endless Love, chapter 1

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Me and my brother (Vance) walk into grab and go

"Imma go get a slushie you want one Vance?" I said to him
Vance: "yeah whatever" he says not even looking at me and put in the coins to start the pinball machine

Once I got the slushies I paid for them.and walked back to vance with them.as I am I hear my name being called.i turned around and see Finn.

"Oh hey Finney,what are you doing here?"
Finn: "hey y/n,I found out there was new comic books here and my curiosity got the best of me so-
Finn: "what about you?"
"Here with Vance"
Finn: "is he still playing that pinball machine again?
We both turn watching Vance play
"Finn come on.we gotta go"
We turned back around and I saw Robin (aka my enemy but secretly loved)

Robin: "ugh y/n what the fuck do you think your doing here?"
"I would ask you the same question"
Finn gets infront of us "guys just stop it.Robin let's go.bye y/n"
"Bye Finn,and make sure to put a leash on your dog next time!" I shout at them while they were walking away


"Here Vance" I placed the slushie on top of the machine
Vance: "the fuck took you so long?" He said still playing the machine
"Got stuck talking to Finn" I looked at the score
"Whoa you gonna beat your high score" I pointed
Vance: "I know I am dumb shit I said I would"

As he kept playing.some kids were playing around near the machine and then suddenly one kid bumped into it making Vance lose the game

'shit is about to go down'

Vance shouted.then he grabbed the kid by the collar of his shirt turning him around

"You fuck with my game!" He headbutted him causing the kid to hit the ground.then one of the kids got out a pocket knife.Vance took it out of his hand making it land somewhere on the ground,then punches the kid in his face.the second kid he headbutted before got back up and put Vance in a headlock.but he got out of it easy and throwth the kid to the ground.he took the knife got on top of the kid and carved some numbers into the kids arm.he then got back up just in time for the police to take him away with Finn holding the door for the police

As I'm watching the police put Vance in the back of the police car.i go up to Finn and Robin

"Did you guys see any of that?"
Robin: "who didn't.look Finn,it has almost 400 views" he said showing him his phone
Finn: You recorded it"
Robin: "yeah,so"
Finn: "your ridiculous"

Robin: "y/n.shouldn't you go with the police"
"Nah,he's probably going to juvie for this for a few weeks..again"
Finn: "my dad can give you a ride home if you want"
"Yeah sure,thanks Finney"

*Timeskip//the next morning*


The sound of my alarm clock went.before I took my amr and smacked it off my night stand making it finally turn off

I groan pulling the sheets off me rubbing my eyes.i get up grabbing my towel to take a shower once I was done my shower.i put on a little makeup and jewelry.Then I got dressed into some baggy ripped jeans and a tank top with a jacket over it.i grab my bag off my floor then tie my shoes.and then walk downstairs.i looked in the living room and kitchen seeing Vance not there.he must be still at juvie.i open the door and leave shutting it behind me

As I walk trying to find my headphones/walkman,I bumped into someone, causing all my things to fall out of my bag

"Oh I'm so sorry" I crouched down and started to pick up my things
"No,no it's cool" he helped m

"Oh hey y/n"
Gwen: "y/n!" She hugged me
"Hey gwen.i haven't seen you in a while" I said hugging her back

We began walking to school.as we're walking we hear "fight" being chanted in the distance

Gwen: "damn it not Robin again"

We both ran towards it we saw a crowd of people surrounding these two guys

Moose: "you think your so tough"
Robin: "let's find out"
We push through some people to see better

Moose: "I will nail you scrawny little bea#er"
Robin: "then do it,unless your scared"

Moose swings at Robin then they both begin to fight eachother

Gwen: "get him robin!" Gwen calls out

Robin kicks moose into a stop sign.moose turns around for a attempt of punching Robin.but Robin held his Frist and Punching him in the gut over and over.Robin holds moose on his back while he chocked him.Robin couldn't hold him anymore and let him go causing moose to hit the ground.he gets on-top of moose,lifting him by the collar of his shirt and started punching his face multiple times.

Finney grabs our arms pulling us away

Finney: "come on we're gonna be late for class"
Gwen: "holy shit" she says while she saw a bunch of blood on mooses face

We all  start walking back to school
Gwen: "what the hell,that was moose"
Finney: "I don't care"
Gwen: "But Finney he beat you up the time that he broke your nos-
Finney: "Gwen-i just don't wanna talk about it" he said cutting her off
Gwen: "Well he was stupid enough if he could fight Robin Arellano.toughest kid in the school
Finn: "well pinball Vance hopper is"
"Wait Vance hopper?"
Gwen: "yeah haven't you seen the video? it's most trending video right now"
"I've seen it it's just..hes-hes my.hes my brother"
Gwen: "wait Vance hopper Is your brother.since when?!"
"Half brother but..yeah"
Gwen: "why didn't you tell us this?"
"He didn't want people knowing he had sister"

Gwen: "yk what will happen if Robin finds out about this right"
"he'll beat me up because he's just a little jealous of Vance for being the better fighter,yes Gwen I know"
Finn: "it's nothing to worry about though
y/n.i find it pretty cool.maybe people will be scared of you because your brother is Vance but.. Robin is gonna find out one or the other"

Then finney stops and stared at something
Me and Gwen turn around "what is it?" Gwen asked
Finney: "it's new.billy Showalter" he turns to me
Finney: "you don't think they're gonna find them,do you?"
Gwen: Not the way they want to.come on we're guys gonna be late"

Timeskip//we all make it to school.but ended up being late..

I walked inside of first period.and saw Robin

'so he was gonna know"

All eyes went to me as I felt embarrassed

Teacher: "hopper.your late" the first time the teacher said my last name

I heard everyone whispering from behind me

Teacher: "y/n hopper why are you late?"

I turned around and faced the teacher "just late teach"
Teacher: "okay detention for you after school"

I walked over to Robins seat..but before I could sit down Robin put his bag in the seat

"Move your bag"
Robin: "I'm not going to.and your not sitting beside me" he said having his arms crossed looking at me

Teacher: "Robin move your bag!"
"Whatever" I heard robin say under his breath moving his bag allowing me to sit

Timeskip middle of class

Teacher: "alright get out your pencils and start writing this class"

*Everyone started getting their supplies out*

Then I realized I didn't have a pencil
"Fuck" I said quietly.i then look over at Robin debating if I should ask him for a pencil he'd be pretty shocked that someone was talking to him.i tapped his shoulder then he turned to me

"uh.do you have a pencil by chance?" I asked
Robin: "I do,but why would I give it to you"
"You know what nevermind-
Robin: "I'm joking,here..just give it back after class" he gives me it

"I will.Thanks" I sightly smiled at him

Teacher: "eyes up here everyone"


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