chapter 14- the farmhouse....... Again

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We're back at where we started last week. Walking through the forest. Me and Emma are sticking close together with Cindy slightly ahead of us. We reach the farmhouse and it looks no different to last week. We walk through the field and when we reach the door for the farmhouse we stop. I drop a duffle bag on the floor. It has a collapsed shotgun and a couple handguns. We agreed I'll take the shotgun. I rack a round into the gun and enter the house first followed closely by Emma. We walk towards the first room on the left. It looks unchanged from last week. We look around for a second before Cindy pulls out a torch. We look behind everything and under everything once we're satisfied we haven't missed anything we move to the next room. I take a second to admire my handy work from the first time before stepping through the door. Again no different to last time we sweep the room with the light and exit it. We then arrive at the last door on the left. Cindy enters first and there's a massive CRACK. The floor gives way from under her she screams. "HOLY SHIT CINDY" Emma yells we rush in being careful to avoid the hole in the floor. We try to see down the hole but its to dark "CINDY" i yell we hear her scream "FUCK" i yell. We look around the room and notice there's a very hollow looking floor section under a cabinet. I point it out to Emma "look at that" i say she looks at where I'm pointing. We rushed over. I pull the cabinet out the way and we stare at a staircase down. "Do you have a light?" I ask her. Emma produces a torch from her jacket pocket. "Okay perfect you stay behind me and shine that torch in front of me" I say. Emma is ghost white. "Alex, I'm scared," she says. I hug her "I promise I'll protect you" I whisper in her ear. I kiss her cheek and some colour returns to her face. I raise the shotgun up pointing into the darkness feeling the stock push into my shoulder. "You ready" I say looking back at Emma she sheepishly nods her head and turns on the torch. We start to slowly descend the stairs plunging us into a pit of darkness that's only pierced by the torch light.

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