Meeting the club

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"Haruhi!" You said happily, jumping on your best friends back. 

"Gah! Y/N!" She yelled as you hopped down, but bounced all around like you normally did when exited. "You know I don't like when you do that."

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just so exited!" 

"I can tell." You were wearing a simple pair of blue jeans, and a long sleeved blouse, a sweater tied around you waist, your favorite necklace, and a simple pair of earrings. Your chest was bouncing everywhere with each jump. "Stop jumping. The sooner you do that, the sooner we can get there for our first day."

"Right!" Haruhi chuckled. Knowing you for so long, she knew you couldn't help the excitability due to ADHD, but also knew you were medicated so it wasn't as bad as it normally is. She's seen you unmedicated, and it's not a pretty sight. (After three years of knowing one another, you know every little thing there is to know.) 

"So you think you're gonna meet him here?" Hauhi asked, switching to English. You two always discussed your soulmate in English so you'd have a bit more privacy in doing so. 

"I don't know. I hope so. It'd be nice if I did!

"Is he humming?"

"Yeah actually. One of my favorite songs too!

"He must be picking up on it.

"Yeah, he must be." The rest of the walk was silent other than your humming to the song in your head. When you got to the school, you were a little surprised by the color, but didn't say anything as the two of you walked in, still chatting in both English and Japanese, heading to you shared class, and quickly shutting up once inside the classroom. Most eyes were on you two, since well, it's not every day a 'commoner' student got into ouran, let alone two of them. You gulped a little nervously, as you two took seats, and people slowly went back to their conversations, and you relaxed, as you felt less eyes on you. But you couldn't shake the feeling the twins near you were still watching you. 

After a few minutes, you sighed, and turned around to face them. "Can I help you?" They looked surprised. Maybe because you were speaking English when you and haruhi walked into class. Maybe because it was clear you weren't from japan, they thought you didn't speak the language. "You know, it's rude to stare." you told them, before they looked at one another. 

"What's your name?" They asked in unison. 

"None ya."

"None ya? What kind of name is that?"

"A nickname. Short for none ya business." You promptly turned back around, a proud smile on your face that they actually fell for it. It took the twins a moment before they laughed, thinking it was clever. The teacher had to tell them to calm down, as haruhi smiled. 

"You've barely been here five minutes, and you're already sassing people."

"Well maybe I would have actually told them my name if they didn't stare for so long.

The rest of the day passed slowly, with you and haruhi just talking to each other, before looking for a quiet place to study and write. You checked all four libraries, and all were full and noisy. "How can a school have four libraries, and none of them be quiet?"

"I know, right? Don't they get libraries are for reading? Hey what's that?" You said pointing up ahead. Haruhi looked at where you were pointing. 

"Looks like an abandoned music room."

"Let's go then!" 

When you opened the door, there was a bright light, and rose petals, along with several voices. "Welcome." The door closed behind you two, and haruhi backed up against it trying to get out. 

"What is this place?" The blonde in the chair began to explain it. 

"T... This is a host club?!" You tried to contain my laughter at haruhi, but failed. She glared at you. 

"Oh wow, a boy and a girl."

"Hikaru, kaoru, I believe these two are in the same class as you aren't they?"

"Yeah, but they only talk to each other, and usually in English. We can't make out a word they say! Besides, the h/c one does most of the talking. The other ones shy, so we really don't know anything about them." The tall one looked at you, and you smiled. "Besides, the girl sassed us when we asked for her name."

"Damn right I did." You said proudly. 

"Well that wasn't very polite. Welcome to the host club, mr and miss honor students." 

"What? You must be haruhi fujioka, and y/n l/n! You're the exceptional honor students we've heard about!" We tried to leave, but paused. 

"How do you know our names?" Haruhi asked. 

"Well you're infamous, it's not every day a commoner gets into our academy, much less two. You must have an audacious nerve to work your way into our school honor students."

"Umm, thanks?"

"You're welcome! You two are heroes to other poor people you know? You've shown even poor people can excel at an elite private academy." He said with his arm around us. We both shifted away, uncomfortable, and he followed haruhi. "It must be hard for you, constantly looked down upon because of others."

"I think you're taking this 'poor' thing too far."


"Spurred, neglected, but that doesn't matter now, long live the poor! We welcome you poor man to our world of beauty!"

"I'm out of here." You followed, until haruhi got pulled back. 

"Hey, come back here haru-chan! You must be like a super hero or something, that's so cool!" 

"I'm not a hero, I'm an honor student. And who are you calling haru-chan?!" The little boy went crying to the tall guy with black hair. 

"Although I never imagined the famous honor student would be so openly gay."

"Huh?" You laughed.

"So tell me what kind of guys you two are into! The strong silent type? The boy lolita? How about the mischievous type? The cool type, or.." He pulled the two of you close. "How about someone like me? What do you say?"

"Pass." You held your hand up in his face, and pushed him away, making him stumble into a vase, and before any of you could react, the vase shattered. "Well shit." He got up, and everyone looked at you. "What?! He was in my space without my permission!" 

"We were going to feature that renaissance vase at an upcoming school auction!"

"Now you've done it miss none-ya-business! The budding for that vase was supposed to start at 8 million yen!"

"... Oops." 

"Really? That's all you have to say?"

"It was his fat ass that knocked it over. All I did was get him out of my bubble." You said pointing at tamaki. 

"But since you caused it, you've got to pay for it now."

"With what money? Neither one of you can afford school uniforms!"

"What's with that crummy outfit fujioka has on anyways?"

"And that cheap necklace?"

"Hey! For the record this is my favorite necklace!"

"Well what do you think we should do tamaki?"

"There's a famous saying you may have heard l/n. When in Rome, do as the romans. SInce you have no money, you can pay with your body. Which means starting today, you're the host clubs dog." I shrugged. 

"Better than being a whore." 

"What?!" Haruhi screeched. "Can I help with it?"

"Sure. If there's two of you, you can pay it back sooner." First matter of buisness:


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