chapter 3- the barn

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We get to the barn door. "You first" Emma says I push on the door. Hearing it creak as it opens. "Holy shit that door got louder" I say we walk into the barn. "Oh my god it hasn't changed since I was last here" she says. We look around for a second "DANIEL YOU IN HERE?" I yell we both listen out for someone. Its silent. There's the sound of the wind hitting the old walls and that's it. "Wanna split up and look around" she says I nod my head and start to climb an old ladder I climb right to the top of the barn which basically had a small attic which Alex turned into a almost bedroom when we went camping. The wind carries on hitting the old walls as I look around the top floor. I find an old briefcase and open it. Inside is a box of condoms and a pair of ladies underwear. "Oh Daniel you dirty bastard" I murmured under my breath. I feel a hand touch my shoulder. I jump up spinning around "bloody hell emma" I say as she starts pissing herself laughing "gotcha alex" she says. I start laughing "I'll get you back don't worry" I tell her. "Find anything??" She says. I laugh "open the briefcase" I say pointing to the briefcase on the floor. "Why?" She asks me. "Cus that's what I was gonna do till you scared me so now you can open it and get scared by some fat spider or something" I say. She laughs. "Empty threats alex" she says

She bends down and opens the suitcase "oh that's fucking disgusting" she says. I burst out laughing. "Knew you'd say that" I say laughing behind her. "Fuck you" she says and pings a condom in my direction. It misses. "You didn't put those there did you?" She asks me. I shake my head "nah I remember Daniel mentioned bringing Cindy here after prom so maybe that's what the case is doing here" i say to her. "Oh yeah I remember him saying something like that" she says. "Oh god, you don't think the....." i'm interrupted by the barn door creaking. We hear the shuffle of feet "shit" I whisper me and Emma duck behind a couple of old hay bales. "DANIEL BABY. YOU HERE" a female voice yells out.we hear more shuffling as they come upstairs she walks past our hiding place but I don't get a good look at her face. She's a petite brunette woman. She goes and looks over near the briefcase. I get up and slowly sneak behind her. I grab her shoulder and she jumps up screaming "HOLY SHIT ALEX" Cindy screams.

Emma jumps out from behind the hay. "Bloody hell you two" she says once she's regained some composure. We laugh "sorry Cindy didn't realise it was you" I say she looks at us dumbfounded "well who else calls Daniel baby and knows about this old barn you donuts' ' she says. She does make a good point. We agreed when we were kids that we wouldn't tell anyone else about this place. It was our secret till Daniel met Cindy. Cindy had the key to Daniel's heart much to the annoyance of Emma who much to the annoyance of me had a thing for Daniel. "So what were the pair of you doing in here then?" Cindy asks. I feel Emma's arm wrap around me "wouldn't you like to know" she teases. Cindy's face screws up in disgust "ew" she says. We both burst out laughing. "So what were you actually doing?" she asks us. We laugh "yeah we were looking for Daniel, '' I tell her. She nods her head "have you checked the farmhouse yet?" she says. We shake our heads "not yet. Wanna help us look around?" i ask her. She nods her head. We head back out of the barn and towards the farm house. The farm house is hidden behind the barn. It was always rather uninviting when we where kids as the windows where broken and bits of the roof had holes in them. I know Daniel once went in there to see what he could find but that was the last we heard of it.

I push the farm door open and it lets out an ear piercing creak. "Should we split up?" Cindy asks. I look at Emma. Emma looks ghost white. "Emma, are you ok?" I ask her. She nods her head. "Ok so Emma and Cindy you guys check the left side of the house and I'll take the right" I say.

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