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Another day, another errand to run for the host club, seeing as we were out of instant coffee, and the twins begged us to go and buy some. We were walking back in silence, which was unusual for me at least, but I had a mild headache, so I didn't feel like humming. Haruhi slipped, and before I could do anything, this random girl in red caught her and, quite literally swept her off her feet. I looked at her in confusion. 

"What the fuck?!" The lady set her down. 

"It'd be a shame for any harm to come to that cute face of your young lady." 

"Huh?" We looked up at her, seeing as she was quite a bit taller than us, and she flipped her bangs. Okay, who does this chick think she is?

She walked with us to our club without another word, until we got there. The hosts were doing a knight theme today, much to mine and kyoyas dismay. We told him to cut back on themes so we could make better quality things, but did he listen? Barely. We haven't had our themes in a month, but authentic knight Armour and swords were expensive. So close after the release of the second book too!

I could see tamaki doing his usual stuff before I could hear it. As we got closer, we heard some girl who the other called 'hinagiku' talk about how men are lowly lifeforms driven by testosterone. Okay, well these girls are fake feminists then. If they think they are doing feminists justice by talking like that, they're dead wrong. Feminism is about equality for all, not us against them!

"Don't you think that's a little harsh? Okay then, what do women like you want to hear?" He asked, seeming both annoyed and curious. 

The woman walking us took me by the arm and spoke. "Maybe something like 'I would never leave my lover alone.'" They turned to look at her, while haruhi backed away slightly. She pulled me in by shoulder. She then moved me around like a rag doll in a drama. "If we fight, it'll be together. If we fail, we fail together. Even if I were to die, I promise I will never leave your side my love." She kissed my hand, and I grimaced. I pulled my hand back and slapped her. 

"Girl, I don't even know your fuckin' name! But if you think I'mma let you go around kissing me as you please, right in front of my boyfriend no less, you have another fuckin thing coming!" I yelled at her. 

"Fisty! I love it. Your passion burns brighter than the sun! Don't worry darling, we'll help you forget about that silly little boyfriend of yours in no time.~" She kissed my cheek, and I just about lost it. I tried to move, but her grip was really strong. I looked at takashi. He shrugged. He didn't know what to do either. I gave him a look that just said 'really?' 

"Benibata! We thought you'd never show."

"What are we going to do with you? So tell us where you found these lovely maidens."

"I just met them outside of the school. One may be dressed as a boy, but I could tell right away. She has such pretty doe eyes." She dipped haruhi while saying this. 

"Uh, thanks I guess?" I tried to walk away, but the girl with long hair grasped my arm, and pulled me in to examine me, rubbing my face and arms. 

"Wow! This one's skin is incredibly soft!"

"This one too!" She rubbed her face against my cheek. "I think these two are going to be little diamonds in the rough!" 

"Stop touching my haruhi without asking my permission!" The girl known as benibata punched him.

"Leave her alone!" I groaned and pushed the girl away from me. 

"She punched me! She's so violent!"

"Get a hold of yourself!"

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