Chapter Six

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Third-person pov:

Oliver is playing with his Duckie and lollipops in his lap trying to open the lollipop package but couldn't. He slowly raised his gaze to the men in front of him and looked at them with fearful eyes and curiosity to know their names.

He first looked at the first man who is so tall according to Oliver but slightly shorter than Grayson. He had dark hair and grey eyes like rain clouds so dark and scary. He had short hair and a subtle beard defining his face, a sharp jaw and a pointed nose. His expressions are blank and empty.

Grayson said gently pointing towards him: "Kai, he is Lucius Denver Dominguez, our second brother"

Oliver blinked a few times at him and Lucius said after a few seconds: "hello Oliver"

Oliver looked back at Grayson and then back at Lucius. Oliver slowly nodded his head at him and waved his tiny hand in front of his face. Lucius almost smiled a little bit but controlled himself when Oliver's eyes followed the man next to Lucius.

He had the same dark hair but light grey eyes. He had a sharp jaw and the same pointed nose. He is wearing a golden earning in his ears and a few gold rings around his fingers. He is looking intimating but not as much as his twin. Grayson slowly pointed towards him and said as gently as he could: "He is Landon Angelo Dominguez, our third brother"

Grayson gives him time so he can process everything and keep their names in mind. He understands in that time that Oliver brian worked a little slower and that he needed time to process things. Oliver gave him a small nod and then waved at him making him nod back at him.

Oliver's eyes followed next to Landon and stopped at Micah. Micah's dark grey almost black eyes are staring at him with an emotion he doesn't understand. He had almost black hair and dark eyebrows. His tattoos are peeking from his hoodie over his neck and hands. He has silver earrings and a diamond stud in his ears.

Micah's dark eyes locked eyes with his and Oliver flinched snuggling into Grayson's stomach. Grayson rubbed his arms gently and said: "he is Micah Silas Dominguez, he is Landon's twin"

Oliver furrowed his eyebrows not knowing what twin means but doesn't feel like asking in front of them so he didn't ask. Then he looked at Dimitri who had a huge smile plastered on his face. He has tattoos and Oliver wanna know what this is because they're looking pretty in his eyes.

Grayson said simply: "And lastly Dimitri Rocco Dominguez"

Oliver waved at him then Grayson smiled: "how about you tell them your name bub?"

Oliver whispered after a few seconds of thinking:  "I Oliver Kai, a good boy. Kai no like pain"

He said holding the duck up to show them: "Oh he Duckie, my fend"

Dimitri cooed with a grin: "you mean friend"

Oliver shrugged now feeling tired and mumbled to Grayson showing the lollipop to him: "big brother"

Grayson smiled: "Do you want me to open this?"

Oliver nodded at him then Grayson said gently: "how about you have some real food then you can wat this?"

Oliver pouted because he wanted to taste the new thing but nodded eventually. Grayson kissed the top of his head and smiled: "c'mon let's feed you something good breakfast"

Dimitri asked looking at Grayson: "what would he like to eat Al? We didn't have anything for baby"

Grayson rolled his eyes: "he has teeth, Rocco. He doesn't need baby food"

Dimitri asked with a frown: "how old is he one or two?"

Grayson sighed as they reached the dining room: "three"

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