The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch.

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As haruhi was having her first day, I was serving tea and snacks, and enjoying the glances I'd get every now and then, along with the compliments I got from the girls. Some might call me an attention seeker, but I have very low self esteem, so this actually helps me be more confident about myself for real, and not pretending to be confident. I saw haruhi doing absolutely amazing as a host, and I smiled at my best friend. She was telling them about her mother who died, and it seemed to bring the girls to tears, all while making them blush. I don't know how she did it, but she's a natural!

"Why is he so popular?"

"He's a natural."

"No training needed."

"What can I say, my bestie is the best!" I said proudly. 

"Have you forgotten about me?" The red head from yesterday asked. I swear this bitch is stuck up. 

"Oh no, sorry princess, I'm just a little concerned about our newest host." 

"Well that's obvious tamaki. You sure have been keeping an eye on him."

"Of course, I have to. I'm training him to be a gentleman like me." He snapped his fingers, and called haruhi and me over. 

"What's up?"

"Can I help you?" I asked with a smile. It was faked, since I had a feeling he was going to introduce us to the bitch I threatened yesterday. 

"I'd like you to meet someone." I called it. "This is my regular guest, princess iona koji." Haruhi gasped before smiling. 

"Miss it's a pleasure to meet you." I said nothing, and just glared. Tamaki jumped up and spun her around gushing about how cute that was. 

"Mori senpai, help!" I called, trying to get tamaki to stop. I would kick him, but I might hit haruhi. He lifted her up, and seemed to realize something. I chuckled, and smiled genuinely this time. I had to admit, he was really good looking. Not gonna lie, I might be developing a crush. 

"Mori senpai? You really didn't have to go that far. Come on little one, let daddy give you a big hug!" I perked up. What can I say? I like hugs!

"I've already got a dad, I don't need another one."

"I'll take one!"

"Yay!" He wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around a bit, before setting me down. I gave miss inoa a look that said, 'jealous? You should be.' Before I went back to serving treats and tea. 

Later haruhi's bag went missing, and so did my normal clothes, after I saw miss inoa near where we kept them. I took out my phone, and recorded her from a distance, and saw her throw them out a window, while I pretended not to notice. Later, haruhi looked out the window and they were in the pond. "Who would do such a thing?!" Haruhi and I ran down, passing miss inoa, who spoke as we ran past. 

"Oh, it's you two again. I bet you love having tamaki making you over and fawning over you. It's useless though, you'll always be a second class citizen."

"And you'll always be a royal bitch. Don't think I don't know what you're up to. I know where you were, and what you did. One day you'll slip, and I'll be there to laugh at you. Believe me, when you do, your life at ouran will be over. You're not as high and mighty as you think inoa." She scoffed, and went over to me, and looked me in the eyes. 

"Is that so?"

"Just wait and see. You mess with my friends, you mess with me."  

"You have no proof of what I did."

"Do I? You never know. Second class citizens are vindictive. If you don't watch your back, you'll be regretting it soon." With that I walked away. 

"What do you know? You're just a girl who dresses like a tramp."

"Wait and see Inoa. Wait and see." 

Neither one of us could find our wallets, and while normally I wouldn't care, it had my card and ID in it, so I'd like to find it asap. "Hey commoners, you've got some nerve skipping out on club like that... Why is your bag and clothes all wet?"

"Some bitch threw them into the pond. We're trying to find our wallets." He rolled up his pants and sleeves and helped. I found mine after a few more seconds, and stepped out, putting my socks and shoes back on, as haruhi told him he didn't have to help. But low and behold, he was the one who found the wallet. 

As we walked back, I saw that haruhi had that bitch as a customer. I went to grab some tea, and came back to her screaming. "No haruhi leave me alone! Somebody help he just attacked me!" Haruhi was there, stunned. "Someone do something, teach this commoner a lesson!" Water was dumped over them, and I laughed, getting my phone out. I showed tamaki her throwing our things out the window, and he went over to her. "Why did you do that?" 

Tamaki helped her up, and I was ready to attack her for real. "Do something tamaki, haruhi just assaulted me!"

"I'm disappointed in you. You threw his bag and her clothes in the pond."

"You don't know that! Do you have any proof that I did."

"I do." I showed her the entire clip, and she paled. "I told you I'd get you for messing with my friends." I slapped her across the face, hard. "And that's what you get for bullying people." 

"You know, you're a beautiful girl, but you're not nearly classy enough to be our guest my dear. If there's one thing I know, haruhi is not that kind of a man." She ran of crying as I waved. 

"A buh-bye bitch." 

"Now how am I going to punish you two, since it is your fault after all."

"How the hell is it our fault that she was jealous of us?" He ignored me. 

"Your quota is increased to 1,000! Come on, I've got high expectations for you my little rookie." Kyoya handed her a dry uniform. 

"This is all we have. Better than a wet uniform though."


I offered to take the towels to haruhi's changing room, but tamaki refused. I came in just in time to hear him say; "So you're a girl?" I face palmed. 

"This is why I offered to do it." 

"Biologically speaking yeah." Tamaki screamed as haruhi came out. I hugged her. 

"Oh you look so cute in that!"

"Listen senpai, I don't really care if you guys recognize me as a boy or a girl, in my opinion, it's more important for a person to be recognized as who they are rather than what sex they are." 

"Well isn't this an interesting development?"

"Oh yeah." 

"You know, I have to say senpai, you were pretty cool earlier!" Tamaki stopped freaking out and blushed, and I chuckled. 

"Now I could be wrong, but I think we're witnessing the beginnings of love here."

"I believe you're right." I said, heading for another dressing room. 

"Being a host and being fussed over by a bunch of girls might not be so bad. I wonder how I can pull it off? Hmm... I've got it! I'll just refer to everyone as 'dude' and 'bro' from now on." We both laughed, as I changed into my now mostly dry clothes. And once I was done, we headed back to our places, as I sang a song every now and then.

"Hey takashi?" Honey asked his cousin, who hummed in response. "Is she singing again?"

"Yeah." He smiled a little, enjoying the sound of your voice as he hummed along. 

He hoped he could hear it in person soon. 

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