chapter 11 the stranger

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When i walked into school with Finn and gwen.there was a girl handing out some papers

"What is this?" I asked her when she gave me one
Lady: "Romeo and Juliet,their gonna be a play and there wondering if anyone would wanna audition for it" she turned away, handed other papers to people

Finn: "so it's a play?" He said checking out the paper
"Guess so"
Gwen: "you guys gonna audition?"
Finn: "Oh,no definitely not"

As we kept walking we saw bunch of people crowding near a wall,it got out attention fast.we sped walk over to see what was going on

We pushed through some people and it was a list of names people are auditioning for the romeo and Juliet play,one of them being Robin,auditioning to be Romeo

Finn: "Robin" He said sounding actually shocked
I grabbed a pencil out of my pocket and wrote down my name for Juliet

Gwen: "you wrote down your name?" She said as we got out of the crowd
"Why wouldn't I?"
Gwen: "I didn't mean like that i- nvm I gotta go" she walked to her class,and also Finn did to


I opened my locker,shoving my books in

While I was my hand slipped causing all of my books to fall out of my locker

"SHITT" I widened my eyes just realizing I yelled that out.i looked up and saw everything staring at me.i turned away and picked up my books as the hallway started getting loud again

"bad morning?"

I heard being said to me as I looked and saw feet infront of me.i looked up and saw Robin then standing there

"Oh,um yeah"
He crouched down and picked up my books,I was confused he helping me?

We both stood up after collecting all of my books

Robin: "there" he neatly put the books into my locker "it's that easy"
I chuckled "thanks"
Robin: "no problem"

I grabbed my lock,closed my locker and locked it

Robin: "I see you auditioned for the play"
Robin: "you auditioned"
"Oh yeah,I did"
Robin: "never thought you would"
He nodded
"Wow,I kinda just did it not thinking,I'll probably not get the part anyways"
Robin: "never know"

~The bell rang~

Robin: "well come on we don't wanna be late"

~Timeskip lunch~

Soon I got down to the cafeteria and saw them sitting at a table.i went over and sat next to Gwen

"Hey guys.where Finn and robin?"
Gwen: "they went to the machines"
"Oh okay"
Robin: "here y/n" he gave me a soda
"Oh thanks"
Robin smiles as he sat next to me

~Timeskip//after school~

I began walking home

*Halfway through to my house

I was about to cross the street before I saw a car coming right at me.before it could hit me I felt hands on my waist pulling me back

I looked up and saw Robin
I was so confused.was Robin following me?and why did he pull me back?why did he care?

Robin: "watch where you going"
"let's go"

We turn around and began walking

*10 minutes later*
Robins house


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