Chapter Twelve

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Hey choco chips,

I'm sorry for the short chaiter but the next chaoters will be more interesting and longer. Do at least 30+ comments guys. Love you so much ❤


Third-person pov:

It's been four days since Oliver came to stay with his family, his brothers. Oliver is getting more and more open up to them and also his bodyguards or you can say, friends. Grayson is like a father figure to Oliver, while Micah is like a mom to him. Others are like overprotective brothers. Micah's possessiveness is getting more and more with Oliver's presence.

Now Oliver is sitting in the living room with his friends watching Beauty and the beast. Oliver is in love with this movie while Grey is sitting on the floor right in front of Oliver. Ash and Oliver become best friends, not knowing how to cause Ash to be a total jerk to everyone else but doesn't know why Oliver is so fond of him. Ash also listens to him when Oliver tells him not to bother anyone.

Tyler is sitting right next to Oliver while Alexander and Zayden are on other couches. Alexander is half asleep while Zayden is scrolling through his phone. Ash is holding a big basket of popcorn while Tyler had a cup of warm milk for Oliver. Oliver and Ash are too engrossed in their movie to notice Tyler's amused look at them. They both grinned together: "Now he will be a prince"

Ash saw from the corner of his eyes that Oliver's hand is empty as he finished the popcorn without removing his eyes from the screen. He holds the basket in front of Oliver who digs his tiny hand in and grabs a hand full of popcorn and starts munching on them happily watching the last scene of the movie. Ash and Tyler immediately covered Oliver's eyes when the kiss scene came like always.

Ash looked at Tyler's hand touching his and took a sharp breath then said pulling his hand quickly: "Don't touch me"

Tyler mumbled quietly: "Sorry"

Zayden glared at Ash who shrugged and Oliver pouted: "Sleepy"

Ash grabbed the tissues from the box and said wiping his hands gently: "Let's finish this milk then you can take a nap. It's your nap time "

Oliver yawned and Tyler hold the sippy cup to him as he drink some milk while saying: "full"

Tyler looked at Ash who said simply picking Oliver in his lap: "it's fine. You already had lunch an hour ago and also popcorn"

He gently wiped his mouth and laid him on the couch while Tyler covered him with the blanket. Ash kissed the top of his hair saying: "have a good nap, sweet potato"

Oliver mumbled falling into dreamland: "nite nite, Ashy"

Ash couldn't help the smile on his lips and Tyler said smiling softly: "you like Oliver?"

Ash said smiling but scoffed when he realized who he was talking to: "Yes, he is super adorable, and fuck off"

Tyler chuckled while saying: "you're cute"

Ash shrugged and glared at him walking out of the house to smoke he didn't do it for the last two days as Oliver didn't want to leave him for a second as he ended up sleeping on the living couch late at night. Landon put a blanket on him when he came to check on him. Ash saw him doing this but didn't question it.


Oliver woke up with some soft noises around him and a quite gentle voice speaking to him. He knitted his eyebrows together and scrunched up his nose as his body went tense. He felt tears in his eyes but he couldn't open his eyes. He hears a soft but harsh voice saying: "Hello my sweet innocent boy"

He tried his hardest to open his eyes but it was like something is holding him back. The voice said again: "I hear you are being a bad boy again huh? Is it right boy? Do I need to put you back in your real place yes?"

Oliver sniffled "no no, Kai a good boy. No, punishment please"

Micah immediately looked at her and tried to touch him but Oliver started thrashing around making him pull away from him scared and worried about his baby brother. Landon said with a straight face: "what the hell is happening to him?"

Grayson immediately rushed towards his side and kneeled on the floor next to the couch. He holds both of his arms in his hands so he wouldn't hurt him thrashing around and said in a gentle and calm voice in his ear as Ash taught him: "Kai bub. Shh calms down. You're safe. Yes you're with your Brothers"

Oliver sobbed more as Grayson gently said: "It's fine bub. Your big brothers are here to protect you yes. Can you open your eyes for me bub?"

Oliver stopped thrashing and sniffled when Grayson smiled through the pain in his heart: "Yes, you're doing so good. Deep breaths now open these beautiful brown eyes bub. Let big brother see these pretty eyes"

Oliver took a few deep breaths and heard Grayson's voice, and the voice from his nightmare becomes faint and slowly disappear into the darkness. Oliver slowly opened his beautiful big brown eyes shining with tears and slowly looked around with his blurry vision. Grayson smiled: "that's my good boy. I'm so proud of you"

Oliver wiped his eyes and running nose with the back of his sleeve and sniffled. He looked at Grayson's chocolate-brown eyes looking at him with a worried look and he immediately latched himself to Grayson who held him tightly to his chest. Micah asked worriedly but kept his poker face: "Are you feeling well now?"

Micah raised his hand to touch him but he only yelped and snuggled more into Grayson's chest who cooed: "it's fine. It's fine bub. No one is touching you yes. Stop crying"

Oliver sobbed loudly with his head buried in the crook of his neck: "Scary, everything scary Big Brother"

They all sighed and Ash said with a sigh: "It's just his mind isn't processing things properly right now. He will be fine in a while"

They all nod at him with blank expressions but inside they're all worried for the small boy in Grayson's arms. Ash did a whole course on human psychology and worked for it before joining this work. He is basically doing therapy sessions for Oliver without him being aware of it. He never felt for any kids he deals with at work but with Oliver, his heart hurts when he talks to him about things from his past.

Grayson said rocking him back and forth: "c'mon let's eat something then you can sleep"

Oliver didn't answer him just snuggled into him more like trying to hide like he did when he first met Grayson. He is back to the same mindset when Grayson gets him home, their home. Oliver makes it a real home. They had dinner and breakfast together sometimes even lunch. Oliver is their family, their home and they are Oliver's Safe place, His Home.

Oliver is back in the same place where he started his journey. Will he ever be able to get a normal childhood?

Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter. Leave your comments and votes..........

What do you think about Oliver and His friends?

What do you think about Ash and Oliver duo?

What do you think about Oliver having a panic attack?

Who is your favourite character?

What is going to happen next?

Which is your favourite part?

Do you have any suggestions or wishes?

Are you guys excited for the next update?

Thank you

Love you so much ❤

Stay safe and healthy

See you in next update 🤗


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