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I had on the same dress from the night of the ball, and a pair of flats this time. Don't get me wrong, I like heels, but they can be a pain in the ass sometimes. It took a little convincing for my brothers to join us, but they eventually caved. Sure, my older brother is almost twenty now, but he still lives at home for the most part. He switched to online classes, so he's home every day now. 

I was doing my makeup light, while my mom was in my room, using my full-length mirror to make sure she looked okay. "Does this make me look fat?" I really had to resist saying something rude. She gave me an opening, and I could have taken it, but I didn't feel like being an ass. 

Turning around, I saw my mom in a teal dress that reached the floor, with white details on it. She had a black sweater over it, and white sandals. Light makeup adorned her face. "You look fine mom, don't worry about it." I told her. I finished my own makeup and put on a necklace. She moved so I could get a better look at myself. I smiled at what I saw. I looked amazing! 

We got into the car, which, as usual for a family of five, was a bit of a tight squeeze. My brothers and father all had on dress pants and polo shirts, and while they could look better, I get not wanting to. I said semi-formal though, so I can't complain. Although I wish my older brother would cut that shaggy hair of his at times. Although, that's just me, I guess. 

It took us a little bit to arrive at the place, and while we were driving, my dad and I were jamming out to old school rock, with little bits of modern punk rock. Edward would join for some of the songs, and my mom would hum with us, while I was singing. My older brother just listened to music in his headphones, while having his own party for one. 

When we got there, he didn't want to take out his headphones, but did so anyways as to not get into a fight with my mom about it. We walked into the restaurant, and I smiled seeing takashi there, along with who I could only assume was his little brother and his father. "Hey!" I went up to him, and hugged him, while he smiled. 

"Hey." I pulled away and gave his family a smile. 

"You two must be his father and brother. It's a pleasure to meet you two." I gave a small bow and his father smiled. 

"And you must be the infamous y/n. Takashi talks a lot about you. Which is really surprising, cause he's a man of few words." That got a chuckle out of me. My father went up to him, and offered his hand to shake, which he took gladly. His brother, Satoshi if I remember correctly, went up to my little brother, and was trying to get him out of his shell. I watched with a small smile on my face, as my baby brother tried to converse, but he was having trouble due to social anxiety. Satoshi was actually really patient with him though. 

Soon enough, we were seated, my parents talking with takashi's father, and my brothers both talking with Satoshi. My brothers weren't as fluent in the language as I was though, so some words were butchered or in English. 

"So, y/n, where's your family from?" His father asked me. My parents were discussing which meal to split. Not for cost reasons, Takashi assured mine multiple times over the phone his family had no problem paying, but because my mom had that surgery that put a ring around her stomach. She was still a good 200 pounds, but she's much better than she used to be. She doesn't eat a whole lot because of the surgery, and when we go out to eat like this, my parents always split meals. 

"We're from Texas actually. We moved to Japan about four years ago now. But as you can probably tell, my brothers aren't as fluent as I am." 

"Oh? And whys that?"

"They're both pretty shy. I was too growing up, but I'm better about it now." I said with a small smile. I really wanted his dad to like me. He didn't seem to care that we were of a different social class though, so that's great! 

"So, I'm going to ask you several questions, and I want you to answer them as truthfully as possible." I nod. "What was your reaction when you found out about soulmates, and that you had one."

"My first thought was, 'Not me! Nope, not doing this! Nope!'" I said this with a small chuckle. He looked at me, confused, and the side conversations died down. 

"Why is that?"

"Well, I found out about having a soulmate at a very dark time in my life. Honestly? I didn't think I'd be good enough for them. I'm still not completely out of the space now four years later, but I'm better than I was before. I know I'm never going to be fully okay, but as long as I can keep going, I'm fine. And now that I've met him, I know he's going to be there for me." I smiled a little bit more genuinely. "And that makes me feel like I'm worth it." I looked up from my lap, and He looked like he was going to cry. 

"You're an honest woman. I like it." He cleared his throat. "Next question; dream job?"

"Author." I replied, without even thinking. "I'm actually at ouran in the first place because of a creative writing contest, that granted me the scholarship I'm on." He nodded. 

"Three things that make you happy?" I had to think about that one. 

"Takashi, writing, and f/a." My mom smiled at that one. 

"Ooh! I've got one!" Satori said. I looked at him. He looks exactly like Takashi, but slightly shorter, and chattier. "What's your favorite way to spend a weekend?"

"Sleeping. It's hard enough to fall asleep, so if I could just sleep all day, it'd be a great weekend. Or playing games with my brothers." 

"Night owl?"

"Yes sir." 

"Favorite music?"

"Tie between punk rock, and pop punk." I said, a little shy about it. 

"She sings those kinds of songs a lot." Takashi said. I chuckled. 

"Yeah, I really do." 

The night was good! I'm pretty sure his family likes me, or at least tolerates me. As I figured, my brothers both ordered chicken dishes, while my parents ordered some sort of scampi, and I got myself f/d. Chatter died down while we ate, but it wasn't awkward. It was pretty comfortable actually. I got permission to use Akira's first name, and he even patted my head. 

I'd say meeting the family went well! 

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