Chapter 10: Tobi and The Wait

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Recap: You stepped out of the dark and into the moon light. "There you are dick... Now you remember who I am." He let his arm drop from his sword and stood straight. "It's been awhile hasn't it y/n". "It has in deed Kiseme". Now to chapter 10.

You walked over to Kiseme stopping a few feet in front of him. Kiseme walked the rest of the way stopping at arms length. He hugged you tightly. "God I missed your attitude". You wrapped your arms around him. "Ha I missed your blue skin and hair". You and him let go and stared at each other. "I missed your long h/c hair". "I missed your eyes". "I missed your smile". "I missed being around you" "I missed your scent". "I missed your jokes..." The both of you broke out laughing. You laughed till your guts hurt. The both of you finally stopped laughing and caught your breaths. "So y/n why you here". "I am waiting for someone.... Why are you... Oh are waiting for Orochimaru, Kiseme?". "Yeah why". "Ok then I am in the right place then". "..." "Hey Kiseme, Orochimaru won't be here for awhile aka two days and a half soo". "So what". "Take me to your leader" he laughed and said "follow me". You walked closer to the bottom of the mountain. "Hold onto me". You wrapped one of your arms around his mid back. And he wrapped a arm around your shoulder. He raised a hand in the air. A faint blue light came from the ring on his finger. And you teleported. You appeared in a village with tall metal buildings and it was pouring rain. "This is the rain village I presume". "Correct". "Let's do this then". "I will warn you leader doesn't like females very well so you will be lucky if you even survive meeting him.". "Okay I just want this done and over with.". "Sure" you walked in the pouring rain with Kiseme. Kiseme had his sword raised over top of the both of you, so you wouldn't get too wet. You and Kiseme talked for a losing time.

About half an hour later...

You were now on the outskirts of the village and walking up to a stupid boulder. "Haha Kiseme where are we going". "We are going to the base". He stopped in front of the boulder and put down his sword. He did a bunch of hand signs and the boulder moved slightly. Enough to let you and him go inside. He let you go inside first and then followed you. There was 5 chakras other than yours and Kiseme's and he had walked into a different room. It was almost pitch black except for a few candles. Someone grabbed you from behind. You flipped them over and gathered chakra in your hands. The blue light made it brighter in the room. You had flipped over a tall man he was shirtless and had black sweats on. He had silver hair. And violet eyes. You grabbed a hand full of his hair and lifted his head up. "Bitch what was that for". "You snuck up behind me and grabbed me what did you think I was going to do." You looked around the room there was two people they just starred at you. "Take a picture it will last longer". The guy under you muttered curse words under his breath. You lifted his head and slammed it in the ground. A loud crack echoed threw the room. "Ouch Bitch... what the fuck". "So you can still talk can you..". You let go of his hair. And walked the way Kiseme went. You spotted Kiseme just down the hall. He was laughing. "What's so funny". "You just took down Hidan it was hilarious". "So that's his name". Kiseme nodded and started to walk again you followed. After awhile of walking. You appeared in front of a big wooden door. Kiseme knock three times. A faint husky but tired voice said "come in". Kiseme opened the door and walked in you followed suit. You closed the door behind you. You saw a man with orange hair, greyish purple eyes and had piercing all over his face. "Kiseme who is this". "A possible recruit". "She is a female". "I know but she just took out Hidan just by flipping him over her shoulder". "Really now". He looked at you with his greyish purple eyes. You just stood tall and fearless like you did this everyday. (Well you sorta do). "You must answer a few questions then go threw a test or two." You nodded. "Kiseme if I die it's because of you". "You won't black shadow". "Shut it... You know I hate that name". "I do... Leader-sama I am going to go and wait for the other one now". "Sure okay". Kiseme left closing the door. It was silent for awhile. You and the man known as 'Leader-sama' just starred at each other. There was a knock at the door. "Come in" a man in a orange mask, Akatsuki cloak, and black gloves entered the room. He is the guy that had you tortured, the man you were loyal to for years apon years. "We need to speak 'Leader' " they said eyeing you. "Tobi we have a guest please wait". You looked at 'Leader' funny. "Madara is your code name Tobi now" Leader starred at you with misbelief. Your dark aura appeared. "You know I should kill you after what happened a few days ago". You said. "Ha I knew you would break out of there". "Yeah... maybe... I am now scarred for life.... I barely made it out of there with my life." You disappeared then appeared behind 'Madara'. You held a kunai to his throat. "Master Madara". You slapped him over the head. Putting your kunai away. "Now for those questions... Pein". "How do you know Madara and my name". " 'Madara' is my master and I have been a spy since I was 3 years of age, so I know a lot about almost all higher ups.". "What village are you from.". "Born in leaf.. Raised in mist". "Rank". "Anbu black op, and on the side, spy and interegetion." "Why did you want to join the Akatsuki?". "Because... I wanted to prove females can be just as cruel as men, and because three people I care about are here or are going to be here". "Who are they?". "One is Madara, two is Kiseme, three is Orochimaru". "Really now what do they mean to you". " 'Madara' is my teacher and master, Kiseme is a child hood friend, Three is none of your business" you cooed. You read no emotion from Pein's face, his eyes looked dead. "Oh I forgot you are an emotionless blob of a ninja.". His eyebrow raised and a look of hurt spread threw his face. You smirked. "So am I in the Akatsuki or not" "you are in" Pein answered "follow me" 'Madara' said. "And call me Tobi" a high pitch child like voice said. You jumped at the tone it wasn't much off his normal tone but it still made you jump. "Fuck... ok but why are you talking like that". You and Tobi left the room. "Because I don't like being serious all the time and I am really sorry for what happened I didn't mean for them to torture you". He sounded like he meant it . "hhmm" you said. "So why'd you choose Tobi". "I like it". You turned a corner following close behind Tobi. He stopped at a door. There were twelve doors, six on each side. "This will be your new room". "...". "Mine is right across from yours... Pein and Konan are next to ours Konan to your left and Pein to my right... Every one else is to your right and my left". "Thanks". You gave a closed eyed smile. "Y/n do you want me to show you around?" "Sure I guess". "Ok let's go" he grabbed you by the arm and yanked you forward. He showed you around for about an hour and a half.
Tobi stopped at another set of doors this time in the front of the (stupid) rock a.k.a the base. "This is the living room/kitchen" he opened the door. The floor was carpeted with a black fusy fabric. There was a couch and a love seat against the wall to your left, a few sitting chairs on the same wall as the door, a huge flat screen TV (it takes up the 1/2 the wall) to your right, a coffee table in the middle. There was a few steps up into the hardwood floor of the kitchen. There was a big dinning table and 16 stools around it . The kitchen cabinets were brown same as the floor. With black and white granite tops. A stainless steel sink in the middle. A white microwave and white fridge in the kitchen as well. "Wow roomy" was all you could say. "Making a new friend.. pumpkin" the same voice from earlier said. "Hi Hidan-senpai". He rolled his eyes. "Hello Hidan". "Hello you fuckin bitch". "That's not much coming from a bitchy cunt" You left Hidan speechless then his eyes just looked at you, starring not moving. You saw what he was looking at. It was your chest, you walked over to him. You leaned forward a bit sense he was sitting in the love seat. You just smirked at him, then stood up straight and walked over to Tobi. "Any where else Tobi". "Not really other than out side but Konan can show you around out there.". "Okay can you bring me back to my room then". "Sure"

With Great power: Little reader x OrochimaruWhere stories live. Discover now