Chapter 2: A bond so strong

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"Sh sh my dear" The Hokage said calmly stroking your now messy h/c high ponytail. "now what do you mean ordered" he asked you sternly "my parents worked for Danzō in the works before this war being spies in the hidden mist village"... silence fills the room. you open your mouth to say "lord third I" but are interrupted "y/n is it true that you are a part of the anbu" he asked curiously. you started to back away slowly from him, grabbing a kunai. "I am so sorry lord third, I am so so sorry" you say "I am so sorry but.. I-I have to do this... or he will". you were cut of by Lord third saying. " he being Danzō" you nod. "You don't have to do this y/n" you break out into tears again. "I..I..I do lord third" you said between pants of breath. "No you don't" he said. "I don't know what to do" you cry falling to your knees. The Hokage starts to walk closer to you. "don't come near me" you scream clutching your head. 'what should I do, what should I do' you mentally scream at your self. you pull the kunai by your head in front of you staring at it. you look at the kunai your holding in your right hand to the hokage and back again then to you stomach. You stab your self in the stomach as the door slams open. Orochimaru runs forward but stops as he sees you stabbing your self. The image plaguing his mind playing over and over in his head. You cough blood, as it starts trickling from your mouth dripping onto the floor. "y/n" Orochimaru rushes over to you a tear rolling down your cheek. "Lord third what happened here" Orochimaru snarled with more tears falling from his face snapping him back to reality "Da-" he started to say but being cut of as a man runs through the door "Lord third what's going o-" he starts but stops as he sees a puddle of blood heading towards him ever so slowly on the yellow carpeted floor. Lord third starts to explain the situation. "Will someone just fuckin help her" Orochimaru says interrupting the conversation. The man jumped and ran out the door running to find a doctor. Orochimaru broke out into tears after trying so hard to keep them in. It was like losing his parents all over again. He loved you so much but he would never admit it. "They have a bond so strong"    lord third thought    If Orochimaru actually shows his emotions.

(Time skip)

You wake up to Danzō stroking your head slightly beside you. You throw off the covers and flip off the bed. "Get the fuck away from me" you scream. Then a masked anbu grabs you from behind griping both your hands behind your back and slinging his other hand around your neck. holding you still."Danzō you bastard what are you going to do to me" Danzō starts to walk towards you, ever so slowly, making you nervous with him, with every step he takes.

 (Meanwhile Orochimaru's POV)

'Something is wrong something is seriously wrong' he thought sweat forming on his brow. Danzō hasn't showed up yet to the meeting. Lord third and the rest of the council is here. "Lord third can I talk to you in private please" you asked with a worried tone in your voice. Lord third looked and nodded his head in approval. You both walk out of the room together shutting the door behind you saying "Lord third are you getting the same feeling as me?" "I thought I was just losing it, and it has been taking Danzō a really long time... You should head over there and if your not back in 10 minutes I will follow you there understood" Lord third said firmly. "Thank you lord third" you said running towards the hospital trying to get there as fast as you can. A few minutes later you arrive at the front desk. "Where is y/n room" you say before slowing your breathing. "There are only aloud 2 people at a time in her room at the moment." The lady at the front desk said sternly. "Who is in there at the moment" he says with worry in his voice. "An Anbu and lord Danzō at the moment is there a problem with that" she says with a curious, yet snobby tone. 'Fuck this is the worst possible situation in the history of man kind' he thought. "Danzō is one of the reasons why she is here and I now have to get to her room before something happens if its not already too late."  You shouted at the lady making some eyes look at him "Top floor far end last door to your right sir." She said with panic written all over her face. "Get the Hokage now" you ordered before running to y/n room hopeing he wasn't to late.
(Back to y/n room)
The anbu's grip loosened and tightened randomly. You started to read his movements."I am going to make you mine" Danzō said. You started to squirm more under the Anbu's hold trying to move out of the way. The Anbu started to slightly whimper in your ear. You just figured he was just as nervous as you." He is about my height probably a male and probably new to the Anbu. And that bastard better not touch me the way I am thinking he will..... Fuck this can't be happening." You thought as your h/c hair was flying every which way as you struggled in the anbu's hold, as Danzō came closer towards you with every slow step he took. You see him reach for something in his sleeve as he walks towards you. That caused you to whimper, your knees go numb as you saw what he was reaching for. It was a needle with a whitish fluid in it. "Don't worry it will only pinch a little." he mocked. Tears start pouring from your eyes and you start to try getting away again screaming for someone to help you. "I'm so sorry y/n" the Anbu says still whimpering and shaking. You recognize the voice "kakashi" you whispered stopping your struggling knowing you can't break out of his grasp having spared with him after coming to the Hidden leaf. Danzō stops in front of you bending down to your ear and whispers "your mine and only mine" as he injects the needle slightly lower then where your stomach is. You scream out in pain as it is injected and pulled out ruffly making you tear up more. Danzō threw out the needle in the trash bin beside the hospital bed. Kakashi dropped you on the ground falling onto his knees, as you hit the ground your body goes into shock for about a minute or so. Kakashi is mumbling something but you don't catch it. Your body is in so much pain, more tears dropping from your eyes and hitting the floor. "why....why....why" you keep asking your self. "why couldn't you just let me die in peace you bastard" you try to get up but end up falling back down, hitting your head on the floor with a *thud*. you grasp your stomach as you pull your self up on your knees and left hand. "Im not the one who tryed to save you... Orochimaru did" Danzō says with pissed off tone in his commanding voice. Hundreds of things start going through your head all at once. You snap you focus to the matter at hand. "I am not yours nor will I ever be Danzō" you say with the most frightening tone. You glare at him with hurt, pain, and determination in your fearful eyes (if looks could kill he would be dead one thousand times over). you stand up still holding your stomach trying to slow the bleeding. Kakashi grabs you throwing you against the wall. Your body goes limp as your body meets the floor with a *thud*. Kakashi slowly walks over to you. You stared at his masked face, his silverish grey hair sticking out from the top of his mask and his sharingan activated in his left eye. He came closer to you, you swung your leg out from underneath him making fall to the ground and land on his back.

Ha ha sorry I am evil I'm ending this chapter here. sorry it took so long to get this out. You know the normal teenage stuff that goes on. I might be adding a lemon part to the next chapter a friends request. XD please comment tell me what I can do better and stuff like that. Next chapter might take longer but who knows.

With Great power: Little reader x OrochimaruWhere stories live. Discover now