chapter 8 secrets told

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Few hours pass I'm lying on my bed reading my favorite book.then untill Vance came in my room with the phone

Vance: "it's for you" he gave me it
"Who is it?"
Vance: "it's donna" he leaves

*On phone*

Robin: "hey y/n"
"Robin? I thought this was Donna"
Robin: "I gave Donna the phone,cause vance would never have gave you the phone then"

"Oh okay makes sense.whats up?"

Robin: " just wondering if you wanted to come by my house.Bruce,Finn,Donna and Gwen Are already on their here.just wondering if you wanted to come too?"

"Yeah ofc I'll be there"
Robin: "good.theres also someone I want you to meet
"Okay I'll Be there soon"

10 minutes later i see Donna,Finn,Gwen and Bruce all walking together

Bruce: "hey" he waves to me
Donna: "who do you think Robin wanted us to meet?"
Finney: "I dunno know" he knocks on the door.then Robin answers it
Robin: "hey guys.come in"
We go in the living room and see a unfamiliar girl in the living room
Robin: "this is who I wanted you guys to meet"
She stood up
Angela: "hey everyone I'm Angela" Bruce,Finney,Donna and Gwen hug her
Angela opens her arms for me to hug her but I just back up
"Who are you?" I ask
Angela: "Robins girlfriend of course"
I look over at Robin "girlfriend?" My eyes go to Donna and see a really pity face on eyes start to water up
Donna: "y/n..
I run out of the house
Donna turns to Robin "you asshole!" She runs after me
I sit against the house.crying
Donna: "y/n?" She sits down beside me
"I thought he actually liked me,im so fucking stupid"
Donna: "it's okay y/n..maybe we can make him jealous"
Donna: "pretend to date Bruce"
Donna: "no other choice"
..."fine I'll do it"

We walk back inside and see everyone gone.we see them sitting in the living room.all eyes go to me
Donna: "now" she mouths to me.i stare at Bruce then walk towards him.i look at him then kiss the kiss went on I could feel Robins eyes right at me.i pull away.then sit beside him

Bruce: "y/n can we talk in the kitchen now?"
Me and Bruce go in the kitchen
Bruce: "what the hell was that for"
"What was what?"
Bruce: "the kiss!,you kissed me"

"I'm trying to make robin and Donna agreed for me to pretend to date in" I whispered
Bruce: "I don't know it's kinda wer-
"Please Bruce"
Bruce: "..Fine"

After we went back to the living room holding hands
"Whats wrong Robin your so quiet"
Robin: "im fine" he said annoyed.i stare at donna seeing our plan was working

Finney: "can we just play a game?"
Donna: "let's play Truth or dare"

We all agree

Donna: "Robin truth or dare?"
"Dare" he answered back
Donna: "I dare you to kiss the hottest girl here"

He looked at me for a second then at Angela
He walks towards me and stared at me then
He grab my cheek with one of his hands and his other on my waist before kissing me

We both pull away staring in eachother eye's.i even saw robin blushing a little.then he leaned and we kiss again still with Robins hand on my waist.then he goes back beside Angela

Robin: "what?" He said to Angela
Angela: "you kissed her only supposed to kiss her once!"
Robin: "so.i'd never date y/n in the first place I had to for the game"
Angela: "whatever" she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms

Gwen: "I wanna go next" she turns to me
"y/n Truth or dare"
"Dare" I answered her
Gwen: "I dare you to sit in Bruce's lap for the rest of the game"
I slightly widen my eyes "do I?"
Gwen: "it's a dare y/ gotta do it"
I look at Bruce then move my body on him

*You all continue playing some more rounds*

Gwen yaws
Gwen: "oh my- im tired guys I'm going to bed.where the guest room robin?"
Robin: "the very last room"
Gwen: "thanks" she goes up the stairs

Robin: "so do you guys wanna watch a movie?"
*We all agree*

Robin: "Bruce,finney can you help me with the snacks while y/n,Donna and Angela pick a movie"

They go to the kitchen.while me,Angela and Donna start looking for a movie that might be interesting

*In the kitchen with Finn,Bruce and robin*

Bruce and Finney were talking but robin was wasn't.bruce noticed he was more quiet
Bruce: "Robin you okay?"
Robin: "are you and y/n really dating?"
Bruce: "..yeah.we are,and why do you care don't you have your own girlfriend already" he walks pass them finney was about to leave but.

Robin: "wait Finn.what did you and y/n say in private earlier"
Finney turned around "I can't tell you.y/n doesn't want me telling you" he answered
Robin: "why did her and moose date or something before?" He said as a joke
Finney nods his head
Robin: "wait they actually did.i was joking"
Finney: "moose used y/n and cheated on her when they dated..."
Bruce: Robin you look upset"
Robin: "I'm not upset,I don't care about y/n"

*In the living room with y/n,Angela and donna"

Donna: "did you find anything yet?"
I shake my head
Donna: "you okay?"
I shake my head saying yeah
Donna turns to Donna "Angela can you help the boys in the kitchen?"

She nods while she gets up and makes her way to the kitchen

Donna: "what's wrong you sure you seem off" she said to me
Donna: "your something bothering you?"
I shake my head again
Donna: "is it the thing that Robin said.about never dating you?"
I look up "no"
Donna: "lier.we've been friends long enough for me to know that your lying"
"Fine.i am upset he said that"
Donna: "he probably just doesn't want us knowing he does like you"
"Yeah I guess your right"
Donna: "well they're gonna be back soon so let's pick a movie"

After we finally found a movie
Robin: "we're back"
Donna's "good.we picked the movie"
Robin: "that's good.lets watch the movie"

*Middle of the movie*
i looked over at Robin and noticed he looked upset I sightly nudged Finney
"Finney.Robin looks he okay?"
Finn turns to me "I don't know why"
"You didn't tell him right"
Finn: "...never"
"Okay good.thanks Finn"
We started watching the movie again
i then noticed we were low on snacks
"I just be right back guys"
I walk back into the kitchen and start getting some more I was getting snacks robin came beside me

I turned to him "oh hey Robin"
Robin: "hey"
"Everything seemed upset over there"
He looks at me "I'm fine y/n"
"Robin.tell me the can't hide it forever
Robin: "everything fine"
I sighed out of annoyance "whats bothering you just tell came in here for a reason"
Robin: "did you and moose date?" He said
"What no"
Robin: "I know everything y/n,Finn told me"
"But he said he wouldn't tell anyone"
Robin: "So it's true?"
"Fine yeah it is"
Robin: "is that why he tries to talk to you so much?"
I nodded "please don't tell him you heard nothing"
Robin: "y/n-
"He said if I ever said anything he would-
Robin: "he would what?"
I looked away
Robin: "tell me,what would he do?"
I looked at him "just imagine what he would do" i walked pass him

Donna: "everything good?" She whispers to me as I sat down next to her
But ignore her and look back at the tv

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