chapter 9 the note

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*The next morning*

I woke up before the others I went into the kitchen to make something before school started.but when i walk in finney was already in there

We made eye contact.but I broke it giving him a look and went to the countertop

Finney: "y/n..y/n I'm sorry"
I turned to him
Finney: "I'm sorry for telling robin.i just couldn't take it anymore"
"I accept your that what you wanna hear?"
Finney: "kinda"
"How dare you tell him.yk what he's gonna do now.hes gonna fucking kill moose"
Finney: "y/n I'm sorry i-
"Save it,I don't wanna speak to you anymore"

While we were walking to school we saw a crowd witch can only mean one thing.a fight,Finn,Gwen,Bruce and Donna all look in the circle

Robin: "What the fuck did you do to y/n.tell me"
Moose: "why do you do you care,you like her or something?"
"So what if I do,what did you fucking do to her!?"
Moose: "I didn't do anything to that fucking whore!"

All eyes come to me including mooses.he turns around "speaking of her.there she is right now" he said to me

Moose: "I thought we agreed on something, ms hopper" he mocked

Before I could say anything Finn gets infront
Finn: "it's not her fault,i-its mine"
Moose scoffed

"We don't have to fight" I said stepping from behind to beside Finn
Moose: "really,I bet you to weak to even lay a hand on me"
Finn: "why moose,you scared to lose a fight to a girl?"

*The crowd starts oohing*

Suddenly Robin pulled moose back.but moose punches Robin in the gut then his face.Robin falls back with blood coming down his nose.i finally had enough he can do anything to me.but he can't hurt Robin.i pulled him by his shirt to the ground.i start Punching his face multiple times until I felt like my hand was gonna break.i finally decided he had enough and then got up.i lift him by his shirt
"You lay another fucking hand on him again and I won't stop until I kill you for good motherfucker!" I spit in his face getting up.then dragging Robin to the restroom

Robin: "you okay?" He says as we ran in
"I'm fine..get on the sink"
He lifted himself on-to the I got on my knees,getting lower i pulled up his shirt seeing a big deep bruise mark from mooses shoe.

Robin: "seems like that asshole has been practicing" he chuckled softly as I chuckled with.but as I kept checking the bruise out I got distracted and my eyes when to his abs/muscles.and what made it even worse is that I was right infront of his..well went on like that for a while until I finally said something

"Bruise looks fine" I said standing back up on my feet

Robin: "thanks nurse hopper"
I looked at he responded with a small chuckle "lets get your nose cleaned up"

He gets down from the I grabbed some tissues and started cleaning the blood off his nose

"Yk you could've almost killed him back there" he said with a chuckled
"Yeah I would've if murder was actually legal" I smiled as he smiled back at I got the bleeding to stop from his nose

Robin: "y/n?" He says to me
"Yeah Robin" I said throwing away the bloody tissues
Robin: "can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
Robin: "why did you protect me.i'm a asshole to you"
I panicked thinking what to say "um i-i-
Then suddenly I hears the door slam open I jumped turning around

"Y/N?!" Vance said burging in
Vance: "Y/n what are you doing in here?!"
"What are you doing in here?!"
Vance: "I wanted to make sure you were okay"
"That's bullshit you never cared about me before and you never will"

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