chapter 17 new year

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Once I was out of the hospital I went back to school.i opened the door to the school.everyones eyes go to they whisper to their friends.on the way walking to class.i see my builles Leaning against some Lockers.i stare at them.with them staring back.but something else happened.the didn't jump me in the halls this time they looked away.soon a smirk appeared on my face.i went into science.and went to sat next to robin.

Robin: "good morning amore" he said flipping through the notes
I turned to him "good morning to you robin"
We both smile at eachother

*2 years later me and Robin are 17 now*

I was walking through the halls.but then I bumped into someone.'an old friend' I looked up and saw moose

Our eyes both widen a little at each other
Moose: "y/n"
We both got up

Moose: "I haven't seen you since.the fight last year with Vance hopper"

Moose: "I'll see you around" he walks away

Robin: "what were you doing talking to him?"

I turned to him "I wasn't"

Robin: "..okay.well let's go to class.unless you wanna skip"

A smile went on my face "let's skip class"

*We to Robins house*

Instead of talking we made out on his bed with me on his lap and his hands around my waist.we continued to make out then suddenly Robin then suddenly started kissing my neck while slowly getting on-top of me

"Robin- I giggled "we can't.we gotta get to school"

Robin looks at me "do you really want me to stop?"

I went quiet

He said softy diving his head down and un-doing my pants


We both walk in but then the principal stops us

Principal: y/n Blake and robin arellano.were you two skipping class?"
Robin: "no.we're late"
Principal: "someone told me that they both saw you leaving school.and I checked the cameras and saw you two running out of school"
Me and robin look at the ground
Principal: "I expect to see you both in detention after school" they walk away

Robin: "sorry.for making your late"
"What did I tell you about saying sorry?"
Robin chuckled softly
Finney: "y/n?!" Finney walked towards us "where the hell were you?!"
"I skipped class"
Finney: "why?"

*We heard the bells ring*
"Gotta go.bye Finney..come on robin"

Me and Robin walk in the cafeteria

Robin: "y/n here" he says seeing empty seats
*We both sit down*

After a while,Finney,Donna,and Gwen sat with us

Donna: "ugh"
"Whats wrong?"
Donna: "I have this stupid test off science.and where were you guys I didn't see you both?" She said to me and robin
Robin: "we skipped"
Donna: " that's why I saw the principal talk to you both earlier"
Gwen: "hey guys.did you hear about the Valentine's week?"
All except Gwen "no"
Gwen:  "well it's supposed to be on the 14th.and you bring your partner.i've heard its actually pretty entertaining"

Finney then gets up
Donna: "where you going Finney?"
Finney: "the machines"
"I'll go with you Finn" I get up with him

*At machines*
Finney: "do you know what Donna likes?"
"She likes anything really.i'd go with the plane lays"
Finney: "okay"
"Why,you love her.make sure you get the right thing"
Finney: "shut up"

*At the table.with,Donna,robin and Gwen*

Robin: "Gwen?"
Gwen: "yeah?"
Robin: "do you know what y/n likes?"
She looks at him
Robin: "just curious"
Gwen: "I mean she likes you why,you wanna her to the dance?"
Robin: "...yeah"
Donna: "ooo-
Robin: "shush it's not a big deal..but what does she like?"
Donna: "Robin you don't need to get her anything.she loves you.just ask her like old school"
Gwen: "seems like y/n and Finn are coming back though"

I threw a bag of chips at Robins head.he turns around

"Payback for all the times you did it to me" I sit next to Robin
"What did you guys talk about?"
Robin: "nothing"


I was writing down notes about science.until I felt something tap my thigh.i looked and saw Robin passing a note.i take the note from his hands then i opened it and the note said

'y/n would you wanna go to the dance with me'

I looked at him seeing him looking down at his paper fidgeting with his pencil.him getting embarrassed was so adorable...I grabbed his chin making him face me.i stared at him then kissed him it's a good thing we sat at the back...

"Yes" I whispered to him


Me,Gwen,Donna are talking at my locker

Donna: "history is so boring guys"
"Science is even worse"
Gwen: "aleast your with robin
"Talking about him.he me asked me to the dance"
Gwen: "I'm so happy for you.did you say yes?"
"Why wouldn't I.did Finney ask you yet Donna?"
Donna: "no.but I hope he will"
"Maybe you can ask him"
Donna: "now?"
Gwen: "why not?"
Donna: "I can't"
"Donna stop being such a it he's right over there" I pointed to him while he was talking to Robin at his locker
Donna looks over

Robin and Finney pov:
Finney: "what do you think they're talking about over there"
Finney: "probably about the dance"
Robin: "when are you gonna ask Donna?"
Finney turns to him "I-i dunno.w-what if she doesn't wanna go"
Robin: "she'll go with you,definitely,just go over to her.i'll be right here"
Finney looks over at Donna "allright fine" he closes his locker and walks over to Donna

"Donna you might wanna turn around" I said as I saw finney behind her
She turns around
Donna: "oh Finney.hi"
Finney: "hey.i gotta speak with you in private for a minute"
Donna: "okay" they both walk away

Gwen: "wondering where they're going"
Robin: "Finn's gonna ask her to the dance"
"You guys were talking about that?"
Robin: "who isn't?"
"That's true.we were talking about that as well"
Gwen: "we told Donna to ask finney.only because Finney hasn't asked her to the dance yet.besides now if that's what they're talking about"
Robin: "they are,I told Finn to do the same thing"

Then we saw finney and Donna coming back
Gwen: "guys they're coming back.act casual"

"What did you guys need to talk about?"
Finney: "nothing"
"Alright then"


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