chapter 23 A short rest

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After a few minutes later I swore we passed Robins house like 3 times

"Isn't your house that way?"
Robin: "Oh,sorry I didn't tell you wanna go to the arcade?'
"I haven't been there in forever yeah of course I wanna go"
Robin: "cool it's not to far"


We both walk in the arcade
"never saw you as the video game lover"
Robin: "I don't mind them,ooo over here y/n"

He brought me to a air hockey table
"Omg I love the game"
Robin: "well I'm really good-
I cut him off by hitting a pock and scoring.he looks at me and I look back just smirking at him
"You were saying?"
Robin smirks back "Okay" he hits the pock

After a while the score was 8-9
"Just one more point untill I win might as well give up" i smiled
Robin: "yeah right"
He hits the pock into the slot scoring.we were now tied
"I wasn't ready!"
Robin: "to bad" he laugh

We both continued playing feeling like forever.we both were was my turn to hit the puck.but from my side I was Robin wasn't garding the slot with the striker so it was the perfect time to hit the puck in the slot then win..easy enough

I hit the puck into the slot before robin could block it having me the winner

"YES!.i won"
Robin: "I let you win"
"Yeah right" I chuckled

*A both played a few more games then decided to leave after and walk back to Robins House sharing a cigarette on the way*

Robin: "that was fun" he passed it to me
"Yeah it was.we should invite the others over tomorrow just like old times like we used to"
Robin: "yeah,we should especially since school is gonna start again"
Robin: "y/n?"
I turned to him as we stopped walking
"Yeah Robin?"

I see Robin pulls out two tickets from his pocket

Robin: "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the drive-in this Sunday"
I paused for a second
Robin: "we don't have to go if you want to-
"No,no I'd love to Robin" I smiled blushing
Robin smiled back then grabbed my chin kissing me.making me only blush more

We walk to Robin's house,holding hands

Robin: "soo,what you wanna do?"

We walk Into his house.i didn't see Diego anywhere

"Where's Diego?"
He looks at me after shutting the door
Robin: "Oh.he'll be out of town for a while"
Robin: "yeah,wanna go swimming?"
"Where would we?"
Robin: "come here" he grabs my hand and we go outside

We go outside and see a pool
"Since when did you have a pool?"
Robin: "since forever,just never told you about it"
"We don't have any swimming suits"
Robin: "just go in your clothes,I can give you some of my clothes get in" he pushed me in the pool

I screamed as I fell in

"You little-
Robin laughs "sorry let me help you out" he reached his hand out
I smirked as I got a idea.i grab his hand only to pull him in the pool

We both laugh.standing up and staring at each other.i rest wrapping my arms around his hands are on my waist

Robin: "you look good with your hair wet"
I smiled,blushing "you too"
Robin turns his head at the sunset
Robin: "sun's gonna be down soon" he turns to me again
I saw him take a glance at my lips then back at my eyes

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