the voices

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Mori thought he was going crazy. He kept hearing the voice of someone singing. Even weirder is it was a girls voice, and not his own. He didn't recognize it, and the song was in a different language. English maybe? Maybe he lost his mind. Maybe he needs to see a doctor. He'd bring it up with his dad later.

Throughout the day, he kept hearing it off and on again, all with different songs. None he knew, all in english. He was able to pick out a few rudimentary words, but that was it really. And it was starting to make him worried. So much so his cousin had noticed. "Takashi, what's wrong?" He asked on the drive back from school.

"I keep hearing some girl singing."

"Like, in your head?" He nods. "Do you know the songs?" A shake. "Are they at least in japanese?" Another shake. "What language then?"


"Weird. I'm assuming you're gonna ask uncle about it?" A nod. "Tell me what happens, okay?"


Later that night, when he told his dad, Akira smiled. "Son, you're not crazy. You just have a soulmate."

"A soulmate?"

"Yeah! Someone who you'll love for the rest of your life. There'll be nobody like her in the world. Perfectly made for you. And despite everything, like social class, and standards, heaven and earth couldn't even move you. When you find, her, invite her to dinner. Me and satoshi, along with your uncle would love to meet her."

"Yes father." With that, he left the room, to find his cousin, sparring with his younger brother. He Quickly beat the 11 year old boy when he saw him, and smiled. 


"I have a soulmate."

"Oh my god, that's awesome takashi!"

"So the quiet one gets a soulmate, huh?" Very quickly the whole family knew, and was congradulating him. But his mind was focused on one thing. 

Your beautiful voice singing within his head.

You were about 12 when you started to hear it. A soft humming every now and then, and you thought someone kept humming. That was, until your parents found out about it, and told you all about soulmates. You had just moved to japan from the states, and was having trouble with your Japanese, but your new friend, haruhi, was good at English, so she was helping you get better. And one day, you decided to tell her. "Hey haruhi?"


"I wanna tell you something, but I need you to keep it secret."

"Oh, okay then?"

"I found out I have a soulmate."

"WHAT?!" You shushed her, and she blushed. "What?!" She said quieter, in perfect English to keep the conversation private. 

"Yeah! that was my reaction! I hear him humming right now!"

"What song."

"I think it's 'bad apple'? Here, I'll hum along." Doing so, she looked at you in awe. She was still in shock over the fact you had something so rare. "You know the song?"

"Yeah, I do. It's just- wow. You have someone like that coming your way. I'm so happy for you!" Now haruhi usually wasn't much of a touchy person, but she hugged you none the less. You were also happy, since you had someone who'd complete you one day, and be able to understand all your weird habits and sense of humor. 

But that day wouldn't be for another three years, when you went to ouran, and met the host club. Even then, it would be a little longer until you put the pieces together. 

The voice (mori x reader soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now