chapter 6 the party

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*Long chapter*

*Next morning*

The next morning I woke up feeling Robin's hands around my waist with his head in the crook of my neck

I started shaking him trying to wake him up
"Wake up robin"
He woke up seeing his hands will still around my waist
Robin: "sorry" he blushes
I notice but don't say anything
Robin: "uh mornin"

We go downstairs

"Morning Diego" robin says while we are walking down the stairs
Diego: "bueno mañana"
Robin: "good morning"

*Diego servers us breakfast*
*Minutes later*
Robin: "well we better leave it's almost time to go,come on y/n"
We leave Robins house

Timeskip//5 minutes later we see Gwen and Finney walking a distance infront of us

Robin: "hey we should scare them"
Robin: "yeah come on"
We start running towards them..we slap their backs.causing them to turn around and jump

Finney: "Omg you guys are jerks!"
Gwen: "you scared the hell out of us!"
Me and robin start to burst out laughing
"It was Robin's idea"
Robin: "witch you agree too" he laughs
Finney: "just don't scare us like that" he said in a worried tone
Robin: "stop ruining the fun Finn" he messes up his hair
Gwen: "anyways anyone coming to Bruce's party sunday"
Finney&y/n: "yeah"
Robin: "I'll be there"

*Timeskip//at school*
Me and Robin go into science class

The teacher was at the door collating the homework
I gave the teacher the homework then we walk in and take our seats


I ran down stairs but I saw Vance going to the door

"Where are you going?" I said as I made it down the steps
Vance: "non of your business go back up stairs
"Your going to Bruce's party aren't you?"
I turned to me "ya I am but their no way your going with"
"Please Vance I wanna go"

He looked at me debating if he should bring me with him

Vance: "fine.but under one rule.when we get their.we don't look at each other we don't go near each other,hell I don't even wanna see you"
Vance: "come on"

*10 minutes later*

We made it to the party.bruce sees us then comes running up to us
Bruce: "heyy guys" he says having a can of beer in his hand spilling it everywhere
We both knew he was so drunk he didn't even try to hide it
Bruce: "Yo guys they're here" he turned around yelling.but Vance just walked away somewhere

After I saw Donna Finn and Robin all at one table chatting with eachother.i walked towards them

"Hey guys"
Donna: "oh y/n you made it I thought you weren't gonna show"
"Vance drove me here.hes here somewhere to"
Robin: "I think I might know where" he said looking behind me

I turned around and saw Vance sitting on a chair with some drunk chick on his lap giving him a lap dance

"Ugh.anyways I'm gonna get a drink guys I'll be right back" I say walking away before I blushed

I made my way to the drink I'm about to pour a drink someone comes up to me
"lookin good y/n" I heard behind me as they whistles
I knew that voice like no other it was only the biggest shit talker in school what the hell was he doing here.i clearly understood he was trying to firt with me he probably was trying to get me to leave with him.

I turn around seeing moose smoking a cigarette with all his friends

"What the hell are you doing here moose"
Moose: "I was invited"
"Yeah I highly doubt that" I tried walking away but moose pulls my wrist with a tight grip pulling me back.i turn my body and slapped him in the face.his friends ooh from behind him
Moose: "your gonna regret that"

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