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Haruhi and I showed up late this time, but not because she wanted to study. I was crunching time before my next chapter was due, and in a flurry of creativity, needing to write something. In fact it wasn't until haruhi slammed my laptop down on my fingers that I noticed her. "Haruhi! I need that!" 

"We both need to get to the club. You can write when you get home." I groaned, but nodded, and began to pack up all my notes, and cleaning up my energy drinks. "Jeez, when was the last time you slept?"

"Two days ago, why?" They gave me a stern look, and I rolled my eyes. "Don't even, you aren't much better."

"How many energy drinks have you consumed in the last 24 hours?"

"Five of six I think." They groaned as we began to walk out of the library. 

"Get some sleep tonight. If you don't I will personally have mori force you into bed until you pass out." 

"Think about what you said and say it again."

"I didn't stutter. I know what I said- get your mind out of the gutter!" They smacked me playfully before we arrived. "Hey guys, sorry we're so late, somebody-" She didn't get to finish that sentence. 

"Don't you worry haruhi, we're determined to keep your secret, so nobody will find out you're really a girl at tomorrows physical exams! So please, promise you'll stay our beloved secret princess!" She simply blinked a couple times before responding. 


"You know what, I think both of us would be a little peeved if we had to watch all the guys flirt with her."

"Then that settles it." They pulled out a whiteboard and started arranging a plan on it, while we looked at one another confused. 

"I've got it. You guys are worried that if they find out I'm a girl I can't be a host and therefor can't repay our debt." They started calculating, including the work I did, bringing the total still somewhere in the 5.1 million range. "Well, guess you guys are getting another maid." We both laughed a but, especially since the thought was just funny to me, and what can I say, I'm sleep deprived. 

"Do something, the subject doesn't appear to have any motivation!" Tamaki muttered something I didn't catch. 

"Are you saying that you hate being a host?! That you hate this club?!" 

"To be honest, yeah a little." I replied. "Like don't get me wrong, I love the people, but it gets overwhelming at times. Stay or go, it's all fine with me. As long as I can have space from people every now and then, I don't care." 

"And it's not like you guys are bad or anything, but if it gets out that I'm a girl there's nothing I can do, ya know?" 

"They don't seem to care one way or another."

"Well before we do anything else we have to find a way to motivate haruhi. If she stays, y/n's more likely to stay too." 

"Fancy tuna." I froze and looked at haruhi, before bursting out in giggles, trying so hard to suppress it. 

"Oh that's right, you never got to try it at the ball, did you?" 

"Did you hear that, she's never had fancy tuna before, isn't that awful?"

"Wow, talk about a rough childhood." 

"If only haru-chan could stay in the club, she'd have the opportunity to eat all sorts of yummy things anytime she wants!" 

"What are you guys talking about, don't be silly! Just because I'm poor and never had it, doesn't mean I'm so much of a glutton I'd go on fooling people about my gender just to try some fancy tuna!" They laughed nervously, before giving in. "Will I really get to try it?" I couldn't hold it, I laughed so hard I thought I was going to break a rib. I knew this would happen, but I didn't expect her to give in so easily. 

"What's with her?"

"She's sleep deprived and high off caffeine. Nothing new." 

"That's normal?!" I calmed down. 

"For me, yes. Yes it is." 

The voice (mori x reader soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now