Chapter 3: Emotions

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You fully stand up staggering back and forth. Danzō backs you up against a wall. He pins your arms up above your head with one hand and uses his other hand to remove the bandages over his right eye. You have seen his right eye before, and you were told it was Shisui's eye. You scream really loudly so the whole hospital could hear.
"If Danzō has" Orochimaru started but was cut off by a bone chilling, heart stopping scream. "Y/N" Orochimaru screams as he turns another corner."Y/N I am coming hold on" Orochimaru turns another corner but stops when he sees two Anbu guarding the door. "Get out of my way" Orochimaru ordered as the two Anbu blocked his way. You let out another ear pitching scream on the other side of the white door. The two Anbu stare at each other. "By the order of the THIRD HOKAGE, let me in this room" Orochimaru yelled. "We can not allow you to enter under lord Danzō's order no matter what lord third says" one of the Anbu said. Orochimaru jumps up and kicks them both with a split kick to their masked faces, sending them both to the floor with two really loud *thuds*. Lord third came down the hallway turning a corner to see Orochimaru knocking out two Anbu black ops. Orochimaru runs in slamming the doors open.

(Back in your hospital room-right before Orochimaru comes in)

You are forced to look at Danzō's eyes, as he puts you under a light genjutu that the people around you can hear what you are doing, but can't break you out of it easily. "Y/N" Orochimaru yells as he slams open the door. And runs in and sees Danzō pinning you up against a wall. Danzō let's your body fall to the ground. "Aahh"you say quietly "Danzō you bastard what did you do to her" Orochimaru yells. kakashi stands up a tear roles down his unmasked cheek, his whole face showing. Lord third runs in with his Anbu black ops team right behind him. Kakashi turns around and sits on your hospital bed. 'What have I gotten my self into...... First Rin will I lose her too.' Kakashi thought gently shaking, his eyes wide open. Danzō disappears in a poof of smoke. Orochimaru run towards you, "Aahh.... Aahh" you moan kakashi stops and sinks to his knees and forearms his head against the floor "No...No...No he couldn't have..He just couldn't" he says tears falling from his eyes. Lord third says "What do you mean he couldn't have.... Don't tell me he" he pauses "He put her in that genjutsu.... that's just...Wrong" "No he co-" Orochimaru starts but is interrupted by you saying "please stop... Ah ah ah" Lord third tells his Anbu team they're to late. Orochimaru, Kakashi, and the Third Hokage are left with you in the room. "What are we going to do." Orochimaru and Kakashi said simultaneously. "We have to gather chakra and pu-"he was interrupted "It hurts please stop....uuunnn" "and pull her out of that genjutsu if she is going to be ready to go to the academy in a few days."lord third finishes. "Really that's all you're worried about" Orochimaru asked with a snobby tone. "No that's not what he meant." Kakashi said. "Hm" said lord third. "Kakashi what did Danzō do to her" Orochimaru asked with an angery tone rising in his voice. Kakashi started to shake violently, tears started to form in his eyes.

(Time skip)

"That's all that happened. I am so glad that Danzō didn't put that curse mark on me yet.... Lord third may I switch Anbu Placements sir." Said Kakashi "Curse mark what is that" Lord third asks. "Well" Orochimaru and kakashi both start "well its a mark that stops a person from talking about Lord Danzō, and petrifies the person and then kills them, that is what I was told" finishes Kakashi. You start to pant. "I am.... just get it out of me" you yell still in the genjutsu. "Nine months already" kakashi says.

(In the genjutsu right before Danzō disappeared)

You're in your hospital room Danzō is holding you up by your wrists and waist against the wall. Danzō looks to be about 20 years of age. He has deep brown eyes, black spiky hair, his scar still on his chin. You look down at your self, you look about 15 or 16 you have perfect skin, and silky hair, your dream self basically. Younger Danzō starts to move the hand that's holding your waist down, to the top of your skirt line, the tip of his index and middle fingers sliding over your clothed womanhood making you moan "Aahh.". Danzō smiles wickedly as he continues to rub your clit making you moan even louder. You helt back from bucking your hips, but failed to stop your moaning. He let go of your wrists then picks you up and places you down on your hospital bed. He takes off his top garments reveling a toned but not too muscular chest. He climbs on top of you and kisses you softly on the lips. You lay there shocked but you eventually kiss back. Your mind says 'stop what are you doing this isn't right' but your body is ignoring your brain. You can't control your body, it's just doing what it wants to. You break the kiss gasping for air. Danzō starts to kiss from your jaw down your neck. You let out a soft moan as he hit your soft spot. You feel him smirk against your skin as you moaned. He lifts up his head to look at you, as he sets both his legs on ether side of your hips. He lightly places his hands on your stomach. You look up at him with distress and fear in your eyes. He says "It's okay.... don't be scared." You nodded your head and said "okay" 'why is this happening to me..... what is this.... all I have control over is my eyes and thoughts..... I can't stop this, why is this happening.' You thought panicking. Danzō starts to take off your f/c T-shirt... You suddenly see a flash of light then you looked down your stomach was huge just then you feel something wet run down your leg. "Honey are you okay" a mans voice asked. You look up to see the younger Danzō person "No I think my water just broke" you say trying to stop your self but can't because all of a sudden a wave of pain shoots threw you you grab you stomach and fall against the younger version of Danzō. "We got to get you to the hospital come on" he said worry in his voice. In a split second you are in a hospital bed 4 hours into giving birth. "Okay miss you have to push and breath"the Doctor said "this isn't good that's a lot of blood" said the nurse worried " a few more pushes then she will be fine... Someone get asprin and some food now" the doctor said not letting any fear slip into her words. "Push now" the doctor said. " You have to push" " I am.... just get it out of me" you scream between pants of breaths "Honey your going to be ok got" younger Danzō said. "Ya okay" you say smiling before starting to push again. An hour later you hear a baby crying. "It's a girl" the doctor announced. Younger Danzō had a big smile on his face. You started to fall asleep. You hear a loud *mmeeeepp* then everything goes black.

(Back In reality-out side of the genjutsu)

You are panting heavily, your breathing starts to stop then you stop breathing entirely. "Y/N, Y/N breath you have to breath.... just breath y/n" Orochimaru screams. Lord third and Kakashi run over to you and kneel beside Orochimaru. "I am starting with or without you guys" Kakashi said He started to gather chakra in his palm and placed them against your chest. Your chest started to rise and fall then you gasped much needed air into your empty lungs. Then your eyes stared to fludder underneath your eye lids then your eyes shot open and you started to sit up. Kakashi quickly moved his hands away from your chest and pulled you into a hug. You hugged back right away. You suddenly burst into tears you were filled with so many Emotions. Kakashi hugged you for a while until Orochimaru and Lord third hugged you also. Kakashi hugged you from the front, Lord third slightly to the left, behind you. And Orochimaru slightly to the right, behind you. You were brought back to reality from that harsh genjutsu. It felt like you were there for years apon years. Kakashi let go of you first then Lord third, Orochimaru held on to you like baby chimp and asked "Are you okay y/n?"

I am evil haha I am going to make you wait for a couple of weeks for the next chapter please comment whether or not I should do a full on lemon and with who.

With Great power: Little reader x OrochimaruWhere stories live. Discover now