chapter 7 keeping secrets?

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*the next school*

Donna: "hey y/n" she leaned in the locker beside mine
"Hey donna.are you and Finney official?"
Donna: "not yet"
"Not yet ooh"
Donna: "oh shut up"

Then robin came behind me and picked me up scaring me
"AH! robin let me down"
He lets me down as hes laughing
"you asshole" I playfully hit him

I blushed as I saw Donna looking at us
Donna: "are you guys together?"
I turned to her then back at robin.but we just burst out laughing
Robin: "fuck no" he continues laughing
"You think I would date him" I laughed
Donna: "okay we I just thought since- you know what nvm bye guys I gotta get to class" she walks away

Robin: "we'll come on y/n let's go to science"


We all sat at a spot together
Finney: "okay I'm going to the food stand.anyone want anything?"
Donna: "I'm good"
Gwen: "I'm allright"
Finney: "y/n?"
"Oh uh chips I guess"
Finn: "okay"
Robin: "I'll come with you Finn" he gets up

Gwen: "soooo"
Donna: "you and Robin"
"Shut up guys"
Donna: "are you guys dating are you not.i saw you blushing over there"
"We're not dating and we never will" I chuckled
Gwen: "yeah sureee.what did you guys even do at his house"
"We studied,what else do you think?"
Gwen and Donna looked at each other
Donna: "doesn't matter.Oh look here comes your boy friend right now"

Finn and Robin sat at the table

Robin: "hey guys.hey y/n"

Timeskip//after school

We were all walking home untill then moose came up to us
Moose: "hey y/n"
"What the fuck do you want?"
Moose: "just wanna talk"
"Go to Hell moose"
Finney: "y/n just ignore him"
Moose: "were you apart of this!"
Finney looks at moose then looks away
Robin: "don't you fuckin remember what I said to you back at the party yesterday?"
Moose: "i wouldn't forget a bean-
Gwen: "moose just get the fuck out of here"
Moose punches gwen.causing her to hit the ground
Finn: "Gwen!" He ran to her picking her back up
I looked at Robin and gave him the 'look'

Soon a crowd got Summoned and started doing what crowd do best.crowd around

While moose laughed with his friends making fun of Gwen and Finn.Robin shoved Moose

*Then without hesitation they Start fighting*

Then as usually Robin wins

Gwen: "that was crazy"
Me and Donna: "yeah"
"You think Robin's okay?"
Finney: "I can go check on him he's probably going to the restroom to clean up"
"thanks Finney
Finney: "anytime" he walks away


*In the restroom*

Finn's pov:

I walked in and saw Robin washing the blood off his hand.Robin turns to me
Robin: "hey Finn"
"hey uh are you alright.what happened back there was brutal
Robin: "yeah I'm fine maybe not moose but I'm good" we both laugh as then Robin grabs  some towels and then tape from his pocket
Robin: "and Finn do you know why moose tries to talk to y/n so often?"
"No I don't.maybe they have some beef with eachother that y/n didn't tell us"
Robin: "why would y/n not tell us?" He says wrapping his hand with the bandages
"maybe she doesn't want us to know but I ask her what's up with it"
Robin: "thanks"

When we got out Donna,y/n and Gwen were outside Waiting

Y/n pov:

"Omg Robin are you okay?" I hug him
Robin: "yeah I'm fine y/n" as I hugged her back

Finney: "y/n can I talk you for a moment in private?"
"Yeah sure Finney"


We go in a corner away from the others*

Finney: "why does moose tries to talk to you so much?"
"I don't wanna talk about it right now"
Finney: "y/n please come on tell me I won't the others I promise.Pinky promise
..."fine I'll tell you"
"Me and moose dated a long time ago but only to know that he was using me and cheating on me.i'm sorry I didn't tell you or the others this I just thought it would've been better if you guys didn't know about it"
Finney: "it's okay I understand"

We go back to the others

Donna: "what were you guys talking about?"
"Doesn't matter what we talked about"

Finney: "yeah.come on Gwen let's go"
Finn and Gwen walk away

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