Chapter Seven

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Third-person pov:

Oliver is busy digging through the garden filled with different flowers and realised that he didn't get permission for smiling and being happy. He stopped doing whatever he is doing and holds his new and first friend Duckie tightly to himself and slowly turns back towards them with teary eyes.

All of them panicked looking at him like this thinking about what suddenly happened and he started crying. Landon asked quietly: "Oliver, are you hurt?"

Oliver furrowed his eyes and shook his head then Lucius asked: "Is your wound, I mean boo-boo hurt?"

He again shook his head in no and mumbled looking at Micah who is staring at him emotionlessly: "Mister?"

Micah nod at him and he whimpered looking down and biting his lips: "Kai sorry. Kai happy?"

Lucius frowned and said shrugging: "you were happy right then"

Micah scowled: "he is not telling. He is asking"

Landon said almost growling: "that he can be happy?"

Micah nods his head and Dimitri said with tears in his eyes: "what the heck they did do to our poor brother?"

Micah clenched his jaw and his hand turned into a fist as the small blue follows get crushed in his fist. He saw Oliver keep staring at him when Landon asked: "how do you know if he?"

Micah growled glaring at him: "because I fucking know what he is going through? I went through this pain and I know what he is feeling right now"

Oliver said playing with the duckie: "Kai sorry Mister. Kai a good boy"

Micah couldn't contain his anger while others are too shocked to react when they hear Alexander's voice from the door of the backyard: "Hi Buddy"

Oliver looked at him and a smile tugged on his lips. He said rushing to him: "Lexi Mister"

Alexander was shocked a little bit but immediately smiled and said: "you miss me huh?"

Oliver nod his head furiously and looked at him with a big brown teddy eye looking so adorable. Alexander asked looking at his wet eyes: "Oh my, why did you cry?"

Oliver sniffled and wiped his face on his sleeve making Alexander scrunch his nose but he didn't show it to him. Oliver mumbled: "Kai scared. Big Brother leaves"

Alexander said pouting: "oh that's really bad"

Oliver said shaking his head: "No,  big brother go work"

Alexander cooed: "Oh Our little buddy is really brave and smart"

Lucius asked coming towards them: "Alexander, what are you doing here?"

Alexander smirked: "well, Grayson appoints us as Oliver's personal bodyguards so we will be here now 24/7"

Lucius groaned but nod anyways, if Grayson did this then he must think something and he know something that they don't at least not yet. Alexander holds the bag to Lucius while saying: "His medicines"

Lucius grabbed the medicines and asked: "you said so who are the others?"

Alexander smirked: "you will Boss"

Lucius glared at him making his smirk wider and he felt a tug on his pants so he looked down. Oliver sniffled holding his hands up to get carried: "Lexi Mister?"

Alexander smiled and said: "of course, Buddy"

Micah growled: "no, you wouldn't touch him"

Alexander knows not to mess with Micah but the small boy on the ground who is hiding behind his legs is making him want to stand up against Micah. Micah grabbed Oliver's arm making him yelp with sudden action and pulled him to himself. Micah picked him in his arms and glared at Alexander who hold his hands up in surrender.

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