chapter 22 Summer

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*Month later,summer*

Me,Donna,Finn,bruce and Gwen was all walking to the corner store to get some things.untill we saw Matty shove pass us with a bloody nose and bruises

Donna: "was that Matty?"
Bruce: "what happened to him?"
"I think I may know" I then felt someone behind me putting their arm around me
Robin: "hello Niña bonito"
"What did you do to Matty?" I said turning my head to him
Robin: "I did nothing don't worry about it peach" he kisses me

Finn: ew guys can you not do that.we're right here you know"
Robin turns to him "I advise you to shut your mouth before you end up like Matty"
Finn widen his eye then looked away
Robin: "just kidding.where are guys going?"
Finn: "to the corner store.wanna come?"
Robin: "yeah sure"

*Corner store*

We all walk in the corner store
Donna: "me,Gwen and y/n will be over there getting some drinks"
Finn: "okay"

Finn pov:

Me,and robin go down a candy aisle

From the corner off my eye I see Robin pick a candy.a one he didn't like

"I thought you didn't like those" I said to him
Robin: "I don't,it's for y/n"
Robin: "how about you get Donna something"
"I don't know what she likes"
He sighs then picks a bag of candy "y/n said she likes these" robin says handing me the bag

Robin: "anyways,I've been thinking of asking y/n to the drive in this Sunday"
"Cool,what movie you thinking?"
Robin: "Texas chainsaw massacre"
I chuckled "what did I even ask"
Robin: "what's that supposed to mean?"

Y/n pov:

After getting drinks from the fridge.i went to turn around.untill I saw bruce behind me

I was shocked to see him.he was alive...

"Bruce.your alive.i thought you were died. haven't seen you in a while"
Bruce: "same,long time no see I guess.i heard what happened with you..and Robin months ago"
"It's all over news since"
Bruce: "you here alone?"
"No,here with Finn,robin,Donna and Gwen.what about you?"
Bruce: "no one just came to get some things.its was nice to see you y/n" he walks away

The half of me.felt bad for him.he was here with no one.he looked like he needed people

"Wait bruce"
He turns around
"Would you wanna hang out with us?"
Bruce: "no,it's fine-
Bruce paused then walked over to me

Donna: "y/n what is taking you so long-
She sees Bruce "Oh.bruce is alive.y/n you might wanna step back before robin sees-

Then I robin came between us and shoved
Robin: "what the fuck are you doing here"
Bruce: "I'm not here for trouble"
Robin: "then why are you here?" He turned to me "are you okay y/n?"
I nodded "he didn't do anything.we just talked"
He turned back to Bruce stepping closer to him
Robin: "you don't talk to her,you don't touch her,if I even see you looking at her.i swear to god I will kill you,understood?"
Bruce: "yeah" he turns around and walks away

"Why the fuck did you do that Robin.he didn't mean any harm!" I go after him
Robin: "y/n-
Finn: "it's fine robin just let it go"


I chase after bruce

I turned to my right and saw him walking away from the store

"Bruce!" I ran to him

"Bruce Vance"
He turns around.then he kissed me

I widen my eyes.then take a few steps back away from him

Bruce: "I can't stand it anymore!.I can't hide it anymore.i love you y/n.ever since I saw you,you were beautiful"
He runs off

I turned around and see Robin behind me with everyone else behind him.they saw everything
Robin: "don't even try to lie y/n,there is no pretending"
"Robin...A-are you breaking up with me?"
Robin: "...I just need some time alone for now" he walks away

Donna walk infront of me

Donna: "y/n you have to fix this"
"But he kissed me-
Donna: "y/n"
I go after robin

I went after him.i went to the back of the store and saw robin leading against a wall smoking a cigarette

He turned to me.then got off the wall turning around

"Just let me explain please Robin"
Robin: "fine go and explain"
"I went after him to just to make sure he was okay.he didn't mean any harm"
Robin: "he kissed you.he told you he loved you love him back" he turned to me
"..I don't know"
Robin scoffed "you don't know?" He says facing me
Robin: "y/n I love you.he doesn't.he just met you after what.a few months?.ive always been there for you.hes been hiding away like some pussy"
I paused
"Your right"
Robin: "so,you or him"
"You letting me choose over him or you,really"
Robin: "really"
"Your such a asshole.I did not chest on you.vance kissed me,it's wasn't my fault Robin you have to know that"
Robin: "are you calling me stupid?"
"Well you kinda are acting like it,so yeah"
Robin: "well at least i'm a selfish fucking cheating bitch!"

My eyes widen as they start to tear up
Robin: "y/n,y/n I didn't mean it-
I start running away from him

Finn: "Robin what the fuck did you do!?" Finn says to him then chases after me

I stopped running after a while and sat under a tree.looking down crying..then I saw a Shadow infront of me

"Go away robin" I say while still having my head down
Finn: "it's me" he sits beside me
"Oh,hey Finney"
Finn: "are you okay,what robin said back there was really harsh"
I nodded agreeing
Finn: "are you sure Vance kisses you first?"
I turned to him
Finn: "just wanna make sure"
Finn: "Okay I'm should go back and talk to him"
"I don't wanna"
Finn: "Y/n I think he wants to talk to you"
"Well tell him I don't wanna talk to him!"
Finn: "you don't understand y/n you know how much Robin cares about you.when he looks at you.he says it's like looking at a goddess.he almost died because of you y/n.i don't mean for this to be rude or disrespectful or anything should be grateful"
I stood up and Finn stands up with me
"Your right Finn"
Finn: "want me get him?"
"No I got it" I walk away

*Time skip I see Robin again against the wall smoking*

He turned to me then stood up
Robin: "Hey"
"Um,I'm sorry.for what happened" I say walking closer to him
Robin: "me too"
"You nearly died because of me-
Robin: "y/n.i wanted to died for you.and I would've"
"I would to.i love you Robin"
He smiled slightly "I love you too y/n"

He both lean in and kissed

Robin: "now can we stop with this fucking arguing already"
"Yeah.from now on no more fights"
Robin: "deal.wanna come to my place?"
"That would be good"

we turned the corner and see them all there

Gwen: "are you guys okay?"
I turned to robin
Robin: "we're fine" he turned to me
I nodded agreeing
Finn: "now can we just pretend nothing of that happened, and just hang out at Donna's"
Me and robin turned to eachother then back at them
Finn: "what?"
Robin: "me and y/n going to my place.sorry guys maybe tomorrow"
Finn: "yeah,it's fine you guys"


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1294 words

I was gonna write Robin and y/n broken up but I want them together for a bit longer 🤫

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