Chapter 5: A New Friend

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You place your mask on your face, and walk out into the arena and leaned onto the beige brick wall. You looked at the fight that was going on it was Guy vs some other guy. You poofed into Orochimaru's kitchen and grabbed your new black thigh, arm and waist holsters and put them on. You grabbed 75 senbon needles and placed them in the thigh and arm holsters. Then you grabbed 30 kunai and put them in the waist holster. You also grabbed 65 shuriken and placed them in your waist and thigh holsters. You then appeared in the Hokage's viewing area. You were bowing respectively beside Lord Third. "Hokage-sama I am here now" you said "Y/N.... Did Danzō hurt you?" Lord third said anger very visible in his voice. The Mizukage looked over at you. "Y/N you went and disappeared during the Village Hidden in the Cloud invasion a few months ago..... And you have defenitly grown young one." The Mizukage said. You looked up your mask in front of your emotionless face. Orochimaru appeared in the Hokage's viewing area. "Status report sir" Orochimaru said "continue" Lord Third said "y/n has still not been found and we don't know if she has been harmed or is safe" Orochimaru said sternly "I don't know about that" Lord Third said a slight giggle in his voice. You stood up and took off your mask turning around. "Hello Orochimaru how have you been" you say emotionless. "Y/N did Danzō do anything to you?" Orochimaru yelled in your right ear as he hugged you close to his chest. "It seems like you have good friends here" The Mizukage said slightly laughing. "This is slightly embarrassing Orochimaru senpai" you said "excuse me I will be in the arena waiting for my match now" you disappeared "She never answers my questions" Orochimaru said sighing. "I guess the next match is y/n Isa and Dakiki Ishida" The Hokage said "Yes and it will be interesting to see two best friends fight." The Mizukage said smirking slightly 'I hope y/n will be alright and I hope nothing happened to y/n while she was with Danzō.' Orochimaru thought himself. "y/n Isa and Daiki Ishida is the next match in two minutes" the new announcer said after being told to say that. Your long h/c high ponytail went to the back of your knees slightly blowing in the wind, as you leaned against the wall smirking behind your mask mumbling to your self "This will be a fun fight won't it now Daiki".
(A few minutes later)
"Y/N Isa and Daiki Ishida your battle begins now" you walked towards the center of the arena. Daiki is a blond with short spiky hair, light brown eyes, and was fairly tall. He had on his casual clothes, a deep blue T-shirt, and black and orange sweat pants (sorta like Naruto's but with out the Uzumaki symbols and more black :) ) He came towards you from the opposite side of the arena. You reach into your left arm weapon pouch and grab 10 senbon needles, five in each hand you watched him carefully, watching his every move, even the rise and fall of his lean but slightly toned chest. Daiki came running at you, reaching behind him and pulling out his sword from his brown leather sword holder thingy (sorry I don't know what it's called I think its called a sword holster I don't know.) You threw the five of your senbon needles at Daiki, three hit him. The first one hit his arm that was holding his sword causing him to drop it. The second one hit his thigh causing to drop on to the other knee. The third one just missed his jugular on the right side. The fourth one scratched past his face leaving a mark. And the fifth one missed him entirely. He yanked the senbon needles out of his arm and thigh and stood up and said "well... Well it's been awhile since we last saw each other you traitor" he hissed 'traitor' you responded by saying sarcastically with a closed eyed smile not that he could see it. "nice to see you too Daiki.... Now surrender or I will be forced to kill you or just beat you so I can complete this mission the Mizukage gave me, my friend" You gave him no time to respond as you jumped up and threw the rest of the senbon needles at him all of the needles missed but one, it just missed his face but ended up skinning his shoulder. "Bitch you are serious aren't you?" He said moving out of the way as you came down almost hitting him in the gut with your leg. Your long h/c hair spun around your head as you came down with a spiral kick landing on the ground with your left leg and did a cartwheel away from Daiki. "Yes I am. I am a spy aren't I... Now I am not going to let you surrender, I am going to prove my self to the Mizukage and Hokage." You say as you grab two kunai and throw them. Daiki dodges them with a back flip. "So you are coming back to the village" Daiki says. "Never Daiki. My place is here and always will be.... Because the people I love and care about are here... I will and have always cared about you so take care" you say to him before doing a summoning jutsu.  You were starting to confuse him on purpose. A huge snake appeared. It was black with red eyes. It was about a foot taller than you. "Tatsuo" you say with a power filled voice. "Yes my lady.... Do you need help with training" Tatsuo said slightly bowing his head. "No today is a battle. No mercy just don't kill. Now go" "Yes my lady". He attacked with his tail throwing dust and dirt up in the air. Hundreds of things are bussing around your head. "My lady watch out" Tatsuo said snapping you out of your trance. You jumped out of the way of 25 kunai. A few skinned your face, arms, legs and torso. You heal your self almost as fast as lightning. "Thank you Tatsuo... Now position 12" you say sternly. "Are you sure my lady that's a-" "I know but he's a tricky bastard" you interrupted. He nodded and layed his snake head on the ground beside you.
Meanwhile in the Hokage's viewing area.
"I told her to not kill anyone" Orochimaru mumbled to him self. The Mizukage looked over at Orochimaru. His face worried. "What do you mean by kill" Lord third said with blame and worry clear in his strong voice. "She about to do position 12" "this is not good". "What's not good?" The Mizukage asked fear slightly hidden in his strong voice. "Let's just say that he might just die" Orochimaru said smirking. A look of horror was on the Mizukage's face.
(Back in the arena)
You are in the middle of doing a bunch of hand signs. Daiki froze and tryed to reach for his weapons in his pouches. 'Fuck I was being to cocky now look at me I am going to die' he thought to him self. You and Tatsuo started to circle around him creating a small tornado as you and Tatsuo went faster and faster. He dropped to his knees cluching his head, as soon as you finished your hand signs. "Stop Tatsuo he has had enough" you ordered. "Yes my lady" Tatsuo Said slowing down. You jumped off Tatsuo's head landing on your feet then falling backwards landing on your behind. You felt nauseated. You grabbed the side of your head with your right hand as you slowly got up with the help of Tatsuo. After steadying your self you walked over to Daiki who was clutching his head and screaming. His screaming echoed threw out the whole arena no one even breathed or spoke until you lifted your right hand and snapped your fingers it echoed loudly threw out the arena. Daiki stopped screaming then dropped, his face was against the arena floor. "Y/n Isa wins the match." The arena broke out with cheering and yelling some people were speechless due to shock and misbelief and others were screaming because they won a bet or because of the terrifying match and the excitement of the aggressive match. A bunch of medical nin had to deal with Daiki to keep him alive. As you walked towards where you were before Danzō attacked you. You stopped and looked around, you could see where your old mask got shattered and see signs or a struggle. You sat down and a tear roles down your masked cheek. You took off you mask and sat down near the wall where you collapsed and fainted. You hated your self for being so weak. You slammed your now tightly closed fist against the wall behind you. "y/n" a curious and nervous voice asked. You quickly covered your face with your mask and stood up and faced the person who was speaking to you. "yes.. How can I help you" you spoke like you were brain washed (because you are supposed to be, but it didn't work. XD). A girl faced you she had shoulder length brown hair, ivory skin and blazing red eyes. She was slightly taller than you being 13. "Y/N is that really you" she said. "Akira is that you?" You said taking off your mask and starring at her, your eyes began to weld up with tears. "Y/N" Akira said as she ran towards you. You found your self running towards her too. You both hugged each other as you both fell to the ground. The both of you were rolling on the floor till you heared. "*cough* *cough*" you looked up to see guy covered in bruises and with a couple scrapes on his arms and ripes in his green jumpsuit. "Guy" "Y/N" Guy joined the hugging fess. After a few minutes of that you all stood up. You couldn't stop the tears that fell from your brilliant e/c orbs. You didn't even know you were crying until Guy and Akira said "Are you ok" "why are you crying?" You raised your right hand towards your eyes and placed your hand on your cheek then wiped away the tears that fell roles down your cheek. You starred at your hand blankly. You felt like a robot that had no emotions. You looked up at their worried faces and gave a closed eyed smile. You heared someone coming up the stairs you pulled the mask that you had place on your waist belt and placed your mask back on your face. You looked over at the person coming up the stairs. You quickly looked back at Guy and Akira. You gave Akira one last hug and Guy a kiss on the forehead and quickly whispered "Get Kakashi he can only help me now" you turned around. "y/n come with me NOW" Danzō said. You glanced back at your friends. Akira looked pissed and Guy had only a single tear role down his cheek. You faced forward and walked over to Danzō "Yes Danzō" you said cheerfully grabbing a hold of Danzō's good arm looping your arm in his and placing your head and your other hand beside your head. You quickly gave your friends a closed eyed smile as a tear roled down your face. You and Danzō headed down the stairs. Guy was now holding Akira back as she tryed running after you and Danzō. She was crying "Y/N... Y/N... Y/N".
About an hour later
You and Danzō were sparing. You kicked Danzō in the face. He flew backwards and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "Next" you shouted. Three more shadow clones of Danzō showed up. In a matter of minutes you defeated them all. There were a lot of speechless Anbu watching as you trained with Danzō. "Okay that's all for today y/n" Danzō said very proud. You walked over to the group of Anbu that were watching you train with Danzō. You weren't even sweating even after beating 43 of Danzō's Shadow clones. "Hey boys who wants to spar" you said a sly smirk across your face. A man stood up and says "I will y/n" Kiyoshi said smiling " Kiyoshi you sure" you said smirking evilly. He nodded. You and him both started for the training area. "By the way how old are you really" Kiyoshi asked. You stiffened at the question. you whipped around and grabbed the collar of his uniform and brought him down to eye level. "First tell me your age and" you paused trying to show you were serious but with venom. "Tell me why the Anbu here look afraid when you talk" you slightly ordered starring into his eyes. He coughed. You loosened your grip then let him go. He step back once then said "I am 23 years old and it's a bit embarrassing but it's because I barley speak to anyone." He answered a slight pink hue on his face. "Oh well sorry for being so aggressive then" you said also blushing and rubbing the back of your head. "I am 13 years of age" you said smiling your closed eyed smile. "Really now" Kiyoshi said reaching into his pocket and pulling out the crumpled paper. "Is this familiar y/n" he said in a mocking tone. "How the fuck did you get that" you said pissed. There was a very dark and disturbing aura coming from you as a few tick marks appeared on your forehead. Your eyes were now pure black. The other Anbu sweat dropped and moved closer to the walls. Kakashi walked in stood in shock. You then whipped out 4 kunai and threw them at Kiyoshi.
(Kakashi's POV)
'Holy shit what is going on here... What is that paper in Kiyoshi's hand?' You thought to him self. "Kiyoshi give that paper back to y/n now or she will kill you" you said in a nonchalant tone. Kiyoshi just doddged the kunai but three skinned past his left side. His face had two marks across it and his thigh had a deep cut in it 'fuck she is scary.... but she has had a scary and sad past'you thought to your self.
(Back to your POV)
"Just to let you know.... I.... AM ... NOT .... AFRAID.... TO .... KILL~" you hissed 'kill'. All the Anbu but Kakashi and Kiyoshi looked terrified. He walked over to you and gave you the paper and leaned his head over by you ear and whispered "I am sorry for that and if you want I can make it up to you, come have supper at my place I will pick you up around 8 maybe." You blushed violently your dark aura disappearing. You leaned over to his ear and whispered where you live in his ear and asked if you had to dress up at all. He a said not to, but just to wear your normal clothes. You nodded and looked at his face and your blush darkened and grew. The Anbu who were still in the room were just stared in disbelief. 'There was about go be a death match now they are blushing what the hell' at least half of them thought to them self's. You both went your separate ways him to the medical person and you to Orochimaru senpai's place. Kakashi followed out side. It was getting dark and. You turned around a corner you had been feeling a chakra other than Kakashi's following you. You quickly turned around and sent a kunai flying towards them and quickly got into a fighting stance. "Quick reflexes" a mysterious voice said. "It is a female I think or is it a males?" you thought. It sent a chill up your spine. "Lady Mizukage is that you?" You asked. "Nope and lady you think I am a lady how mean" the person mocked. "Then who or what are you?" You said hiding the fear you felt. A man walked out from his hiding place. "I am Jiraiya the toad sage" the man now know as Jiraiya said. "Y/N where have you been I have been looking everywhere for you " Orochimaru said. You froze and instantly covered your face. 'What the fuck is happening' Jiraiya thought. "I am so sorry it wasn't my fault I was coming straight home but." You said but were interrupted by someone hugging you. "Orochimaru" you said as you hugged back. "I don't want you to leave my site again. Y/N please stay by my side" he begged "I will try" you said. Jiraiya just stared confused he had never seen Orochimaru like this. You guys let go of each other. You turned around and walked over to Jiraiya. You then punched him square in the face and sent him flying into the the building three feet away. "Wait what time is it" you yelled. Orochimaru just giggled and said "almost 8 why?" "Someone's is going to pick me up and its not that creep Danzō" you said. "Well lets go" Orochimaru said disappearing you quickly followed suit.
A few minutes later
After you took off all your weapon holsters and brushed your long h/c hair that took 5 minutes. You bandaged up some wounds Danzō gave you earlier in the day. You then put your hair back in your high pony tail. Your bangs covered your left eye. You quickly applied mascara and black eyeliner to your eyes. You then stood up and checked the time it was 2 minutes to 8 o'clock. You sat at the kitchen table. Orochimaru walked in and asked "So where are you going for your date". "It's not a date". "Is too" "is not" you and Orochimaru argued until. *knock* *knock* you froze. "Is too". "Fuck off and see you later" "bye" you looked over at the time it was exactly 8 o'clock. You opened the door and saw Kiyoshi standing there in all black. He looked shocked. "You look very pretty y/n-chan" Kiyoshi said blushing. "You look handsome your self" you said blushing also. "I KNEW IT WAS A DATE" Orochimaru yelled over your shoulder. "No it's not Orochimaru" you yelled embarrassed. "Well shall we go?" You asked nonchalantly. "Sure let's"

OMG.... I am so sorry for taking so long it been over half a month. I am so sorry~ I will try my best to get the next chapter out as fast as possible. Again I AM SO SORRY!!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME. At least I hope you like this chapter.

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