chapter 21 Reunion

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Later I agreed to meet Angela outside of my house.i walk outside and see her on the sidewalk

Angela: "hey,you ready to go"

After a while we made it infront of a house

Angela: "this time I walked pass it one day and I swear,I saw a black van parked in the garage"
I walked towards but Angela stopped me

Angela's "we can't just go in there.we have nothing to protect ourselves with"
"I'm just gonna look around the house alittle see if I can see stay here and keep a lookout for anything,if I scream,come running"
Angela: "okay"

I began walking up to the house,looking through windows,back doors etc.but the house was empty.i was about to walk back to angela.but I noticed a barley open door.i walk towards the door and creak it open

"Hello?" I called out,but no response called back

Suddenly I heard a terrible was so worse,I had to cover my nose and breathe out of my mouth I didn't know where the smell was coming from,all I could do is follow it.the smell got worse as I continue to wonder through the door,soon it lead me to a bookcase,I was confused till I saw a door handle beside eyebrows raised within seconds as I quickly removed the bookcase out of the way,then twisted the door knob and opening the door.when I opened the door it lead to stairs going down, as I got the terrible sense,like something was rotting,I went down the creaky stairs covering my nose,when I got down the stairs I saw little hills of dirts,and an already dug in hole,like a grave almost

I eyes suddenly widen realizing that Robin is alive,but I don't have much time to save him


I went back to Angela seeing her on the side walk still

"Good,I thought you'd be gone" I said to her, standing beside her

"Robin?" She says "did you see Robin?!"

"No,but I did find the other missing kids graves down in the basement"

"Oh my god" she couched down rubbing her forehead

"I know that Robins alive"

"How?" He said turning her head to me

"There was a empty one down there,no body in it"

Angela stood up

"Aleast we know he's alive" she said

"Aleast we know"

Then we heard a vehicle approaching.we turned to see.a black van driving,pulling into the next door house

The person got out of car and went inside of the house

I then realize that's the house that Robins in

"Angela.thats the house"

"Think your right" she replied

We crossed the street,both looking around the house, stopping infront of the garage

"You look over there,I'll look here"

She nodded,sneaking over to the spot over to the spot

Soon I woke up to someone shaking me and calling my name.i slowly opened my eyes I had a mega headache.i look infront of me and see Robin in front of me

Robin: "y/n thank god your alive" he kissed me.he smelled terrible but I couldn't care at least i was with him

Robin: "how did you get here?"

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