Chapter 16: Training and a funny flashback!

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Recap: After a minute or two he was done and he slipped it towards you.  You picked it up and reopened it what you saw almost brought you to tears.....

"Kiyoshi.. I have to kidnap him". You whispered. You scrunched up the papers with his information on it.   "Is it someone you know y/n?  un".    You held back your tears and swallowed the lump that was forming in the middle of your throat.   "You are going to need a new name and you have to have you hair down... I'll supply clothing".      "Are you going to make me a girl. un?".    "No you are... Just meet me out side at 5:30am got it".    He nodded. "Y/n you have been acting not like your self, un".  You rose a brow.  "What I mean by that, un. Is that you aren't acting... I mean your not showing your emotions, un".   "The reason I went into a coma was because of my emotions".     "Yeah I heard that you were very scary from Tobi's view, un.".   "I was trained from ever since I was young to throw my emotions away and to keep them hidden but when I went back to the leaf my emotions slowly came back and then I fell in love..... But anyway I am going to go and train see you bright and early tomorrow".    He nodded.   "So your going back to being an emotionless person un"   You nodded turning to leaveYou felt someone grab your wristKnowing it was Deidara you turned and looked at him.   "You can let out your emotions. un... It's not good to keep them in all the time, un".  You gave a soft smileDeidara smiled back and let go of your wrist.   You left his room.   You were thinking about your weapons and how you could use them.   "Maybe a katana or  maybe a double sided kunai... *sigh*  I'll ask Kiseme."  You mumbled  heading towards his room.  A moment or two later you were in front of  Kiseme's door.  You raised your hand and knocked once.  You were about to knock again but the door opened and someone pulled you in side.  You saw Itachi and Kiseme.   Itachi was wearing his normal ninja gear but Kiseme was in sweats and he was shirtless. You saw a six pack but quickly went to topic when Kiseme asked "what you want y/n"   "Well I was going to ask if you could help me learn how to sword fight, but you look busy so I'll be back later"  you turned around to leave, but yet again someone grabbed your wrist.   You turned around to see Kiseme grabbing your arm.   "I'll help you out. If you just smile, you're starting to worry me Y/n."   You gave him a closed eye'd smile then said "thanks Kiseme, meet you outside in an hour or two?"   Your face dropped back into it's emotionless faze.   You then felt Kiseme let your hand go as you left the room.  You shut the door behind you.   "Why does this have to be so hard"  you mumbled to your self as you slowly walked towards the weapon room.   

With Great power: Little reader x OrochimaruWhere stories live. Discover now