Chapter Five

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Third-person pov:

Grayson's jaw is clenched hard at what Micah said. He never wants to slap him for what he wants to do right now. He clicked his tongue inside his mouth against his right cheek and saw how scared Oliver is looking right now. He is shaking at how deep and rough his voice sounds to him. Grayson said as gently as he can: "Kai bub, it's fine. Want me to hold you?"

Oliver slowly nods his head and makes grabby hands towards Grayson who smiled softly and bends down slightly to pick him up in his arms. Lucius said with a slight smirk: "Is he your son?"

Landon smirked: "we wouldn't be surprised if he is cause he looks like a little version of you"

Grayson rolled his eyes and before he can say anything, Dimitri narrows his eyes at Oliver who hides his face in the crook of Grayson's neck making him rub his back in comfort. Micah smirked: "so he is actually your son but who is her mother and lastly why is he here?"

Landon asked with an emotionless face: "I'm not old enough to be an Uncle for fuck sake"

Grayson growled making them all shut: "Shut the hell up you all"

Lucius asked simply: "is he going to stay here or his mother will be back in some days and get her?"

Dimitri pouted: "he is cute. C'mon, can't we just keep him? Oh and look at his cute curls so beautiful"

Grayson said simply making them all look at him with wide eyes: "Well he is Our baby brother Oliver Kai Dominguez. Mom and dad lied to us and stayed together behind our backs"

Micah said with a clenched jaw: "basically fucked behind our backs and have this kid"

Grayson said angrily holding Kai tightly to himself feeling him shaking slightly: "He is our brother even if you like it or not"

Micah growled back: "I didn't say I hate him. He wasn't at fault when our stupid parents decided to fuck without any protection and have him. I'm just angry at them not him"

Grayson said blankly: "Not only that, they left him to suffer with some women"

Dimitri pouted: "poor baby"

Oliver is having problems in breathing and he holds Grayson's shirt collar tightly in his tiny fist and sobbed: "Big Bro-ther"

Grayson hear his faint voice near his ear and pulled him away from his chest then looked at him sweating badly, gasping for air. Micah growled: "what the heck is happening to him?"

Dimitri said panicked: "shit shit, what should we do?"

Lucious rolled his eyes and said in a low voice: "try to make him breathe properly. I'm calling Ron"

Grayson nodded and said simply sitting on the couch: "move guys and keep your distance. He is scared if people"

They immediately moved away from there giving him space standing at the far corner and looking at him with a worried expression. Grayson cooed: "shh shy it's fine bub. Big brother got you"

Oliver is trying to say something when Grayson said shaking his head: "no no don't Bub. Just try to relax okay? Follow my breath yes in, out"

Oliver tries to block all the sounds around him and only focuses on Grayson's gentle voice. Oliver just wants to have a normal life and happiness, not this pain. He doesn't like pain.









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