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We were outside again today, and Takashi insisted I sit with him and honey senpai. They were goofing off, and I had to admit, it was quite enjoyable to see. "Now watch as we work together to eat soba!" Takashi got some noodles blindly, while honey opened his mouth. However, the noodles just kept slapping into his face, making me laugh with the other girls. The girls there were also fawning over honey senpai, while I was just giggling from the noodles slapping his face. I heard some yelling, but I didn't look. Takashi was getting closer to actually feeding honey the noodles, and I was having fun watching. 

Apparently, while I was busy laughing with the third years, tamaki managed to kick a ball into someone's head. Now we were up apologizing. "Really, we're terribly sorry about that."

"Don't worry- it's no big deal. Could've happened to anyone, right? Just a ball, flying through a window and hitting me upside the head." He definetly wasn't salty about that. 

"Please, accept our apology." 

"Well, this works out perfectly, I was just thinking about approaching the host club about a cover story. I don't suppose you'd be interested?" 

"I didn't even know we had a newspaper club." Haruhi said. I nodded. 

"It's more gossip rag than newspaper."

"Yeah, like a trashy tabloid. It's filled with stories about scandalous love affairs, family power struggles, junk like that."

"It's just a lame gossip rag that specializes in stirring up scandal."

"And everyone knows it's all lies, so nobody reads it anymore." I picked one up and laughed. The headline was 'third year preying on elementary schooler!' with a blacked-out face of a random third year guy with a elementary school boy. But from what I could see, their hair was very similar, and they had the same beauty mark on their chins. Likely siblings. 

"You know, I guess we have lost sight of the truth because we've been so worried about drawing in more readers. It's a shame we're just now realizing our error, now that the paper is at risk." I rolled my eyes. Classic guilt tripping troupe for the antagonist to lure in the protagonist to ruin or kill them. I looked at Takashi, and he looked done with it too. I think he knew what was going on here, along with honey senpai. In fact, I think everyone but tamaki and haruhi were catching on. "We finally realized what we should have been reporting to the students of ouran." He stood up and bowed. "Help us please. For our last paper of the semester, we'd like to do an up close, special edition revealing the charms of the host club. I'm begging you, without your help, our club will close." I rolled my eyes. Takashi seemed annoyed at this point but was trying to hide it. I had to admit it too, he was doing a damn good job of it. If I didn't know him as well as I do, you wouldn't even notice. 

"You can count on us. On behalf of the host club I accept-"

"We have to decline." Kyoya said butting in and shoving tamaki. 

"But kyoya, he got hurt because of me! What's the big deal?" Tamaki continued to complain as Kyoya talked to the newspaper club. 

"Sorry, but we have a policy prohibiting us from sharing personal information with anyone but our guests. But we'd be more than happy to pay any medical expenses related to your injury."

"And another thing" Kaoru chimed in. "What makes you think we'd want to help you spread more rumors and gossip? We've got a reputation to uphold you know. You'd just ruin it." 

"Besides, you guys cause a lot of trouble for other people. And who'd want to get mixed up with that?" 

"Plus, it's not like you'd portray us correctly at all. People like you bend the truth completely out of proportion. You feed off people's suffering and dragging people down to the dirt to feel you're better than them, when really, you're at a much lower level. When you get down to it, you're nothing but worms beneath our feet." 

The voice (mori x reader soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now