chapter 4 the science partner

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Donna: "where's the movie you were gonna bring?" She asked him
Robin: "oh" he reaches in his pocket then got out the movie "here" he gave her it
Donna: "great.let's go get some snacks"

TIMESKIP.there is really no snacks no body liked*

Robin: "y/n why tf you have raises in your fridge" he said while was at ten fridge looking in it

"Why should I know?"

Donna: "that's it,how about we just go to grab and go.theres gonna be some snacks there for us

Donna: "Ava,Olivia,mason and Aiden you all stay here.while me Finn y/n,Robin and Gwen will go to grab and go"

-on the way,walking-

Gwen,Finn and Donna are walking infront while both me and Robin were behind them

"Robin?.can I ask you something?"

Robin: "go head" he said still looking at the ground,kicking a rock with his shoe

"Am I werid"

Robin chuckled "definitely" he says sarcastically

"No man I werid?"

He turned to me "yeah,but so what everyone's werid he turned to the ground again

-grab and go-

The five of us all walk I see Gwen and Finn go to the slushie machines at the back.and Donna going to the chip aisle


I walked over to the candy aisle,with Robin following behind

Robin: "what do you want?"

"I don't know,what do you want?"

Robin: "I don't know that's why I asked you?!"

"Okay Reese's"

Robin: "ew"

"Okay you just pick then,.Imma go find Donna"

I walked away and found donna.picking out Gatorades from the freezer

"Robin's being so annoying?"

Donna: "annoying how?"

"Just annoying"

Donna: "oh.okay then"

Gwen: "hey y/n"

I turned to her and saw a bunch of stuff in her hands, slushies,candies,soda etc

"I'm hoping you both have the money for all that" I said referring to her and Finney

Her and Finney turned to eachother

Gwen: "uhh...definitely,definitely


Finn: "where's Robin?"

"In the Candy aisle"

Finn: "mm"

Gwen: "well we'll be at the cash line up.if you need us"


Her and Finney walked away

Donna: "yeah,me too.but go check on Robin make sure he picked something"

"Yeah I should right" I chuckled,walking pass her

I walked into the Candy aisle and see Robin still searching for a candy.he had his hands on his hips and his head towards a bit


he turned to me "oh hey y/n"


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