Chapter 20: The End

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Once there you and him both take a look around the new base. You see Madara. "Hey Tobi!!!!" You yell and he turns and faces you and Kisame. "Y/n and Kisame-senpai!!!" He yells and hugs you. "Y/n-senpai you are alright!!! When Hidan and Kakazu-senapi both came back without you, Tobi was so sad!!!!" Madara anime cries. You pat his head and say blankly "I am alright Tobi, just slightly tired from training." You answer. Tobi lets go of you and says "y/n is a good girl like, Tobi is a good boy right!!!" Madara says. Him saying that always has had its secret meaning. "I used to be Tobi, you should know that." You say place your hand on his head then heading towards the living room. Everything is a lot more blunt in the hide out. Not that you cared. You pull out your book from your back pouch. You go and sit on the couch. Quite a few minutes go by and you hear "Hey Y/n" Madara's voice says. You look up from your book and set it down on your lap. "Yes, Madara?" You answer. He sit down beside you. "I need you to help interrogate the guy you brought in." Madara says placing his hand over yours. "I know you have been going through a lot recently, but he doesn't want to speak to anyone else, but you. So please Y/n, I need you to help out with this." Madara says. You raise a brow then say "I will interrogate him, but only under my own rules." You state standing up. Madara stands still holding your hand. You put your book in your pouch. "Y/n I give you full power over this. I trust you" Madara says. You nod and he let's go of your hand. "I will need the key to his chains, my type of interrogation is much different then most." You state. "I would figure" Madara says. "You always liked doing things differently." Madara adds as he passes you the keys. You smirk and say "lead the way Madara-sama" Madara nods and leads you to him.

Play music video above...

After Madara left you in front of the door to Kiyoshi's room and told you what he needs out of him.   You unlock the door to hear "let me out of here!!!!!".    You open the door and close it behind it.   You lock it behind you.   "Y/n!!!!   It is you right?"  He asks.   "For now it is, now you should know why I am here"  you say coldly.   Kiyoshi stands and tries to run to you.   But the chains around his neck and hands hold him back.   He falls backwards.   "Aw did that hurt?"  You ask.   He looks up at you.  "Why are you acting like this!!!!   What about yesterday, you were so much different."   Kiyoshi says.   You smirk and look at him.  "Kiyoshi... Kiyoshi.   You should know me by now.    Once I throw away my emotions it's hard to get them back.   And so easy to strip the light from another's mind."   You say coldly.  He backs away from you.  "Now speak, or die"  you say.   "Who gave you the mission, the Hokage or Danzō?"   You ask.   "I am not going to answer that Y/n!!!!"   Kiyoshi says.  You pull out a kunai and walk towards him.   He goes to knock the kunai away but you grab his hand.  "Answer the question!!! Now"  you order as you place the kunai against his arm.  "Y/n!!! What are you doing?"  He yells.   "My job" you say cutting his wrist slightly.    You pull back and grab the nearby chair while Kiyoshi places pressure on his wrist.   You sit on it.  Kiyoshi looks up at you with tears in his glassy eyes.   "Y/n why are you acting like this?"   Kiyoshi asks as you stand up.   "Will you answer the damn questions first!"  You say coldly.   He nods.  "Now who gave you the damn mission?"   You ask.  "Lord Danzō did."  He answers.   "When did you first start to spy on the Akatsuki?" You ask.   "About three years ago"  Kiyoshi answers.  "What was the main goal of your assignment?"  You ask.   "To make sure you stayed on task and weren't going after Orochimaru.  But it looks like you did the exact opposite."  Kiyoshi says.   You walk over to Kiyoshi.  You kneel in front of him and grab his wrist.   You heal his wrist.  You lean forwards till your lips were beside his left ear. "Kiyoshi... Behave and you can join my team, we could be partners again...  I don't want to kill someone close to me again."  You whisper then look at him with a blank face but your eyes tell a different story, they are filled with sadness, hope, fear, anger, and so much more.  Kiyoshi nods.  "Together" you both say simultaneously. "Together... May we work together,  through hell and back again."  You and him say as both your hands come together.   You let go of his hand and pull out the key to his chains.  His eyes widen.  You unlock his chains, then stand up.  You look into his yellow eyes. He stands up too.  "Now talk to my master, properly. No trouble or you will regret it."  You say as you place the keys in your back pouch.  You unlock the door behind you and step forwards as Madara enters.  "You have gotten him talk... Yay, senpai!!!!"   Madara says, as you start to close the door.  "Madara-sama no need to speak like that, the others aren't here"  You say.  "*sigh* I know that Y/n, but one of them could have been eaves  dropping"  Madara says.   "Sorry"  You say looking down.  "I am proud of you, child" Madara says and you nod.   

Time skip... *Everyone is in the room*. 

You are standing in front of Kiyoshi with your arms crossed.  You have Pein and Konan behind you.  Madara is just over to the side while everyone else is behind Pein and Konan.   Pein places a hand on your shoulder.   "I am the leader of this organization.  My name is Pein, but you will call me leader, you already know Y/n.  To my left is the only other female, Konan." Pein says Konan nods.   "Nice to meet you, Leader, Konan... sama."  Kiyoshi says.  You give a smirk.   "My name is Itachi"  Itachi says Kiyoshi says.   "Yes we have meet before Itachi Uchiha"  KIyoshi says You give him a look that says 'shut up'.  Itachi nods.    "Hey bastard, name's Hidan"  Hidan says and you shake your head.  "Kakazu"  "Tobi!!  Tobi is a good boy!!"    "Kisame"  "Sasori, of the red sand".  "Deidara, un" Kiyoshi glares at Deidara, but nods.  "We are the Akatsuki."  Pein says.   "Will you join us?"   You ask.   Kiyoshi clenches his fists while looking at the ground.  "Sure, I have already betrayed my village"  Kiyoshi says muttering the last part.  You smirk while Madara ran up to him and hugged him.  Everyone started to filter out of the room, leaving you, Kiyoshi, and Hidan.   You didn't notice Hidan was in the room though.   "Kiyoshi, so we are officially a team again, but there have been some changes..."  you say walking towards him.  He backs up slightly.  "Some big changes Kiyoshi" You state grabbing him by his neck and slamming him into the wall.   He grabs at your arm.  Your eyes turn blue and black.  "One don't ever piss me off."  "Two don't try to escape from me, it won't end well" you state.  "Y/n I can't... breathe"  Kiyoshi says.   You slam your fist (right hand) into the wall beside him head.   "My name is no longer Y/n... It's Itami."    You say letting him go.  He falls to the floor.   You turn and see Hidan.  He turns and runs out the door.  'What has happened to Y/n?"  Hidan thinks as he runs for his life.

You exit the room and start to sing as you entered the shadow of the hallway.

"As a child you would wait
And watch from far away.
But you always knew that you'd be the one that work while they all play

In youth, you'd lay awake at night and scheme
Of all the things that you would change, but it was just a dream!

Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town.
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town.
From Dust.

Will come, when you'll have to rise
Above the best, improve yourself
Your spirit never dies
Farewell, I've gone, to take my throne
Above, don't weep for me
Cause this will be the labor of my love (my love)

Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town
From Dust.

Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town
From Dust"

Well that is it for this story!!!  I love all of you!!!!

With Great power: Little reader x OrochimaruWhere stories live. Discover now