Chapter Ten

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Third-person pov:

Grayson picked Oliver in his arms and they walked out of the room with Oliver holding her Duckie and Cube tightly in both hands. He is leaning on Grayson's shoulder when Grayson said as they reached the stairs: "Bub, you will never try to climb off or on these alone. You will ask someone to get you downstairs or hold someone's hand while climbing on them"

Oliver said smiling at him: "Okie Big Brother"

Grayson smiled immediately at his smiling face and then turned back to the stairs. As they walked downstairs, Oliver asked: "Kai walk?"

Grayson smiled: "only if you want Bub. I don't mind carrying you everywhere"

Oliver said nodding his head like a good boy: "Kai walk"

Grayson smiled and gently placed him down on his feet then asked carefully caressing his right cheek: "is your boo-boo still hurt?"

Oliver put his hand over his side and then slowly shook his head with a look in his eyes that says, he is lying. Grayson looked down then sighed and looked back at him: "Kai, don't lie to me. It's bad manners"

Oliver's soft brown eyes filled with tears and he bit down his bottom lip and whimpered: "Miss hurt boo-boo and more boo-boos?"

Grayson's eyes turned darker in a shade of black and his jaw clenched in anger and rage. If she didn't die, he would have killed her most painfully. Grayson took a sharp breath and relaxed before looking back at him not to scare him more. He said with a sigh: "we will never hurt you, Bub. If you're in pain tell us, and we will help you"

Oliver sniffled: "boo-boo hurt"

Grayson couldn't help the tears in his eyes looking at his baby brother's eyes. He can feel his pain looking at him. He said gently: "shh it's fine. We're gonna give you medicine the pain will go away. You don't need to go shopping today"

Oliver slowly nods his head and they hear a few loud noises from the kitchen. Grayson rolled his eyes, already knowing their brothers must be trying to cook. Grayson rolled his gorgeous honey-brown eyes and Oliver said touching his face with his tiny fingers: "Big Brother pretty"

Grayson pecked his both plans saying: "you're more pretty and cute bub and so strong"

Oliver asked looking at Grayson with his big eyes: "Strong?"

Grayson chuckled and said pecking his nose: "yup, so strong. C'mon let's check our brothers before they burn down the whole kitchen"

Oliver shrugged not quietly understanding what he said lastly but smiled at him and Grayson extended his hand to him. Oliver wrapped his tiny hand around his forefinger and Grayson cooed at how small he is and how cute he is.

He and his other brothers are the opposite of Oliver except for Micah. They are bratty, troublesome, and always pranked everyone. Micah is like Oliver but he is sweet and bubbly not cute he changed so much and all of them hate that he changed himself just because he thinks he is not good enough because of his stupid parents and family.

Grayson pulled out of his thoughts as they stopped in front of the kitchen and saw Lucius, Landon, and Dimitri trying to cook while Micah is busy on his laptop sitting on the bar stool. Grayson said with a sigh: "what the fu-freak are you doing in the kitchen?"

Oliver blinked his eyes and Grayson asked looking around the dirty kitchen: "And who did all this?"

They all point toward each other and Grayson groaned: "clean this whole mess before I lose my patience "

Dimitri said throwing an apple at Lucius who easily dodged it: "that fucker is ruining the kitchen. He starts the Mixer without the lid and"

Micah pulled Oliver to himself when he saw an apple coming in his direction the poor boy was unaware of it happily looking at his two toys. Micah scowled: "what the heck Rocco?"

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