Chapter Thirteen

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Hey choco chips,

So I read your comments on "Her step-brothers" and I'm sorry I couldn't stop laughing about the comments that  Mason being Layla's father. (Lmao) 😭🤣🤣

So I wanna clear out that Mason isn't her father and she isn't even related to them. Layla's father is alive and his entry will be after the 10th Chapter.

And about Mason, he is a bit psycho as I mentioned in his character list. Mason had a different story and you get to know this after Layla's father's entry.

I hope, I cleared all your doubts and If you still have any questions, ask me🤗

Do at least 50+ comments 🤗👍

Love you so much❤️


Third-person pov:

Oliver woke up feeling Grayson's arms wrapped around his small frame and his head pressed against Grayson's chest.  He listens to his heartbeat. Oliver felt the urge to use the bathroom and yawned pulling his head away from his chest. Grayson's eyes opened when Oliver moved in sleep because he was still in his sleep. Grayson asked in his deep raspy morning voice: "Morning Bub. Do you wanna use the washroom ?"

Oliver nodded furiously and Grayson chuckled lowly helping him from the bed: "here you go bub"

Oliver got into the habit of using the bathroom of his own so he quickly rushed to the bathroom and did his business. Grayson gets him a potty chair for his room and also Oliver's room which is getting ready. Grayson also gets a few highchairs for Oliver so he can sit anywhere as one is in his office and also the other places. Grayson also bought a few car seats for every car and two extra for emergencies.

Grayson rubbed his eyes and yawned when Oliver came back after washing his hands and getting on his step stool. Oliver said bouncing on his feet: "Kai wanna see Mimi"

Grayson chuckled: "you're so obsessed with Silas huh?"

Oliver giggled and Grayson said gently: "Let's bathe you and Silas isn't at home. He will be back till breakfast there you can meet him"

Oliver pouted tilting his head when Grayson asked picking him in his arms: "Bub, do you remember what happened last night ?"

Oliver furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched up his nose then nodded slowly: "Kai a bad dream"

Grayson asked carefully sitting him on the sink: "Can you tell big brother? What did you see in the bad dream?"

Oliver looked down and slowly shook his head in no, making Grayson sigh. Grayson smiled cupping his face: "it's totally fine. Big Brother just wants to help you. Big Brother can't help you until I don't know what scared you so much"

Oliver said with his big brown eyes staring at him: "Big brother makes bad dreams go away"

Grayson gulped because it was such a big promise, he can make him to his baby brother. He said truthfully: "Big Brother will try his best"

Oliver slowly processed and mumbled trusting his nig brother: "Kai sees Miss hitting Kai. Kai says no because it hurt so bad but Niss no stop. Kai says imi but Mimi also hit Kai also hurt Kai like Miss"

Grayson's heart clenched and Oliver asked looking up at him with tears in his eyes: "Mimi hit Kai?"

Grayson kissed the top of her head: "Bub, Silas will never hurt you. Yeah, he sometimes gets so angry and loses his temper but he will never hurt you. He will protect you from all the bad things. None of us will hurt you ever. I know these nightmares come to me because you are scared to trust people but I promise you, you will be fine"

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