Chapter 15: Welcome Back

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Recap:  Orochimaru stopped behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You blushed. He placed his chin on your head. "How was your mission" "Tiring but interesting " "Hmmm... I am going to change now" you whispered "Okay meet you there" He whispered in your ear. You smiled and he let your waist go.

WARNING  slight lemon with a bit more fluff  XD.

You had just entered your room and grabbed your black ninja outfit and a pair of black undergarments.  Orochimaru entered the room, but you didn't notice.   You slipped off your strapless belly shirt and bra and kicked off your combat boots.  You then slipped the bra over your arms, you were about to reach behind you and clasp your bra but someone beat you to it.  "When did you get in here"   "Not that long ago"   you turned around and faced Orochimaru.   He hugged you really tight, and you returned the hug.  "I missed doing this" Orochimaru said with a sad tone.  "It feel like I did this just yesterday"   You thought about the last day before you went into a coma.  You pushed away from Orochimaru's chest and kissed him on the lips.   He kissed back, this lasted a few moments before the both of you broke for air.    You gave him a smirk.   And he licked his lips with his long tongue.  His arms slid down from your bold shoulders to your waist.  His fingers played with the edge of your shorts, and your hands trailed a long his chest to his quite surprisingly muscular shoulders and your arms hung around his neck loosely.   You just noticed that you were almost the same height as Orochimaru.   You kissed him again. This time it felt like heaven.  Orochimaru licked your bottom lip which begged for entrance.  You gladly excepted and the wrestle for dominance begins, your tongues faught for a while till you lost.   Then your tongues danced together for mere moments but sadly air was needed.   You finally broke for air but Orochimaru suddenly attacked your neck licking and sucking here and there.   You thought 'there are going to be hickeys all over my neck after he's done'   A soft moan escaped your lips as he found your soft spot near the nape of your neck.  One of Orochimaru's hands made it's way to your chest.  And as his hand passed over your covered breast, Your own hands made it's way down Orochimaru's lean shoulder blades down his chest.  One hand stopped at his chest the other made it's way towards Orochimaru's crotch.  Your hand paused right before the pants line.   Orochimaru was looking into your shiny e/c eyes.  You were smirking at him.  Your hand that was on his chest slipped around his waist.  Orochimaru then looked at you with surprise and lust.   You pulled him closer towards you. Your hand dropped to his manhood and you massaged it.   Orochimaru's hand that was on your breast slipped towards your waist as he moaned and groaned.  You backed away from him and gave a sly smile.   He was blushing and so were you. 

End of the fun....

  "I need to change now, because I want to talk to Pein now.... If you want you can watch but no touching.   I will be here later".     He nodded and took off his cloak.   He threw it a side and grabbed a T-shirt and sweats.   He was in ripped sweats and a T-shirt.   You took off your socks and shorts.   You then took off your underwear.   You slipped on the black lace underwear you grabbed earlier. You slipped the tight shorts back on. Then your top but then you saw a tight fitting fish net top it was in the form of a very thined strap muscle shirt in the closet.  You took the top of and put the fish nest shirt on.  You looked back in the closet and decided to take that shirt off and put your normal top on.  You grabbed a roll of bandages from the top shelf and wrapped them around your waist.   From the top of your shorts to the bottom of your belly shirt.  You looked over at Orochimaru, putting on his clean T-shirt he was already in new sweats. Your eyes scanned over his six pack.  You lost your self in the curves of his body, the huge bump in his sweats made you smile.   You came back to reality and asked "Orochimaru should I wear a skirt"    "I will love you with or with out the skirt... Just make sure Hidan doesn't put his hands on what's mine"     This made you smile.   You grabbed some more bandages from the shelf.   But put them back thinking you would look silly.    You grabbed your holsters and put them back on.   You started to fix your hair after putting them on.   Orochimaru gave you a quick kiss then left. You rolled your e/c eyes, grabbing a brush brushing your long mid thigh hair.  Your h/c hair shined as you put your hair up showing your face.  You grabbed a kunai and cut the tip of your finger.  You then did a few hand signs and summoned Tatsuo.  He appeared in a cloud of smoke.   "Hello mistress it's been a while.  How can I be at your service "   "Long time no see Tatsuo.   Sorry for the long wait.   But I will sommon you later since your bigger then what I remember"    He nodded then disappeared again.    'Wow he is a big snake he almost filled the room thank god he was mostly coiled.' You thought.   You then grabbed the mask that was on your bed, and attached it to your waist holster.   You leaned down and grabbed your shoes putting them on.   After doing that you walked out of the room.  You had grabbed the kunai and we're now swing it around your finger.   You walked down the hall and down a flight of stairs towards Pein's office.   'I think I should go back to Konoha or maybe..... Never mind that I should hide more of my emotions so I stay under cover easier... Ha that's what I should do'   You put the kunai away and took a deep breath.   You came to Pein's office door.   You knocked twice and heard a faint "come in".   You opened the door, and walked in.  "Hello  leader-sama"   You said, which surprised Pein.   "You don't have to acted so formal y/n... Now why are you here"    "I came to ask for a mission.... Leader"   Your face showed no emotion, nether did your voice"   "Well I was going to ask if Deidara and you wanted to go on a mission but I was going to wait....  Zetsu go get Deidara"    He appeared to your left he was part of the wall, it scared you but it didn't show on your face.   He nodded then melted into the wall.   "Y/n why are you acting strange"     "I'm not.... why would you say I'm acting strange Leader?"   "Your acting too formal and now your showing no emotions, what are you thinking"    You gave him a blank stare, and the very slightest of smile appeared but quickly disappeared.  You walked forward a few steps feeling Deidara's Chakra close.  Pein looked at you weirdly until he and you heard a knock at the door.  "Come in" was all Pein said.   The door opened to reveal Deidara.  He was wearing his normal ninja attire.   "Deidara and y/n I want you to go on a mission near Konoha.   Deidara you are to help y/n infiltrate the leaf *grabs a folder from the desk and slides it towards you*. Your target is in the folder. You leave tomorrow morning"   You nodded.   "Leader-Sama why do I have to work with her"   He sent Deidara a 'don't test my patience' look.  You smirked then thought 'it's going to be hard to acted emotionless'  you grabbed the folder.  You turned around and left.  Deidara followed  close behind.  "Y/n are you okay"   "Hhmm"   You replied.    "So who's the target"   "Don't know yet"    "Do you want to go to my room to find out"    You whipped around, making Deidara almost bump into you.   "Touch me I kill you and I agree let's go."   You and Deidara went to his room.    Luckily Sasori wasn't there.  Deidara walked in first and you followed.    You threw the folder on the bed Deidara was sitting on.   He opened it.   He was reading it.   After a minute or two he was done and he slipped it towards you.  You picked it up and reopened it what you saw almost brought you to tears.....

To be continued.....  

Sorry for the short chapter. But I would like to say school starts in a week for me so I will try to get one or two more chapters out by then.    Remember I love you all and I hope that you that have read this far will stay to the end.  I plan on doing at least 10 more chapters hope you enjoy.   XD   ^___^   >____<

With Great power: Little reader x OrochimaruWhere stories live. Discover now