Chapter Fifteen

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Hey choco chips,

I'm really sorry for not updating all these days as I have been busy lately. I know it's been like 10000 years since I last updated 😅 but I will try to update more frequently. Happy Chocolate day 🍫

Love you so much ❤️


Third-person pov:

Grayson is sitting in the backseat with Oliver next to him while Alexander is driving the car. Alexander keeps on talking about different things to Oliver who is so interested in listening to weird but funny stories from Alexander. On the other hand, Grayson just wants to jump out of the car and throw Alexander out of the car. Well, he can't do both so he just rubbed his temple and looked out of the window. 

Alexander smirked when he saw Grayson massaging his temple: "Hey Al, you look bored"

Oliver also turns towards Grayson who looks at Alexander through the rare view mirror with dark eyes. Alexander winked at him and Grayson narrowed his eyes at him then growled when Alexander pouted: "stop fucking pouting like a kid, you don't look cute shithead"

Oliver flinched a bit at the loudness and his cold voice and poured covering his ears making Grayson and Alexander both frowns feeling bad for him. Grayson immediately told Oliver: "Big brother will never hurt you, Bub. I'm sorry for scaring you"

Alexander smiled at his best friend being all soft and Oliver slowly put his hand down in his lap trusting his big brother. Alexander said frowning with a sad expression at Oliver when Grayson looked at him: "you saw buddy, how does he yell at me?"

Oliver pouted feeling bad for his friend because he knows how bad it feels when someone yells at him. He mumbled turning towards Grayson from his car seat: "big brother please no mean"

Grayson looked at his expression and understood what he was thinking and huffed. He leaned against the seat closing his eyes and muttering: "fuck, it's just the start of the day"

After a long ride, the car stopped in front of the big building called Dominguez enterprises. Oliver blinked his eyes and looked at Grayson then outside the car with his big brown eyes filled with so much curiousness and fear looking at all those people around the place. Grayson hopped off the car when a guard hold the door open for him.

Grayson saw a guard walking towards the other side to open the door but he know Oliver will get frightened by someone unknown. Grayson said lowly in his usual cold tone: "Dont"

Alexander smiled at Oliver and Grayson walked towards his side and open the door. Grayson bent down to his level and unbuckled him from the car seat. Grayson smiled at him and Oliver yawned and stretched his arms and little legs making Grayson chuckle softly. Grayson picked him up in his arms carefully and kissed his cheek asking: "How are you bub?"

Oliver mumbled snuggling into his neck as Grayson pointed toward the bag for Alexander to pick it up while coming to his office: "good"

Grayson rubbed his back in a comforting manner and realized that Oliver is shaking a bit feeling scared of so many people around them. Grayson pulled his big coat over his small frame so he can cover him and whispered to him: "No one can see you bub"

Oliver took a shaky breath of relief and smiled hiding his face in his chest inside the coat. Grayson walked inside the building as everyone start greeting him making him smirk at the power he hold. He walked towards the private elevators and stepped inside then pressed the button to his floor.

Oliver peaked a bit when he saw the silence and asked looking around: "so many pople go?"

Grayson said gently: "Yes bub and they all work for me so they will never hurt you"

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