chapter 24 pregnant

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"Also I'm pregnant.." I said to Robin
His eyebrows raised a little and his eyes widen a bit
"I know you wanna yell at me,I get it so just do it"

Robin: "y/n..I am not gonna yell at you,or be angry,your carrying my baby...i-is it mine?"

I nodded my head saying yeah
Robin let out a squeal,gets out of the swing to hold my stomach
Robin: "when did you find out?" He looks up at me still holding my stomach
"A mouth ago-ish"
Robin: "and you waited till now to tell me?"
"I thought you would be angry"
Robin: "my love,I'd never get angry at you" i blushed at his word,he turns to my stomach again "is it a boy or a girl?"
I chuckled "clam down Robin,I don't know yet"
Robin: "I just can't wait,do you wanna tell the others?" He said looking back up at me
"Yeah,I think it's best if they know"

*TIMESKIP//Robins house*
Robins pov

*Knock Knock Knock*

I heard y/n answer the door and invite them in

"Vance is here" She whispered to me
"what?" I whispered back
Y/n: "He's gonna fucking legit kill you" "...then I won't let him" we went to the living room where the others were, holding hands

Finn: "so what did you need to tell us?" He asked rubbing his thighs with his hands
Robin: "ehm-

We both sat across from them as they waited for a answer

Robin: "we're...we're gonna have a baby,y-
y/n's pregnant"

They all widen their eyes sighty
Finn: "Omg!" He hugged y/n "can I please be the godfather?"
"I was already gonna make you the god father Finn

Y/n pov:

Then legit Robin and Finn both grabbed both of eachother's hands and jumped up and down like a couple of fucking teenager girls

Gwen: "I'm so happy for you y/n" her and Donna hugged me while having tears in both of their eyes

I stared at Vance from behind them and he had a smile on his face...

Robin: "YES"
Finn: "I'LL GET THE KEYS" He ran picking up the keys and running out of the house with Robin

After they left Vance approached me
Vance: "congratulations"
I turned to him "thanks Vance" I gave him a sight smile
Vance: "I'm gonna be a uncle" he took a breath out then suddenly his eyes widen,he turned around muttering "I'm gonna be a uncle" to himself putting his hands on his head

then suddenly the door legit busted open almost having it fly off the hinges,I saw Robin and Finn come in with a bunch of bags on their arms with bandanas basically falling out of the bags

"OMG FINN THAT'S TO MANY" I shouted at him
Robin: "you can't ever have enough bandanas"
Then Finn pulled out a red bandana running up to me
Finn: "bet their favorite colour will be red"
Gwen: "NO,ITS GONNA BE YELLOW" she yelled yanking it out of his hands
I laughed "thank you Finney"
Finney: "and I got a few other things for the little boy,or girl when they arrive"
He dumped out so many baby clothing
Robin: "You sure you didn't go a little over board Finn?" He said rubbing the back of his head
Finn: "I wanna make sure I'm the best Godfather to your child Robin" he said turning to Robin
Robin: "you will,just...its a lot"
Finn scoffed then walked away

Robin: "did you and Vance talk yet?
Robin: "so,is he gonna kill me?"
"I don't know,he kinda just walked away while muttering "I'm gonna be a uncle" all worried"
Robin: "sounds like him"
We both laughed

Isn't out yet
664 words


Y'all thought this story was over...pfffff

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