Chapter 19

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After all of you ate you brought some food to Kiyoshi.   He looked like he was freaking out.    "K... Kiyoshi?" You say, but it sounds more like a question then a statement.   "Who's there?"  He asks.   "It's Y/n, I brought you some food". You answer from the other side of the door.  You unlock and open the door.   You quickly close it behind you and lock it.   You set the food on the nearby table.   You look at Kiyoshi with pity and regret in your eyes.   You fall to your knees and place your face in your hands.  "I am so sorry Kiyoshi, it's all my fault that your here."   You say as you start to tear up.   "Y/n is that really you?   Do you know where we are?"  Kiyoshi asks.  You stop crying and nod.  "Where are we, are you a prisoner too?"  Kiyoshi asks.   "We're in one of the Akatsuki hideouts.   And no, I am not a prisoner, I am a member... Of the... Akatsuki"  you say the last part slowly.  Kiyoshi looks up at you from his chains.   "No, you can't be Y/n.   You were on a top secret mission for many years"  Kiyoshi says not believing you.  "Yeah, you want to know what the mission was?"  You ask, but get no reply.   "I was supposed to spy on a team of the members.  But instead I joined them and have been serving them and only them. I regret it, I regret it so much."  You say as tears fall from your eyes.   "I don't believe your really Y/n, my serious, yet fun and charming friend.   You can't be her."  Kiyoshi says still not believing you.   You look up at him and both your eyes meet.  Your (e/c) dull eyes looking into his.   "Kiyoshi it is sadly me.  I am no longer the girl you had once liked.   I am now pathetic and weak.  I am like a slave now.  I have lost practically everything, my dignity, my lover, my life, my career, friends, family.  I have changed so much Kiyoshi."  You whisper feeling chakra nearby.  "Why are you whispering?"  Kiyoshi asks.  "They are coming I can't speak to you anymore. Just answer everything the best you can.  And if they ask you to become a member join, I don't want you to die, please just accept the proposal."  You whisper and quickly stand up.  You grab his food and set it in front of him.  You grab the key and unlock the door.   "Wait Y/n... Where are you going?"  Kiyoshi asks.  "I'm not supposed to be here I am sorry, but I have to go"  you panic.  And take what might be the last look you can of him and exit locking the door behind you.  You grab the key and put it back up on the ring.   You wipe away your tears then smirk.  "Too easy"  you state and dust yourself off.   You then let out a sigh and sit a long the nearby wall.     "I hate my life at points"  you mutter, as you rest your head on your folded arms which are on top of your knees.   "Y/n is that you?"  Someone asks.  You look around to see Hidan.   "Yes Hidan?"  You ask as you look up.   "I am...fu... Sorry"  he says as you stand up.   "For what?"  You ask.   He looks at you and says "this!".   He kisses your cheek then runs away.  You end up blushing.   You cover your cheek with your hand and turn around.  You remember Orochimaru kissing you on your lips and burst into tears.   You lightly punch the ground, feeling weak.   You lean back against the wall with tears streaming down your face.    "Why... Just why"   You cry.   "Why am I so weak..."  You mutter.  You feel someone's chakra beside you.  They place a hand on your shoulder.   "Y/n... Are you alright?"  They ask.   You try to stop crying but can't you shake your head no softly.  They bring you into a hug and you cry into their chest. "Y/n just sleep"   They say calmly.   You keep on crying till you cry yourself asleep.   "Don't worry Y/n, I will always be here for you."  They say, as you finally drift off.

Time skip next morning...

You wake up to being carried bridal style.    You hear birds chirping and flying over head.   Everything sounds so peaceful.   You open your eyes to see Hidan above you.   You close your eyes and lean your head on his chest.  "Hidan be more gentle with her"  someone yells.  "I fucking am being gentle, you old fucker"   Hidan yells.  You smile at that and open your eyes.  You are thinking about all the times you and Hidan would argue or mess around, pranking others or fighting each other.   Then there was last night.   You touch your forehead and erased that memory like it never happened.    "Oh... Um... Y/n"  you hear above you.  You lower your hand and look up at him with a smile.    "Sorry if I fucking woke you up."  Hidan says.  You smile and cuddle into him.    He tenses slightly then relaxes.  "Hey old fucker let's take a fucking break"    Hidan yells.   "Fine only because you are being slowed down"   Kakazu says.   And sees a nearby Boulder.  "Hey old fucker should we tell her?"  Hidan asks setting you down then sitting on the Boulder.   "Not yet, I think leader should tell her not us."  Kakazu says.   "Fine"  Hidan says crossing his arms.   You stand slowly and look at them.  "Tell me what?"  You ask.  Kakazu glares at Hidan.   "Well, Tobi found you passed out near the extra rooms and the medical wing.   That is all we are aloud to tell you."  Kakazu says.  You nod and look up at the morning sky.  It was a crystal blue and the clouds look so soft, they look like comfy pillows.  The sky being the warm blanket and the sun being the alarm to wake everyone up.   'I wonder, if Orochimaru is okay'  you think then clench your fists together.   "Where are we going to be going?"  You ask blankly as you throw away all,of your emotions, but hate and pain.   "To the new headquarters."   Kakazu says.   You nod and stretch a bit.  "Well, why don't we get going then."  You say emotionlessly and place a hand on your hip, looking at them with a blank expression.   Kakazu nods and Hidan looks upset.  "Hey Hidan, start swearing or something, don't need another princess like Deidara in the Akatsuki."  You state.   Kakazu looks at you surprised.   You smirk with a look in your eye that said 'world, you are now fucking screwed'.   Hidan smirks back at you.   You help him up and say "let's get going... Princess".  You let go of him and he yells "hey, I am not a fucking princess like that trans'!!!"   You smirk and start to walk behind Kakazu.    

Time skip...

You, Kakazu and Hidan all make it to the the new headquarters.  You see Kisame.    "Hey Kisame, want to clear some trees?"  You ask.   He looks over at you surprised.   "Sure, let's go"  Kisame says and the two of you head of towards the forest.    The two of you make it there in no time.    You start to knock down trees with Kisame.

Time skip...

After you and Kisame were finished you had trained a bit.  Now you and him were heading back. You stop after feeling Kiyoshi's chakra and chains.  Kisame is looking too.   You run a bit to the next road.    You see the six Peins' including the original.  You hide Kisame and yourself in a nearby bush.  Kiyoshi looks so weak and tired.   He ends up tripping and falling over.  You hold yourself back from charging to go after him.   'Must keep my dignity' you think.  "Y/n isn't that the guy you brought in?"  Kisame whispers.  You nod and stand so does Kisame behind you.    You follow behind them.  "What are we doing?"  Kisame asks.  "We are heading back to the base"  you answer.    He just simply nods.   "Y/n and Kisame what are you doing here?"  Pein asks from behind you.   You turn to face him to have a kunai in your face.   Kisame pulls you behind him and says "me and Y/n were making a few training field spots then we were training, for a while.   We were just..."  You cut Kisame off by saying "we are coming back from training and we just so happened to cross paths, is all."  You say.  Kisame nods.    Pein lowers his kunai and says "sorry, I have just been on edge since Tobi found you."   You nod and turn away from them and start to head back passing by Kiyoshi.   You make eye contact with him.  He looks surprised to see you.   "Hey Girly wait up!!"  Kisame yells.   "Don't call her that!!!!"  Kiyoshi yells at Kisame.  You turn and face Kiyoshi with a blank emotionless expression.  "Kiyoshi, don't speak.  You'll live longer."  You say coldly.   His eyes widen and he bows his head.   You turn as Kisame starts to walk beside you towards the base.

Well wasn't that fun.  Thanks for reading the next and last chapter will be coming out soon.   Comment if you want a sequel to this one!!!!

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