Chapter Four

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Third-person pov:

Oliver is now sitting on the kitchen stool in the penthouse while Grayson is busy making him lunch as it's already lunchtime and he was starving for not knowing how long. Oliver still had the duck in his hands as he is wrapped in one of Grayson's jackets as he wants Grayson near him. Grayson asked gently now turning off the flame when he is done: "So Kai Bub, what's your favourite colour?"

Oliver looked up at him through his bug lashes and then blinked while testing the words on his tongue: "My colour?"

Grayson grabbed two plates putting the mac and cheese in them: "yes, I like Grey and black colour"

Oliver put a finger on his chin as his hand then blinked a few times thinking so deeply then shrugged: "Kai no know colours"

Grayson frowned but smiled immediately: "it's fine Bub. I gonna show you all the colours then you decide which colour you like the most yes?"

Oliver nod furiously: "Kai wanna see colours"

Grayson smiled putting a plate in front of him and another one next to his. He grabbed the water glasses and a glass of juice and some wine for himself as his head is aching since last night. Oliver looked at the food in front of him as the steam coming from it and the smell made him drool.

Grayson shook his head in amusement then said as gently as he can: "this is for you Kai but be careful. It's hot"

Oliver's eyes went big and he looked at Grayson to confirm if he is saying it was true. Grayson hummed softly then picked him up and sat him on the island so he can eat without any problem he could reach the island due to how small he is also the counter is according to him and his brother 6 feet in height.

Oliver immediately crossed his legs and picked a piece of macaroni from the plate with his hand and eat it. He chews on it slowly and then said with a huge smile on his lips and teary eyes: "yummy"

Grayson smiled gently and walked back to the kitchen. He grabbed two small towels from the side and then put one on his lap and another one around his neck so he wouldn't ruin his clothes. Oliver is holding his duck in his left hand while eating with his right hand.

Grayson scrunched his nose at how messily he is eating but he didn't question as he knew he was hungry from not knowing how long. He takes a small sip from the wine and grabs his spoon eating his mac and cheese keeping a close eye on Oliver who is busy eating happily.

After a long time, Oliver is done with his food as his whole mouth is covered in cheese and also his hand. Grayson is scrolling through his phone when Oliver mumbles looking at him with tears rolling down his cheeks: "tank you"

Grayson looked at his tears and then stand up with a frown on his face. He walked towards him and make him turn towards him then gently wiped his tears with the pad of his thumb. Oliver's lips turn into a cute post and his big brown eyes stared at Grayson with only curiosity and innocent swirling in them.

Grayson cupped his face and kissed the tip of his nose which is slightly pink due to his crying session from earlier. Oliver scrunched his nose when it tickled and Grayson chuckled softly: "you're cute and don't cry. You can have food anytime you feel hungry. All you have to do is just ask me"

Oliver asked with his big doe eyes staring at him with our happiness now that he can have food anytime now: "Anytime?"

Grayson caressed his cheek gently: "Anytime Bub"

He smiled at him and Grayson said putting the towel away and then putting his down on his feet: "And you can washroom anytime you want to okay? Don't need to hold it. Let me know whenever you want to pee or anything okay?"

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