chapter 18 Deja vu?

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Me and robin both walk into detention seeing some other kids in there.we both sit at the back.soon after a while the principal had his feet up on the desk while asleep

Then I felt a hand touch my thigh, almost under my skirt

I looked down and saw a hand.Robins hand.before he lifted it any higher I move his hand in his own lap again

Not even a second later Robin moved his hand back on my thigh.he rose it high slowly until it was under my skirt.his 2 middle fingers found my clothed clit rubbing on my panties.i widen my eyes from the sudden touch

"Robin" I said softy under my breath

Robin: "shh-shh"

"We can't the teachers-

Robin moves my panties to the side and he slips his hand into my panties while his fingers can rub on my clit,rubbing it in a fast pace with his middle and ring fingers

"Be a good girl and don't make a noise,okay?" he said in a soft raspy voice whispering into my ear

I nodded

I tried to keep quiet,but he shoved his fingers into me pumping them in and out

Robin: "your so tight amor" he kissed my ear before putting his fingers deeper.causing a moan to escape my mouth.i covered my mouth as soon as I did.i gripped onto Robins forearm trying to make him stop but that only made his fingers go faster

Tears formed into my eyes as I bit my lip throwing my head back.i rock my hips back and forth,so i'm basically riding his fingers

My pussy throbbed as i whimpered feeling his fingers move faster

I moaned into his ear for only him to hear.i dug my head into Robins upper arm while still gripping onto his arm.then I felt another one of his fingers enter me.i moaned again in his ear,biting my lip

Robin: "I'm surprised your lasting this long love with them moans your making"

I didn't want cum just yet,it felt so good I didn't want it to end.the knot in my stomach got tighter

"F-fu- I continued to heavily breathe grabbing handfuls of my hair,Robins fingers curl inside of me,fuck he makes me wanna cum so bad

Robin: "cum for me love"
After I finally came,the knot in my stomach unraveled

his fingers leave my hole,he licks them clean,fuck he makes me horny

He then gets out of his chair and under the table

"What are you doing" I whispered to him
Robin: "you'll see"
"Wha-  thats before Robins head disappeared and went under my skirt.i felt strong hands grabbing the sides oh my thighs,then soft kisses,then ending with some sucking,leaving Hickeys.suddenly I felt pleasure run all through my veins,my head drops back while adding with a sight moan,I heard the sound of my wet pussy making contact with Robins tongue,

"Oh g- I couldn't even finish my sentence because of all the pleasure.He gripped my thighs continuing to put it's tongue deeper,with a couple more licks I squirt my cum into his mouth

He comes out from under my skirt,licking his lips while making eye contact with me

"Lets get out of here" he whispered to me

Me and robin get up and began leaving detention.we make it into the halls

We take one more look around then book it out the school doors.

Robin: "so where you wanna go?"
"Let's go to the park"
Robin: "okay"


We both sat on the swings.sharing a cigarette Robin had

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