chapter 12 the dairy

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*Hours pass*

Me and robin are lying on his bed.suddenly i felt my stomach rumbling causing Robin to hear

Robin: "are you hungry y/n?"
" fine" I cover my stomach trying to stop the noise but it didn't stop
"Fine.yeah I am"
Robin: "I don't mind spending my money on you,do you want me to order something?"
Robin: "what would you like?"
Robin: "okay"

*Robin gets out his phone and calls a food place*

*20 minutes later*

*We hear the doorbell go off*

Robin: "that should be them.i'll be back" he gets up and goes downstairs

*Upstairs with you*

The window was open and the wind pushed over a book that was on Robin's desk I walked over and picked up the book
I started reading it and saw hearts draw in the page and sweet words written In
As I kept reading it repeatedly in my head I wonder if he was talking about me.I suddenly heard Robin coming back to the room.i put the dairy where it was before and sat back on the bed

Robin: "here y/n" he shuts The door and sits on the bed with me.he came in with pizza

Timeskip//we got done eating

"Thanks for the food Robin"
Robin: "yeah it's nothing"

I thought about the dairy and what I Read I really felt really guilty about the whole thing.i wanted to tell Robin but on the other half I didn't.what if he gets mad.but I knew I had to do the right thing and confess

Robin: "yeah?"
"Don't get mad but..I r-read your dairy"
Robin: ...
"your pissed at me I get it"
Robin sighs "I'm not mad y/n"
"Your not?"
"Listen y/n.i always ment to tell you this.i've always had the chances but to shy to tell you.i love spending time with you y/n.and seeing you amazing..y/n I-i have a crush on you,I like you.alot"

Hearing those words made my heart do backfilps.just finally admitting he has feelings made me so happy.i like robin too.hes such a good friend to me? and finney.hes my type.i have to confess my feelings as well to him.

Robin: "and you don't have feel the same I'll understa-
I cut him off kissing him
Me and Robin blush at eachother smiling
Robin: "guess you do feel the same"

We both laugh then I kiss him again
Robin: "then y/n would you wanna be my girlfriend?"
"Ofc I will"

*The next day*

Me and Robin got ready then started walking to school.As we're walking somebody slaps our backpacks scaring us

We both turn around and see Gwen and Finney
"Omg wth guys!"
They both burst out laughing
Gwen: "that's pay back for scaring us"
Finn: "it was so worth it to see your guy's reactions" he laughs
Robin: "you didn't scare me"
Gwen: "yeah right I saw you jump"
Robin: "fine maybe a little bit"

*We all make it school*

Donna: "hey y/n" she came and leans on the locker beside mine
"Hey Donna" I turned to her
Then I noticed moose and his friends staring at me from a distance behind Donna
"Ugh" I look away
Donna: "what's wrong?"
Donna: "shouldn't he be in the hospital for what you did to him.i mean one more punch you would've gave him and he would have been dead
"I would to but going to prison isn't at the top of my bucket list" I chuckled softly
Donna: "seems like someone is eyeing you" she nudges me looking in the direction.i look and see Robin and Finney at Finn's locker with Robin looking at me

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