chapter 14 the Missing

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*With you*
*A day passes*

Soon I woke up and found myself on a mattress with no sheets in a dark room with the only light getting in was sun light

My eyes hurting like hell my vision blurry and I couldn't barely open them
"What the fuck-
Then I heard a door open.i quickly looked as I saw a figure walking down the stairs.he sat on the bed beside me

Grabber: "lucky you woke up.i was getting worried"
"Where am I?" I said
Grabber: "you know where you know you don't have to be scared.because nothing bad is going to happened here.and that I keep my word"
I was shaking with fear the more I saw him, goosebumps crawling up and down my arms.

He pokes my shoulder
Grabber: "you like"
He takes his hand and puts it on my shoulder
"I'm gonna go get you a soda.then-" he suddenly turned his head and looked around
Grabber: "the phone.did you hear a phone ring?"
He turns back around and faced me
Grabber: "Imma go see who it is then get you a soda,then I'll come back and I'll explain everything" he giggled as moved his hand to my cheek


After the grabber left the room I slowly got up from the mattress and started looking around the room a little more.there was basically nothing just some cracks in the walls,chipped paint,etc,a tiny window with bars,like a prison cell

I suddenly see a black phone hanging on the wall but just to find out that the cord was cut

"Damn it" I whispered to myself
Grabber: "it doesn't work.hang it up"
I turned around
Grabber: "I know your scared and you want to go home I'll take you home soon I promise it's just that" he sighs "everythings just fucked up,I have to be upstairs for a while something's come up
"What has* I asked
Grabber: "nevermind what"
"Is it the police?"
He laughed
Grabber: "it's not the police"
"It's someone thought someones comin,I'll scream,if someone's upstairs they're hear me"
Grabber: "no he won't,not with the door shut"
Grabber: "with this door shut no one can hear anything down here I sound proofed myself" he begans to leave
"Your the one that killed the others.arent you,billy,Giffin
He turns around and walked more into the room

"that wasn't me.that was somebody else..I will never make you do anything you don'"
"If you try to touch me I'll scratch your face.and who ever is up there who see that scar"
He raised up his hands and his head
Grabber: "this face" he chuckled softly, looking back at me
"Hang up the phone please"
I hung up the phone
Grabber: "I was down here once when I was a kid,the phone rang and I picked it up without even see if anyone was there"
"Was there?"
He stood his head slowly saying no
He turned around and left

Robin's pov:

I'm waiting outside of y/n's house waiting for her but she's taking very long for some reason

Finn: "Robin what are you doing"
I turned to him "Oh hey Finn just waiting for y/n"
Gwen looks at the house: "I don't see anyone in there.she must've went to school already"
"without us.that's not like her"
Finn: "maybe she was in a rush this morning"
Robin: "guess your right"

*With you*
*Hours passes*
It's been hours and the sun was gonna be down soon my stomach was growling so loud,I was starving.then some lights turned on and the door was the grabber he was coming down with a tray I got up from the bed and looked him

Grabber: "thought you might be hungry"
"What'd you put in that"
The grabber looks down at the tray
Grabber: "salt and pepper" he chuckles then sets down the tray
Grabber: "don't eat it eat it" he looks at me "your already down here what do I need to drug you for" he stands back up then leaves but left the door unlocked after he left I noticed

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