his nose in distaste and shale his head: "yucky"

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