chapter 22 The drive-in

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I was getting ready for the drive in with Robin.after he called me saying he'll be here in 10 minutes.

While I was putting on some blush I heard knocking at the door.i tied my shoes and later went downstairs.walking pass I saw Vance on the couch.sleeping still with the tv on.i opened the door

Robin: "Hey Hermosa"
"Hey Roni" I smiled


"Did Vance see you leave?" Robin says to we left his car
"No,he was passed out in a chair"
Robin: "okay well let's find a spot before they're no space left"

After a while we found a spot

Robin: "Is this spot okay with you Hermosa?"
I nodded
He lied a blanket down
Robin: "do you want anything from the stands?" He said to me after setting down the blanket and standing back up

"I don't know what they have"
Robin: "I'll show you" he took my hand


Robin: "pick anything.i'll be over there" he walks away

After he went away I looked at everything.there was candy,soda and chips witch Robins where was

Something catched my eye and it was the lifesavers gummies.when I went to grab them someone's hand Landed on-top of mine

"Oh sorry" I removed my hand and look at the person

It was Bruce..

Bruce: "Oh hey y/n.didn't expect you here" he said as I saw him blushing
Bruce: "sorry I'll leave- he turns around
"No wait"
He turns around again
"Who are you with?"

But Bruce just paused then he walked away

Robin: "was that Bruce?"
I turned around to face robin
Robin: "did he hurt you.what did he want"
"He wanted nothing.lets go,the movie's gonna start soon"

We got back to our spot then the movie started playing

About 30-ish minutes into the movie.i turned my head and saw Bruce on the other side of the drive in i kept looking I heard Robins scoff then get up

I finally snap out and turn I see Robin walking away

I grab the blanket and ran after him

*Parking lot*

"Robin where are you going?"
Robin: "why you care.all you care is about is Bruce"
"That's not true at all Robin!"
Robin's "then why were you staring at him!"

I paused for a second
Robin: "that's what I thought" he opens his car door
"No just wait"
He rolled his eye then shut the car door
Robin: "there's nothing to talk about
y/n.go to bruce.its like he was there for he protected want Bruce,fucking leave and go to him" he opened the car door and got in the car

I went on the window side of the car
"Are you breaking up with me?" I said while tears falling down my face
Robin: "just leave me alone for now y/n"
He started the car
"How am I supposed to get home?!"
Robin: "figure it out"

He said to me after rolling up the window and driving off

Few minutes later I was sitting on the sidewalk next to the entrance crying.then suddenly it started to rain

I looked up and saw Bruce
"Go away Bruce" I looked away
Bruce: "where's Robin?"
I looked at him and paused then later looked away
Bruce: "sorry.can I atleast drive you home.its raining"
I looked at him.then I stood up
"Where your car?"
Bruce: "follow me"


Bruce pulled up to my house
"Thanks for driving me"
Bruce: "yeah I don't mind"
I got out of his car.then he drives off

I walked inside.when I did someone pushed me inside and shut the door quickly

Vance: "where the fuck were you?!"
"With Ro-donna"
Vance: "that's bullshit!"
"It's no-
Vance: "I saw you get out of Bruce's car!"
"Because he drove me home.can't anything I say to you make sense to you.or what you gonna do are you beat him up to?!"
Vance then slapped his hand across my face.making it red

Vance: "no wait y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to- he said realizing what he did

I ran out of the house tearing in my eyes while holding my face

Then I across Robins house and Bruce's house.witch house should I go to...

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Witch house door should y/n knock on..?

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