chapter 23 forgiveness

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I I crossed my arms biting the inside of my cheek.staring at the two houses.i took a stare at Bruce's house.but when I went to look at Robins house.i saw him

He was looking out of his window from his bedroom staring at me

He then pulled his curtains back

*Knock knock knock*

Bruce opened the door
Bruce: "Oh hey,are you alright?" He says removing his headphones off his head
"I'm fine.can I come in?"
Bruce got of the door way allowing me to come in.

I came in as he shutted the door

"Your House is really nice" I turned around and faced him
Bruce: "thanks.i was about to make tea do you want any?"

We go to the kitchen.i sit at the Island while he boiled the water

*After a while the kettle went off*

He grabbed two cups then filled them with the water,then put the tea packet in.he walks over and sit next to me

"Thanks" I say while he gave me a cup
Bruce: " why'd you come over?"
"Just wanted to get away from Vance"
Bruce: "did he do something?"
Bruce: "Oh.okay"

"Are you here alone?"
Bruce: "my parents are out of town visiting my grandmother with my younger sister
"You have a sister?"
Bruce nods "yeah her name's Amy..but what's going with you?" He sipped the tea
"Usual stuff.just been going through alot.yk with Robin"
Bruce: "I hope I'm not in the way of your guy's thing-
"No no your fine"
Bruce: "It's just Robin gets upset easy.and I kinda don't wanna be his next target"
I chuckled "yeah bet no one wants to be"

We both laughed

Once we stop laughing we both stare at each other in the eyes.without thinking we turn our heads and connect our lips together.we both don't pull back anymore,the kiss gets deeper,he wraps his hands around my ass as he gets up and leads to the couch,as we make out he hovers above me in-between my thighs,he puts his head into my collar bone and starts kissing my neck,I moaned out his name gently pulling on his hair,he sucks on my neck leaving dark marks,I lifted my hips up, grinding against his groin "you want it?" He stared up at me, I nodded my head,he takes off his shirt as I unbuttoned my black and red plaid oversized shirt,and bra I look down at the 6 pack forming on his stomach and his biceps, something about his dark brown hair hanging over his face and with no shirt  made me feel something,making me squeeze my thighs around his waist,he goes father down and goes to unbutton my jeans,with his right hand the left one keeping himself up,I shimmy the jeans down my thighs,as Bruce throws them on the floor,just leaving me now in my panties"so beautiful" he whispers against my inner thigh while leaving some soft kisses all one Swift move he rips the panties off me "Bruce! That was my favorite pare!" "Well I'll buy you 10 more to make up for it then" he said,then after gripping my thighs, putting them on his shoulders and driving into my pussy,he licked up at my pussy,I gasped as he did that,I move my hand down to my clit and start rubbing it,Bruce takes one of his hands off my thighs and moves both of his middle fingers into my wet clit,the combination of his fingers and my fingers rubbing and his tongue deep in my pussy made my eyes roll back "Bruce!" I moaned out of pleasure, tugging at his hair "you close?" He asked "mhm" I whimpered.i mean Bruce wasn't as good as Robin was at when eating me out but it still felt so good,he moves his tongue faster, "oh god Bruce,i-i think I'm gonna cum" "say your mine when you cum" I moved my hips with he thrust of his tongue "i'm yours Bruce,fuck.i'm yours" he slurped up my cum,he wipes his mouth as he lifted his head up and goes back up to me "ride this dick" he flips me I'm on his lap,I could feel him through his pants,I take off his belt throwing it on the floor with my shirt and jeans,i move his pants down, along with his boxers,his dick came out I could see the already pre-cum on it,I tilted my head down licking the tip,more of the liquid came out,I put my head down all the way, trying not to gag,it hits the back of my throat,he slaps my ass, making my back arch,he takes the back of my head and he starts fuck facing me with his dick, fast "oh fuck baby,your such a fucking slut" Bruce said,losing control of his breath.i looked up at him through my lashes and saw his head was all the way back, resting on the arm of the couch,I took both of his hands and pinned them beside his waist,I sucked him faster,trying to speed up wanting it get this over with so he could finally be inside of me already "god,your such a good girl" he whimpers and whines, biting his lip,I swirl my tongue around his tip,kitty licking it,I felt his dick twitch in my mouth,I knew he was close,I jerked off the rest I couldn't take,he whimpers as he came in my mouth,and down my throat,i come back up to him as he stares at me,I swallow the liquid painting my throat white, finally I sank down on his dick,we both moaned,the skin clapping together and the wet noises, turning me on even more,his hand is on the back of my hair as my hands are on his shoulders,I bounced,up and down on him,I put my head into his neck,sucking and kissing, "faster y/n" his wish was my command,I bounced faster on his dick,I moaned loudly as it hitted my g-spot, "oh god Bruce!" shoulder,my chin is resting on his shoulder,he flipped us over,he starts thrusting very aggressive into me, hitting my g-spot, I squeezed his biceps hard leaving marks as I came,he grabbed both of my thighs and fucked me harder,the couch is shaking and the wood underneath is creaking "okay Bruce,that's to rough!" "Almost there hang on baby" he sucked on my hard nipples,my eyes rolled back as i came again,his dick twitched in me,as finally he came in me,his thrusts began to slow down and become gentle,he flops beside me "Bruce out mess" "shh-shh we're sorry about it in the morning just let me hold me right now"

*The next morning*

The next morning.i woke up.i open my eyes.feeling Bruce's arms around me while my head was on his chest.but then I heard a knock on the door catching my attention.i looked at Bruce and saw him asleep.i slowly get out of his arms and get up to answer the door

Robin: "y/n? what are you doing here?"
"I was about to ask you the same thing"
Robin: "why didn't you come by to my house?"
"Because I didn't want to.and Bruce actually didn't leave me in the rain,like you did"
Robin: "I was upset.i was gonna come back for you-
"But you didn't.and on-top of that you seriously yelled at me for caring about one of my friends"
Robin: "he wasn't you friend! He left you.he was barely there for yo-
"Yeah I get it! He wasn't there before but he is now!"

We both stared at each other for a bit
"So we done here?"
Robin looked at the ground then just walked away.i went back inside

*Robin's pov*

I ran to Finn's house with tearing falling down my face.i made it to Finn's.i knocked on the door but Gwen answered

Gwen: "Oh hey Robin-
I went pass Gwen letting myself inside
"Where's Finn?" I asked
Gwen: "He's still sleeping.why what's wrong.did something happen between you and y/n?"
I looked at her
Gwen: "let's sit down"

I sit down with Gwen
Gwen: "tell me what happened"

*I tell her everything*

Gwen: "you think Bruce and y/n are dating?"
I nodded
Gwen: "but she's dating you,I'm confused"
"Well.we kinda got into a another fight.and I left her at the drive-in while It was raining.then Bruce drove her home or to his house"

Gwen: "y/n's just upset..listen when you went missing.when me and Donna were with y/n.when she found out she didn't waste a second not one.she ran out of Donna's house running down the neighborhood to find Bruce and y/n are really dating eachother.but if I were you I would get her back.cause the way you guys look at each other.the sparkle in y/n's eyes when she sees you.if that isn't true love I don't know what guys need to do some serious talking.with only you guys"

"Wow gwen.i didn't know you were so deep about this kinda stuff"
Gwen rolls her eyes
"Tomorrow.tell y/n to meet you at the park.and then you guys will kiss and make up afterwards"
"Okay" I laughed wiping the tears from my face

*The next day*

Back with Y/n pov

I made it to the park after getting the text to meet Robin here.i searched around thr park trying to find him but he wasn't I went on one of the swings and waited

After a while a shadow covered me.i looked up and saw a Robin standing infront of me

"Hey Robin" I said looking up at him
"May I?" He asked if he could sit on the empty swing next to me

I nodded my head saying yes

After quite a bit we had some awkward silence not knowing what to say to eachother

He turns to me "yeah y/n?"
"I-i kissed Bruce" I said looked away.i looked at him "last was never meant to happen.we just lost eachother in that don't have to forgive me if you don't want I understand"

Robin: "no it's-its's okay"

"No it isn't.i cheated on you and you didn't deserve th-

I got cut off by him kissing me
Robin: "shut the fuck up I don't care"
Robin: "Well one I understand why you did it and two i yelled at you and three I love you
I smiled saying it back

"Also,I'm pregnant..."

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