Chapter 11: Kakashi and the team

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It's been two days since you joined the Akatsuki.  You have made friends with most of the members except for Konan, she is never around.  You had an argument over what to eat with a older teen named Deidara, (you won).  You gambled with a man named Kakazu. (You almost lost but you won in the end).  You fought Pein. (Tied)  You played rock, paper, scissors with Tobi (you swear he cheated because he won 46 times and you won once).   You broke up an explosion battle between ?Deidara and Tobi. (Deidara almost killing Tobi)   You talked about plants with Zetsu.  You and Hidan talked about how you fight and what type of jutsus you both have used and do use.   You and Sasori just talked but it got awkward.  You ate, sleeped and etc. 
Now it was the day Orochimaru came to the Akatsuki's base.   You jumped out of bed exited that your boyfriend~ was going to be sleeping with you.  (*evil smirk*).  You pulled on your normal black skirt and black top with your black mid calf ninja style shoes with 5 inch heel. You also put on your waist and arm holster just in case. You brushed your hair and put it in it's normal high pony tail with your bangs off to your left side of your face.  You looked in the mirror and smiled. Your long h/c hair was silky and soft as you ran your finger tips through it. You turned and walked to your door and opening as you walked out and closed it locking it in the process. You ran to the kitchen to grab something to eat. You entered the living room/kitchen. You had the biggest grin on your face.  "Why you smiling y/n"   you looked up to see Kakazu.   "No reason"   you walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge door.   You grabbed a chocolate Special K protein shake from the fridge.  You walked to the table and sat down in your spot.   You drank your shake in peace.  Till.... "why you up so early y/n"  you looked to your right and saw Pein.   "..."  you had a sly smile across your face.  "Orochimaru is coming is that it?"   "maybe... aren't you exited when you get new members...Pein"   "*grumble*"   you smirked.   "y/n. I am only exited about new members if they are obedient"   "oh well I guess you don't like me"   "No just don't like how you call me by my name instead of leader."   "To bad"   He rolled his eyes and made his self something to eat. You stood up and went out side.  As you opened the door checking for chakras, two familiar ones showed up. One was a ring but you couldn't place the other one.  You exited and closed the rock behind you.   For once it wasn't raining, it was sprikleing.  You had your normal clothes on plus a black sweater.  You walked into the Rain village.  People stared at you as you walked bye them.  You looked around and saw a dango shop. You took your hood down and walked towards the shop.  As you entered the shop you felt someone watching you. You just shrugged it off and entered, there were tables and benches.  "Hello how may I help you miss?"  A lady said as you walked towards  shop near the lady.   "can I get an order of Dangos and green tea, please"  "sure just take a seat"    You nodded and took a seat. The decorations were all antics but they were nice to look at anyway.   The floors were brown tile, there was a black door to the shop and the rest looked like Ichiraku ramen shop.  Someone entered the shop.   There was an evil but familiar feeling to them.  You turned a bit to get a glimpes of the person, but missed them.  They sat down beside you.   "Hello Y/n... How are you"   You faced them.   You almost  tackled them. "Orochimaru"  You yelled hugging him.   "calm down you'll get me noticed"   "sorry"  you blushed and let him go.   He cupped your left cheek with his hand.  He lend forward and lightly pressed his lips to yours then broke the kiss.  Your blush got really bright.  He smirked his creepy smirk.  That's when you got a good look at him.  He was wearing an Akatsuki cloak and ring.   "So you joined"    "Yes and you" he whispered huskily in your ear.   "I'll tell you later"  you whispered back.  "okay see you at the base"     He stood up and left.   You sighed and waited  for your food.   After your food came you headed back to the base.   You were getting strange looks from people, but you just let it slid.   Until... "Hey new girl" A few young adults said.    You kept walking, ignoring them. A hand was placed on your shoulder. You had just finished your dango and had the stick hanging partly out of your mouth.  "What the hell you want"   "We saw you with an Akatsuki member.  Are you apart of them"   "Why you asking"   you took off your sweater and tied it around your waist.  You made sure both your scars showed.  You were wearing your thigh holster and waist holster.   "Just want to know if your friend or foe"   "Akatsuki friends of yours or are they enemies"    There were 16 of them.   Two females and fourteen males.  Four of the group were teens.   The man you were talking to was about twenty maybe twenty-one, had brown eyes, black hair, and tanned skin (how the hell did he get tanned it's always raining????).  He was slightly taller than you, but nothing you can't handle.  "enemies why you apart of them"   You rolled your eyes them game a sly smirk.   "Enemies, hhmm"   You trailed off hearing an explosion.   You mentally face palmed.   "What's your name"    "that wasn't the question"   "Does it look like I give a flying fuck about the question"   "I..."  you cut him off by saying.  "I have to go break up a fight lets finish this later"  He grabbed your arm and said "are you a friend or foe" You grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him. You then whispered very queitly so only he could hear "depends how you treat me... yes and no I am in the Akatsuki.  Yes I am a member but I am a spy for Konoha (spelling???)  as well.  I will warn you if you snitch I will kill you and it will be painful"  You heard him gulp and you let go of his arm and laughed turning back towards the base. "Remember what I said" and you disappeared. In a flash you were out side the base. You heard another bang.  You opened the enterece to the base.  "Fuck Deidara can you fucking calm the fuck down"   The whole base went queit.  You noticed that there were more chakras then normal.  You looked around and there you saw him.  "Y/n is that you"  Your irises went black and e/c stripes. And your hair turned (if not already) silver.  You smirked and closed the door behind you.   You gave a high pitched whistle and everyone but you and Kakashi past out even Akatsuki members.  Your hair went back to normal but your eyes stayed the same.   "Kakashi I am sorry but Danzō forced m-.."    you never finished because Kakashi's arms wrapped around you.   You were shocked but you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.  "Y/n I was so scared when I heard you left the village on a S-ranked mission right after you had that surgery."   "Hey Kakashi are you going to tell that I am in the Akatsuki?"   "well is it apart of your mission?"   "yes till I am 18 at least"   "I won't, but I am suppost to bring you back."   "don't worry about that help me with moving these people"   You grabbed Hidan by the waist and lifted him to the couch in the living room. Kakashi grabbed his team and put them in a pile.  By then you had only Pein to go. Konan was on a mission same as Sasori, Orochimaru and Kiseme, but 'Tobi' was nowhere to be found.   You picked him up and carried him to his room.  His room was dull all grey and black, the room was also really small. There was only one bed. You shrugged and put him in his bed. You exited closing the door behind you.  "Kakashi"  You walked up to him.  "Y/n can you help me with them sure"   You did a bunch of hand signs and touched all there heads.  "Release"  They woke up.  "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED"   one of them yelled. You hit them in the stomach.  "Shut up you'll wake up the kitties."   They grabbed their stomach and leaned forward.  "Y/n have you heard of not hurting people"    "Nope"  You turned to Kakashi and said "You know I have to or my mission is comprimized."  "Yes, but..."   "But nothing, it's either, I erase there memory or I kill them."   "what do you mean by that there are over twenty of us and only ONE you"   Kakashi backed up,  "Please don't kill them Y/n"   "Can I kill the moron at least"  "No"   "Well aren't you a wet blanket"  "Nevermind just get on with it."    "Fine but stay where you are and plug your ears I have information for you."   He nodded and did so.   "Ok who wants to go first"  you gave a sly smirk.  No one moved, so you just did a bunch of hand signs. Your irises went black and you gave a loud whistle.  Only the moron, you, and kakashi remained standing as their bodies fell to the ground.  You looked at the moron.  "Jutsu kunyetranku (kun-yet-ran-qu  how to say it also made up)" The bodies heads glowed a black light for five seconds.   You then did the hand signs again and said  "Jutsu kunyetranku"  His body fell to the ground. And you smirked turning to Kakashi.  "Where you want them"   " front gates or Hokages office"    "Sure and you training anyone yet"   "yes his name Is Itachi he's an Uchiha"   "cool anyway I am going to erase parts of your memory, but I will let you keep most of it."   "..."  You walked till you were arms length apart from him.  "I need you to tell Lord Third I am on a mission. And give Kiyoshi this scroll to give to Danzō."   He nodded.   "Oh and the next time we meet I want you tell me about Icha Icha, I read the first book but I never got read the second one"  He sweat dropped and said fine.  You did a bunch of hand signs and put a finger to his head and erased everything you needed to in two seconds flat.  "Was there anything you wanted to say"  you said grabing the scroll from a pouch pocket in your waist holster   "not much other than stay safe". He leaned forward and kissed your forehead.  You kissed his cheek and sent him off. You turned around and sent the moron and the other Anbu on there way.  You broke the Jutsu and went to grab something to eat.  You felt drained of energy, but you ran to the living room/ kitchen anyway.  

After you grabbed something to eat you sat down on the loveseat turning, swinging your legs over the edge and closed your eyes.  The place was a mess and there was blood every where. 

A few hours later.

  You heard the enterence open. And lifted your right hand in the air and counted down from three. 3...2...1... "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE"   You broke out laughing.  Someone ran into the Living room.   "Hey kiseme how are you"    You sat up and faced him.   "Y/n what happened?"    " An Anbu attack... I took them all out"   He gapped at you.  "WHAT THE FUCK"  a mad Hidan yelled.   You howled in laughter.   "Y/n what are with your eyes."  "Nothing... but once everyone is conscious my eyes will go back to normal"   "Conscious... what happened y/n"   "yeah bitch what happened" Hidan said entering the room yelling.   "I knocked everyone unconscious and killed the intruders, and put everyone in there rooms"    Hidan and Kiseme looked at you shocked.   "Fuck you carried everyone"   "Yep and what the fuck do you eat Hidan, you and fucking Kakazu were so heavy to fucking carry."    Kiseme broke out laughing.   Hidan stormed out of the room.  You broke out laughing

'Sorry for the short chapter but I would make it longer if my tablet wasn't broken.   I am using my mothers computer so chapters are going to be shorter. Love you all please comment and vote.'

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